
suàn pan
  • abacus;thinking;counting frame
算盘 [suàn pán]
  • (1) [abacus]∶中国使用的一种计算用具,一木框中嵌有细杆,杆上串有算盘珠,算盘珠可沿细杆上下拨动,通过用手拨动算盘珠来完成算术运算

  • 她们那快乐的心里便时时闪过了这样的算盘:夹衣和夏衣都在当铺里,这可先得赎出来;过端阳节也许可以吃一条黄鱼。--《春蚕》

  • (2) [thinking]∶比喻计划,打算

  • 如意算盘

算盘[suàn pan]
  1. 这一类型中最简单的实例就是世界各地自古以来使用算盘。

    The simplest example of this type is the abacus , which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times .

  2. 在Unesco非物质文化遗产名录上,中国已取得的收获包括:使用算盘进行数学教学(2013年),皮影戏(2011年),针灸艾灸疗法(2010年)以及雕版印刷(2009年)。

    China has had luck with other intangibles on the Unesco list : using the abacus for mathematical calculations ( 2013 ), shadow puppetry ( 2011 ), acupuncture and moxibustion ( 2010 ) and block printing ( 2009 ) .

  3. 在安全措施上抠手抠脚可能会打错算盘。

    Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy

  4. 他老打个人小算盘。

    He is always calculating .

  5. 他这个人总是打错算盘。

    He always miscalculates .

  6. 他满口答应了这件事,是有他自己的算盘的。

    In agreeing so readily , he had an axe to grind .

  7. 一个人在算盘时常常愚蠢而盲目,你紧紧追求幸福,自以为一定能获得至宝,可归根结底一算,却和这个乌鸦一样,成了别人的羹汤。

    As blind , as foolish often do human reckonings show . You 're close on Fortune 's heels ; you think you 'll catch the jade , And when the last accounts are made , you 're in the soup , just like our crow .

  8. 这肯定是在为那次世代MMO打的算盘。

    It is the culprit of the Next-Gen MMO no doubt .

  9. 高盛告诉投资者组成CDO的合成证券阿巴卡斯(译注:ABACUS,也有媒体称其为算盘)是由独立的“抵押品管理人”ACA公司挑选的。

    It told investors that the securities bundled together to form the CDO , known as ABACUS , had been selected by an independent " collateral manager ", ACA .

  10. 2007年,英国《独立报》评选出10l款改变世界的小发明,排在第一位是有近2000年历史的中国算盘。

    In 2007 , the British newspaper The Independent listed 101 small inven-tions that changed the world , among which , the Chinese abacus which has enjoyed a history of 2000 years or so , ranked the first .

  11. 这种木板就类似于我们所熟悉的装有可移动算子的算盘。abacus第一次被使用是在一本1387年以前用中古英语写成的作品中,指阿拉伯人使用的沙板算盘。

    This board is a relative of the abacus with movable counters strung on rods that is familiar to us.The first use of the wordabacus , recorded in Middle English in a work written before 1387 , refers to a sand-board abacus , in this case ,

  12. AlexBochannek:“一些最古老的物品实际上并不是计算机,而是帮助人们计算的一些设备。走进展览,人们看到的第一件物品是19世纪的一个算盘。因为算盘每天都使用,而且是用木头制作的,所以保存下来的很少。”

    ALEX BOCHANNEK : " Some of the oldest items are actually not computers . They are devices that helped people . And the first object people see walking into the exhibit is an abacus from the eighteen hundreds . Because the abacus is a daily-use device made from wood , few of them have survived . "

  13. 那位职员用算盘将上周的花销计算出来。

    The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus .

  14. 算盘&中国古代第五大发明

    Abacus & The ' Fifth Great Invention ' of Ancient China

  15. 黑板的另一角斜靠着一个算盘。

    From the opposite corner of the blackboard leans an abacus .

  16. 马克:我就知道你心里在打着小算盘!

    Mark : I knew you had something up your sleeve !

  17. “他这个小算盘倒是打得不错嘛!”

    " And did n 't his little scheme work well !"

  18. 算筹、算盘与计算机

    Counting Rod , Abacus and Computer Technology of micro - rod machining

  19. 它是非常重要的工程专家证人做手算盘。

    It is very important that engineering expert witnesses do hand calculations .

  20. 您将会非常喜欢学习如何使用算盘。

    You will have a fun time learning to play the abacus .

  21. 分析人士已经开始拨弄算盘。

    Analysts have already started to fiddle with the numbers .

  22. 算盘,一种铁丝上穿着珠子的小器具。

    The abacus , a gadget with beads on wires .

  23. 算盘是中国古代一项伟大的发明。

    The abacus was a great invention in ancient China .

  24. 你的算盘太小,也打错了。

    Your thinking is too small , also miscalculated the .

  25. 算盘是现代电脑的原型。

    The abacus is the ancestor of the modern computer .

  26. 全镇人早都知道你的如意小算盘是怎么打的。

    All the people in your village know it too .

  27. 他永远不会成为她算盘中的一枚珠子。

    He could never be a factor in her calculations .

  28. 这使得美国在亚洲的安全算盘要难打得多。

    This makes all US security calculations in Asia much more difficult .

  29. 我非常肯定他在有自己的小算盘

    it 's pretty obvious he 's up to something .

  30. 算盘运算又快又准确,以至于现在人们仍然在使用它。

    Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today .