
suàn fǎ yōu huà
  • algorithm optimization
  1. 基于DSP和FPGA的视频编码器协同设计与算法优化实现

    Hardware Design and Algorithm Optimization of Video Encoder Based on DSP and FPGA Techniques

  2. 一种在定点DSP上实现MP3实时编码的算法优化设计

    The algorithm optimization design of MP3 encoding based on fixed-point DSP

  3. 算法优化了宏块帧间模式选择算法的流程

    The algorithm optimizes the flow of inter mode of macro-block decision algorithm .

  4. 然后,再运用BP算法优化模糊神经网络的连接权系数。

    Finally , the back propagation algorithm was used to optimize the connection coefficients of fuzzy neural network .

  5. 基于Prony与遗传算法优化的PID励磁附加控制器

    Additional PID excitation control based on Prony and Genetic Algorithm

  6. 用遗传算法优化BP神经网络的关键有三点:1、染色体位串与权系数的编码映射;

    There are three key technologies for the optimization : 1 , chromosome spaces string is shined upon the weight coefficient ;

  7. 用量子行为的微粒群算法优化SVM子问题,解决二次规划的优化问题。

    Then optimize sub problems of support vector machines with Quantum-behaved Particle Swarms Optimization , solve quadratic programming problem .

  8. 利用异或问题进行仿真实验,测试结果表明改进粒子群算法优化BP神经网络有效。

    Simulating the experiments by using XOR problem , the test results verify the correctness of the improved particle swarm optimization BP neural network .

  9. 根据交流伺服系统高精度、快响应的要求,设计了一种应用于交流伺服系统的基于适应性遗传算法优化的交流伺服系统模糊PID控制器。

    Considering the requirement of high performance of AC servo system , this paper design such a system with a Fuzzy-PID controller based on AGA optimization .

  10. 利用遗传算法优化BP网络的权值,既克服了单一BP神经网络存在的过拟合问题,又解决了单一遗传算法的收敛性差的问题。

    It not only avoids the over-fitting of single BP-ANN , but also improves the astringency of single GA , by using GA to optimize the weight of BP network .

  11. 针对CMOSRF平面螺旋电感的物理模型,提出了一种使用遗传算法优化电感设计参数的优化技术。

    An efficient optimization technique for CMOS RF planar spiral inductor is presented on the basis of the physical model of an inductor as well as the genetic algorithm .

  12. 采用遗传算法优化的RBF神经网络对短时交通量进行预测,证明了GA-RBF神经网络预测的有效性和可行性。

    Using genetic algorithm optimization of the RBF neural network to predicted short-term traffic to prove that the GA-RBF neural network to predict the effectiveness and feasibility .

  13. 首次采用遗传算法优化投影方向,用正交Hermite多项式拟合岭函数,给出了参数投影寻踪回归新方法及其实现算法。

    Genetic algorithm is firstly used to optimize projection direction of projection pursuit regression . Based on orthogonal Hermite polynomials , parametric projection pursuit regression is offered , which is applied in middle-or-long term prediction of runoff .

  14. 基于小生境技术,根据Pareto最优性理论,在MATLAB中编制多目标遗传算法优化程序,成功地实现了结构最优化设计,获得了高频轻质的结构。

    Based on the technique of niche , with the optimum theory of Pareto , and by the software of MATLAB , the multi-objective optimization program of Genetic Algorithms was developed to search for the optimum design , which was low in weight and high in frequencies .

  15. 对脉冲产生型DDS中输出信号的过冲和振铃进行了讨论,提出了用遗传算法优化脉冲波形以减少过冲和振铃的方法,并用计算机仿真结果进行证明。

    This paper discusses the overshooting and ringing in the output signals in pulse-generating DDS , puts forward the methods to optimize pulse waveforms with the help of genetic algorithm so as to reduce overshooting and ringing , and demonstrates the methods with computer simulation .

  16. 应用遗传算法优化设计热管式余热锅炉

    Optimization Design of Heat Pipe Waste Heat Boiler With Genetic Algorithm

  17. 应用免疫遗传算法优化设计层合板铺层顺序

    Stacking sequence optimization of composite laminate applying genetic algorithm of immunity

  18. 利用遗传算法优化复垦土地结构

    Optimum Design of Reclamation Land Structure Based on Genetic Algorithm

  19. 前馈逆传播算法优化及其在岩土工程中的应用

    Optimization of BP Arithmetic and Its Application in Geotechnical Engineering

  20. 特种光谱选择性涂层的遗传算法优化设计

    Computational design of special spectral selectivity coatings for a smart radiation device

  21. 采用免疫算法优化设计汽车主动悬架的模糊控制器

    Optimization of Fuzzy Controller for Automobile Active-suspension with Immune Algorithm

  22. 非线性模拟移动床色谱的浮点编码遗传算法优化策略

    Optimization of nonline simulated moving bed chromatography with real coded genetic algorithms

  23. 利用遗传算法优化透明质酸发酵培养基

    Medium optimization for production of hyaluronic acid using genetic algorithms

  24. 蚁群改进算法优化给水管网神经网络宏观模型

    Ant algorithm based optimization of neural network model of water distribution system

  25. 混合递阶遗传算法优化小波神经网络的研究

    Wavelet neural network optimization based on hybrid hierarchy genetic algorithm

  26. 催化裂化分馏塔多目标遗传算法优化

    Catalyzing & cracking fractionating tower multi-objective genetic algorithm optimization

  27. 用多种群遗传算法优化结构振动模糊控制器

    Optimization of Fuzzy Controller for Structural Vibration Control Based on Multi-population Genetic Algorithm

  28. 用遗传算法优化钢截面探讨

    Discussion of optimizing steel cross section with genetic algorithm

  29. 采用遗传算法优化了阈值的求取。

    Genetic algorithm is used to optimize threshold value .

  30. 面向体系结构的串匹配算法优化研究

    Optimization of String Matching Algorithm Based on Computer Architecture