
  • 网络primary stage;initial stage;elementary;beginning;elementary stage
  1. 现在,中国仍然处在社会主义的初级阶段。

    At present , China is still on the initial stage of socialism .

  2. 目前三维城市模型已得到一定程度的发展,许多研究者从不同角度对三维城市模型进行了研究,但由于三维GIS理论和技术上的高度复杂性,对其研究整体还处于初级阶段。

    But for the high complexity in both theory and technology of the subject , the research on 3D city scene is still in elementary stage .

  3. 当他在自己身上试验还处在初级阶段的疫苗时,有些人说他的行为是蛮干。

    When he tested an early vaccine on himself , some described the act as foolhardy

  4. 沃伦也承认资本主义发展初级阶段可能会导致社会不平等现象加剧。

    Warren also allows that capitalist development may , in its early stages , result in increased social inequality .

  5. 他们的研究处于初级阶段。

    Their research is only in its infancy .

  6. 不过最近,主管培训师和商务心理学家们开始讨论“动力减退”,这似乎是职业倦怠的初级阶段。

    But recently , executive coaches and business psychologists have started talking about " brownout " , which is a sort of junior sibling .

  7. 全面建设社会主义现代化国家、基本实现社会主义现代化,既是社会主义初级阶段我国发展的要求,也是我国社会主义从初级阶段向更高阶段迈进的要求。

    To achieve development at the primary stage of socialism and advance China 's socialism from the primary stage to a higher one , it is necessary to fully build a modern socialist China and basically realize socialist modernization .

  8. 然而,在我军内,由于Web服务的应用刚刚起步,对于Web服务安全技术的研究还处于初级阶段,至今还未有一个适用于军事信息系统中Web服务安全的解决方案。

    However , there is not any Web Services security solution for military information system yet just because that the application on Web Services and the research on Web Services security technology is on the primary step .

  9. 论初级阶段的社会主义ES流复用成MPEG-2TS流的缓冲区控制策略及实现

    Buffer Controlling Strategy and Software Implementation of Multiplexing Elementary Streams to MPEG-2 Transport Stream

  10. 由于技术保密,与日本等国家相比,目前国内对该型减速器的研究尚处于初级阶段,因此针对FA型针摆传动进行可靠性研究,非常必要。

    Due to technical confidentiality , the domestic research on this type of gear reducer is still in its infancy at present , compared with Japan and other countries .

  11. 利用微藻的光合作用固定CO2是一种既经济又可行的技术,但在高效固定CO2的藻种的筛选工作方面,国内外的研究尚处于初级阶段。

    The technique of biological fixing CO2 by photosynthesis of microalgae is economical and feasible , but the screening work of algal species with high efficiency fixing CO2 is also in the initial stage .

  12. CoApp有一个项目网站项目网站和一个wiki页,目前它还处于初级阶段。

    CoApp has a project website and a wiki and it is in its early phase .

  13. 普利茅斯的生物学家McGeehan,之前做过降解塑料酶的研究,告诫Vague女士,其研究还处在初级阶段,还有许多的测试要做。

    Professor John McGeehan , a biologist at the University of Plymouth , who has done research into plastic-degrading enzymes , warned MsVague 's research was in its early stages and more testing was needed .

  14. 目前对BDD电极的研究尚处于初级阶段,仅报道了各种具有电活性的化合物在裸BDD电极的电化学特性,有关应用BDD电极开发生物传感器的文献尚少,有待进一步开发、研究。

    At present , the investigation of BDD electrode is at a starting phase . References have reported with respect to some chemicals electrochemical activity on bare BDD electrode . But the biosensors based on BDD electrode have rarely developed and need the further investigation .

  15. 地震短期预测的概率方法浅议论初级阶段的社会主义

    Elementary discussion on the probabilistic method of short term earthquake prediction

  16. 正确地理解和把握社会主义初级阶段论

    Correctly Understand and Grasp the Theory of Initial Stage of Socialism

  17. 论社会主义初级阶段的地区发展战略

    On The Regional Developing Strategy At The Primary Stage Of Socialism

  18. 初级阶段市场经济的道德评判

    The moral judgement of market economy in the primary stage

  19. 初级阶段社会主义论的生成条件

    The Producing Factors of the Primary Stage of Socialism Theory

  20. 社会主义初级阶段可以划分为若干个阶段。

    Primary stage of socialism can be divided several phrases .

  21. 市场发育仍处在初级阶段;

    The developing of the market is still in the early stage ;

  22. 运动人体检测是行为理解初级阶段需要解决的问题。

    Human motion detecting is the primary stage of human behaviors recognition .

  23. 我国保险业正处于快速发展时期,但同世界发达国家保险业相比仍然处于初级阶段。

    On Insurance The development of insurance in our country is rapid .

  24. 试论社会主义初级阶段的社会和谐

    On the Social Harmony of the Initial Stage of Socialism

  25. 重构和完善社会主义初级阶段的基本经济形态

    Restructuring and Consummating of the Basic Economic Formation in Socialist Primary Stage

  26. 社会主义初级阶段的质、量、度

    On the Quality , Quantity and Dimension of the Primary Stage of Socialism

  27. 社会主义初级阶段的个人收入分配方式

    The Mode of Distribution of Personal Income at the Primary Stage of Socialism

  28. 关于社会主义初级阶段所有制的几个理论问题&读于光远《中国社会主义初级阶段的经济》一书

    Some Theoretical Issues on the Ownership System in the Primary Stage of Socialism

  29. 寻求社会主义初级阶段医院发展的良性经济循环

    Seek Favourable Economic Circle of Hospital Development in the Primary Stage of Socialism

  30. 论社会主义初级阶段的混合所有制经济

    On the economy of mixed ownership system at the preliminary stage of Socialism