
  • 网络Elementary number theory;elementary theory of numbers
  1. 样条函数在微分方程数值解中的应用Matlab语言在求初等数论函数值的应用

    Application of Matlab language in solving function value of elementary number theory

  2. 论数学思想方法在初等数论中的应用

    The Discussion of Applications of Mathematical Thought Ways in Elementary Number Theory

  3. 运用初等数论的方法,研究了Bernoulli数的性质,并得到了一组包含Bernoulli数的恒等式及其同余式。

    With the use of primary Number Theory , the properties of Bernoulli number are studied , and from which a group of Bernoulli Number-included identities and congruence formula are obtained .

  4. 理论等离子体物理学关于高中新教材《初等数论初步》的教学研究

    Teaching Research on the New Textbook " Preliminary Elementary Number Theory "

  5. 关于小教专业开设《初等数论》课程的思考

    Thinking About Primary Number Theory That Was Offered In Major of Elementary Education

  6. 浅谈初等数论在离散数学教学中的应用

    Application of Elementary Number Theory in Discrete Mathematics

  7. 关于师范院校初等数论课程改革的思考

    Reflections upon the Syllabus Reform of " Elementary Theory of Numbers " for Tertiary Colleges

  8. 通过运用初等数论方法,推导出本原同余数公式。

    The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods of number theory .

  9. 初等数论中的化归思维方法

    Turn thinking methods in elementary number theory

  10. 对《初等数论》课程教学的几点思考

    Thinkings About Primary Number Theory Courses Teaching

  11. 初等数论中蕴涵的数学思想方法

    Mathematical thoughtway in elementary number theory

  12. 选择特殊的数为模的解题方法&初等数论在数学竞赛中的应用之一

    On the Method of Choosing Certain Moduli & An Application of Elementary Number Theory to Mathematical Competitions

  13. 对于师范院校的小教专业开设《初等数论》课程的必要性,教学现状等方面进行了一些探讨。

    The paper discusses the necessity and teaching present condition of the Primary Number Theory in major of elementary education .

  14. 将初等数论中著名的中国剩余定理加以推广,建立了IS-代数上的中国剩余定理。

    The Chinese remainder theorem in IS-algebras which is a generalization of the Chinese remainder theorem in elementary number theory is constructed .

  15. 基于初等数论中的一些基本定理,本程序利用概率算法,快速判定一个大数是否为素数。

    Based on some basic theorems in theory of numbers this program takes advantage of probabilistic algorithm to test a large number for primality .

  16. 算术基本定理是初等数论中一条非常基本和重要的定理,它所体现的唯一因子分解的思想,在现代交换环理论中起着非常重要的作用。

    The fundamental theorem of arithmetic is an important and basic theorem of theory of number and plays an important role in modern commutative ring theory .

  17. 初等数论是研究数的规律,及整数性质的数学分支,它是数论的一个最古老的分支。

    Elementary number theory is a branch doing research into the rule of number and the nature of integer in mathematics , one of the ancient braches of number theory .

  18. 在提出定理内容后,利用初等数论的基础知识,将定理的证明过程完整地展现在论文中。

    The proposed , using the theorem of the content elementary theory of number after basic knowledge , will complete the proof process theorem of the show in the thesis .

  19. 自我国2003年颁布《高中数学课程标准》后,其中专题《初等数论初步》是首次被引入高中课程。

    The special subject of Preliminary Elementary Number Theory was first introduced into senior high school courses since the publishing of Course Standards of Senior High School Mathematics in 2003 .

  20. 本文通过初等数论知识和关联矩阵的定义给出一类对称设计的设计方案,从而得到素数阶射影平面的一种构造法。

    In this paper , the scheme of a kind of block design ( V , K , I ) was given with aid of definition of elementary number theory and implicative matrix , again , a construction of projective plane of prime number order was obtained .

  21. 本文借助构造矩阵和施行初等变换,为初等数论中以下三个问题提供了简便实用的解法:最大公因数及其倍数和、不定方程,一次同余式组。

    With the help of constructing matrix and applying elementary transfor-mation , this paper gives the simple and useful solution of the following three prob-lems in elementary number theory : greatest common factor and its times sum , in-definite equation , linear congruence expression series .

  22. 利用初等方法研究了在初等数论中经常碰到的m边形数列的性质,同时给出了它们的一些组合恒等式。

    This essay studies some properties of M-side polygon sequences which often exist in elementary number theory and their combinational identity with the elementary method .