
  • 网络the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
  1. 算术基本定理历史探析

    An Investigation of History of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

  2. 算术基本定理是初等数论中一条非常基本和重要的定理,它所体现的唯一因子分解的思想,在现代交换环理论中起着非常重要的作用。

    The fundamental theorem of arithmetic is an important and basic theorem of theory of number and plays an important role in modern commutative ring theory .

  3. 对一些d,其Q′(d)是Euclid域,二次代数整数环中算术基本定理成立。

    For somed , Q ′( d ) is an Euclid area , And arithmetical fundamental theorem is carried out over the rings of quadratic integers .

  4. 本文考察了算术基本定理从起源到成为数论中一条基本定理的历史发展过程,并对各主要阶段其提出者的思想动机进行了分析。

    In this article the author investigates the history of he fundamental theorem of arithmetic from its origin to being a basic theorem and analyzes its creators , motives .