
  • 网络Usenet;NetNews;NEWS;net news;NNTP
  1. 那么我们就要思考是否网络新闻的上述特点致使网络新闻语篇不带有某种意识形态了呢,CDA理论能否帮助网络新闻读者培养起自己的批评性语言意识呢。

    Then we wonder whether the characteristics of Netnews will make it free from the influence of the ideology and whether the CDA theories can help to cultivate the critical awareness of language for the Netnews readers .

  2. 网络新闻评论是指在网络媒体上发表的,就当前新闻事件或事态发表的评价性意见。

    Comment of Netnews is appraisal idea about current news on web .

  3. 基于Web的网络新闻个性化内容服务研究

    Study of Personalized Net News Service on Web

  4. 网络新闻传播中Flash幻灯的传播优势

    Communication Advantage of Flash Slide in Journalism and Communication of Online News

  5. 基于WWW网络新闻邮件系统的开发

    The Development of WWW Based Network News E-Mail System

  6. 网络新闻邮件系统是基于WWW的客户机/服务器应用系统。

    The System of Network News E-Mail is WWW based on client / server application system .

  7. 网络新闻信息的自动采集对于新闻网页的自动分类、自动摘要、敏感信息监测以及Web挖掘等应用十分重要。

    Regarding the applications of the news-page such as automatic classification , automatic abstract , sensitive information monitor as well as web data mining and so on , gathering news information from Internet automatically is very important .

  8. 政府网络新闻发言人进驻SNS网站,可以更好地发挥政府公关、信息聚合、透明行政等行政功能。

    Network news spokesman moving into SNS has administration function of Government Relations , Syndication and Transparent administration etc.

  9. 其他spider会使用网络新闻传输协议(NNTP)对新闻组进行遍历,或者寻找RSS(ReallySimpleSyndication)提要中有趣的新条目。

    Other spiders scour newsgroups with the Network News Transfer Protocol ( NNTP ) or look for interesting news items in Really Simple Syndication ( RSS ) feeds .

  10. 网络新闻评论的内涵很广,它包括网络时评、BBS、论坛、新闻跟帖等。

    Netnews comment has rich connotation , which includes netnews review , BBS , net forum , news notes , etc. .

  11. 作为一种PUSH技术的代表,RSS技术在网络新闻、电子商务、BLOG、电子出版等多个领域得到了迅速发展,本文旨在研究这种技术在图书馆网络信息服务中的应用。

    As a kind " PUSH " technical representative , RSS technology was developed rapidly in the fields of Net News , electronic commerce , BLOG , the electronic publication and so on .

  12. 由于Web服务架构的技术开放性、跨平台性和良好交互性,可以弥补传统个性化网络新闻服务系统的不足,因此本文的研究就是作为基于Web服务架构的个性化新闻服务展开的。

    Because Web services architecture has the quality of open , flat free and well interaction , so it could make up the shortage of traditional news service . The research of this paper is carried out around the personalized service based on Web services architecture .

  13. 在网络新闻的政治性语篇领域CDA理论有助于培养读者的批评性语言意识从而提高阅读技能,增强对网络新闻语篇的反控制力。

    In the political Netnews , CDA theories can help the readers to cultivate the critical awareness of language , thereby strengthening their ability of reading comprehension and anti-controlling .

  14. 其中大部分不是来自网络新闻,而是来自类似新闻的视频内容,由英特尔与ATT等公司出钱。

    A vast majority comes not from online news content but from videos created to resemble news content , paid for by companies like Intel and ATT.

  15. 总统接受了包括CNN在内的6个网络新闻节目的采访,他向美国民众发表演讲,讲述他对叙利亚采取军事行动的要求,并称他持怀疑态度。

    While the president appearing on a half dozen network news programs including CNN , had this planned speech to American people about his requested possible military action against Syria also said it remains skeptical .

  16. 美国网络新闻媒体&美国国家公共电台NPR报道称,方便面由面粉经棕榈油炸制而成,它的油脂再加上汤,容易让人有持久的饱腹感。

    According to the NPR , a US-based online news outlet , the fat in instant noodles , which are made with wheat flour fried in palm oil , combined with the soup , keeps one feeling full for longer .

  17. 渔业专业网站网络新闻信息源的开发和利用

    Development and Utilization of Internet News Information Sources on Fisheries Website

  18. 各国对有关网络新闻的立法也均有不同程度的发展。

    States on internet news legislation have different levels of development .

  19. 日语网络新闻的语言表达有其自身的魅力。

    The language of Japanese network news has its own charm .

  20. 论网络新闻的舆论特征及舆论导向

    On the Characteristics and Guidance of Public Opinion of Network News

  21. 应当重视制作网络新闻标题

    Making News Titles on the Web Should Be Taken into Account

  22. 我国网络新闻伦理建设的理论与实践探析

    Review on Theory & Practice about China 's Internet Journalistic Ethics

  23. 网络新闻的迅速发展,对传统媒介带来了前所未有的挑战。

    Tentative views on features of internet news and its developmental trend ;

  24. 创造基于网络新闻和时事的大学英语课堂教学

    To create a college English lesson based on Internet news

  25. 第五部分:网络新闻编辑现状。

    Chapter five , the actuality of Internet News Editor .

  26. 中文医学期刊网站中发布专业网络新闻的探讨

    Attempt to issue netnews of medicine in Chinese medical sci-tech journal websites

  27. 第二部分:网络新闻编辑的概念。

    Chapter two : the conception of Internet News Editor .

  28. 网络新闻标题与服务功能两者之间是相辅相成的关系。

    The network news title and the service function supplement each other .

  29. 网络新闻价值取向的变化及其影响

    Changes of the Value Orientation of the Internet News and Their Influences

  30. 网络新闻数据可视化采集系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of the Visible Gathering System of Net News Data