
  1. 在使用VIPS算法对新闻网页分块的基础上,我们抽取新闻标题块的视觉特征和部分内容特征,构造了一个标题块数据的流形空间。

    We first segment a news page into various blocks using VIPS algorithm and extract visual features and content features of the block . The title block dwells on a manifold in the resulted feature space .

  2. 提出一种基于聚类算法的新闻视频播音员镜头探测方法。

    A new method based on clustering algorithm is presented to detect anchorperson shot in news video .

  3. 然后,采用最大字符串匹配算法获取新闻标题,并进一步定位新闻主题内容。

    And then the maximum string matching algorithm is used to find the news ' headline which is important to roughly position the subject content of the news .

  4. 实验表明,该算法在视频新闻结构化中可以得到较好的应用。

    Structure used to index and explorer the video news is established . Experiment shows this algorithm works well for video news indexing .

  5. 最后,系统进行测试,实验结果表明,使用本论文视频摘要算法生成的新闻视频具有良好的压缩率和内容涵盖率。

    Experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed approach with summary compression ratio and content coverage . The experimental results have verified that meaningful news video summaries will be generated .

  6. 为了满足实际应用的需求,本文基于新闻网页的中文作者识别机制以及其他算法开发了新闻网页的作者、来源抽取组件。

    In order to meet the needs of practical application , this web-based news and other Chinese authors identify the mechanism of the news pages of algorithm development , author , source , extraction components .

  7. 其次,运用本文算法提取的新闻视频摘要在内容上可以很好的概括每段小新闻的主要思想并且提取的关键帧个数比较合理。

    Secondly , the video summary of the news video which is extracted by the proposed algorithm can summarize each section of the video primely , and the number of the extracted key frames is quite reasonable .

  8. 韦伯过去也是名记者,她曾供职于美国《新闻周刊》和《华尔街日报》。她说,未来新闻媒体可利用算法自动撰写新闻,并可在无人工干预的情况下发布到网络上。

    Webb , a former journalist at Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal , said the next culprit will be algorithms that allow news outlets to automatically create stories and place them on websites without human interaction .

  9. 实验证明,本文提出的聚类算法可以有效降低新闻标题分布的稀疏性和表示维度,所得到的聚类中心可以很好的表示数据集中的新闻话题。

    Experiments show that our clustering method can reduce the dimensionality and the sparsity of the headline data dramatically , and the cluster centers are descriptive for topic presentation .

  10. 该模型能从新闻报道流中检测出新闻话题,并对新闻话题中的命名实体等要素进行分析,使算法能够充分利用新闻信息,实现高效的新闻话题识别和个性化服务。

    The model uses the topic detection technology to detect news topics from the news stream , and analyzes related topic elements like named entities , the clustering algorithm can adapt the features of news information , and get the better detection results and personalized service .