- 网络surface current

Surface current in Bohai Bay observed on erts imagery
In vector model , it focused on the surface current mapping and other special vector elements .
Basic Analysis on the Extraction of Near-Surface Current Velocity Based on X-band Radar Study on the component of gill-net catches around the south region of the Yellow Sea in summer
This paper introduces the main float design and experiment of measuring subsurface current by ADCP attached to submersible mooring system , and puts forward the processing methods of setting environmental parameters during deployment ADCP .
The amount of runoff in forest land was lower , and most of itwa surface flow .
The drifter trajectories indicate that the inter-annual variability of the surface path of the Kuroshio is large .
A discussion on relations between southwest monsoon variation and sea surface circulation structure and evolution in Nansha Islands sea area
Study on the component of gill-net catches around the south region of the Yellow Sea in summer Disastrous weather effects on fishing in Qinhuangdao
There is a northward component of current at upper layer and a southward component of current at lower layer , this indicates that there exists transverse circulation .
Some general rules of the sea temperature , surface currents , sea waves , colour , transparency , density and salinity of the water in the Bay of Dairen are given .
Preliminary research on the surface density current of Northwest Pacific Area
A Method of Analyzing the Flow Field of the Sea Surface Mixed Layer of the East China Sea & A Physical Modeling
In Changjiang estuary area , the surface density currents flow southeast mostly , and a cyclone type circulation appears in Hangzhou gulf .
3 , In the estuary region , surface residual current flows outward from the river mouth ; but bottom residual current forms a convergence zone .
A vast amount of satellite tracked drifter data were used to analyse the distributions of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and the upper layer circulation in the shelf area .
Wind tunnel simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer over the sea level and the ocean current within the sea surface layer for a sea oil extracting platform in ABS and API States
The surface currents strength are bigger than the bottom currents .
The volume transport of this northeastward surface current is about 6 × 106m3 / s.
Both the wind dataset and current dataset are helpful to know that local wind control the variability of surface residual current .
Based on historical data and the in situ observational data of multidisciplinary oceanographic expedition to the Nansha Islands sea area , the relations have been discussed between southwest monsoon variation and sea surface circulation structure and evolution in the Nansha Islands .
Numerical experiments reveal that an enhancement of westerly in the south vicinity of Aleutian low significantly increases the Ekman advection consequently cooling the central North Pacific .