
suàn shù
  • arithmetic;sums;figure;arithmetic figure
算术 [suàn shù]
  • (1) [arithmetic]

  • (2) 数学的一个分支,从事研究实数的性质,以及它们之间的相互关系和运算规则(主要包括加、减、乘、除)

  • (3) 算术的运用

  • 你的算术相当差

  • (4) [sums]∶尤指作为学校的一门课程

  • 在教育上,唱歌和算术、拼法或写作课一样都非常重要

算术[suàn shù]
  1. 他不太擅长算术。

    He 's not very good at arithmetic .

  2. 他们将集中教授阅读、写作和算术基础知识。

    They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading , writing and arithmetic

  3. 我上学时擅长算术。

    I was good at sums at school .

  4. 你的算术好吗?

    Are you any good at figures ?

  5. 我不会做这道算术题。

    I can 't do this sum .

  6. 这份工作不适合不擅长算术的人。

    It 's not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers

  7. 孩子数学成绩差也与父母算术不好密切相关。

    There was also a strong link between children 's low maths scores and parents ' numeracy problems .

  8. 那所学校侧重算术和阅读。

    That school puts particular emphasis on arithmetic and reading .

  9. 他教算术有诀窍。

    He has a knack of teaching arithmetic .

  10. 他擅长算术。

    He is good at arithmetic .

  11. 在七年级前我们学习算术的基础知识。

    We learn the elements of arithmetic before the7th grade .

  12. 他在算术方面很聪明。

    He was clever at arithmetic .

  13. 每次我用心做算术题时,我的脑子就木了。

    I get a mental block every time I try to do sums in my head .

  14. 不是像算术这样的技能,毕竟机器在这方面已经很擅长了。

    It can 't be skills like arithmetic , which machines already excel in .

  15. 他是对的,算术是一回事,而逻辑是另一回事。

    He is right . Arithmatic is one thing , but logic is another .

  16. 一天,来了一个国都东郊的乡下人,声称自己有念九九算术口诀的才能,要求拜见齐桓公。

    One day , a villager from the eastern suburb of the capital wished to have an audience with Huan Gong , claiming that he had the ability to recite the multiplication4 table .

  17. 小麦克说:“老师,你懂算术,但你不了解羊。英语小故事我知道,若是有一只羊跳了出去,其余的就会跟着她跳出去。”

    Little Mac said : " You know arithmetic , teacher , but you don 't know sheep . I know that if one sheep jumped , the rest will follow it to do the same . "

  18. 齐桓公听完报告,觉得很可笑,派传令官告诉乡下人:“难道你凭会念九九算术口诀,就想来见国王吗?”乡下人回答说:

    When Huan Gong heard of this , he thought it was very funny and sent an officer to tell the villager : " How could you hope to see the King just because you can recite the multiplication table ? "

  19. 这时我却又记起,我只学过地理、历史、算术和语法,就有点不大高兴地对小家伙说我不会画画。

    But then I remembered how my studies had been concentrated on geography , history , arithmetic , and grammar , and I told the little chap ( a little crossly , too ) that I did not know how to draw .

  20. 大人们劝我把这些画着开着肚皮的,或闭上肚皮的蟒蛇的图画放在一边,还是把兴趣放在地理、历史、算术、语法上。

    The grown-ups ' response , this time , was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors , whether from the inside or the outside , and devote myself instead to geography , history , arithmetic and grammar .

  21. C语言中逻辑值的算术运算

    The Arithmetic Operation of Logical Value in C Language

  22. 一类(k,d)-算术图

    A Class of ( k , d ) Arithmetic Graph

  23. 对于剩余矩阵R的编码,通过统计的方法,采用了算术编码。

    The rest matrixes R coding adopts the math coding though statistics methods .

  24. 在圆域算术的基础上,引入了圆域B样条曲线的概念,并讨论了它的一些基本性质。

    Based on the disk arithmetic , we proposed disk B-spline curves , and discussed their some properties .

  25. 关于表整数为算术数列中k个素数的乘积

    On the integer represented as the product of k prime numbers in arithmetic progression

  26. JPEG2000自适应算术编码器FPGA设计

    FPGA Design of Adaptive Arithmetic Encoder for JPEG 2000

  27. 用电流型CMOS电路实现三值算术电路

    Realization of Ternary Arithmetic Circuits by Using Current-Mode CMOS Circuits

  28. 小波变换和算术编码在MPEG-4中的应用

    Application of wavelet transform and arithmetic coding in MPEG - 4

  29. 本文以反向算术压缩为基本压缩算法,提出针对XML数据库中压缩XML文件的索引结构ArithBi~+。

    We propose an XmL index structure , Arith - Bi ~ + , on compressed data which is result from revert arithmetic compression .

  30. 第五章分析了DSP的架构,并对算术逻辑单元和乘/累加器进行了验证与综合,然后在乘/累加器性能比较的基础上证明了本方案中DSP的优越性。

    Chapter 4 analyzed the architecture of the master processor and did the verification and synthesis work to its sub module .