
  • online game;network game;Online;DNF
  1. 该公司还在努力推动建设新的发布渠道:已于本周宣布,将与中国网络电视台(ChinaNetworkTelevision)成立一家合资企业,创建一条网游视频渠道。

    The company is also working on new distribution channels , announcing this week a joint venture with China Network Television to establish an online game video channel .

  2. 从而大大提高网游服务器的数据广播能力,降低通信延迟。

    Greatly enhance the data broadcasting ability of online game servers , reduce communication delays .

  3. 玩网游已经成为逃避现实的一种方式。

    Playing online games has become an escape from reality .

  4. 晚上12点到早上8点之间,他们不能玩网游。

    They will not be able to play online games between 12:00 at night and 8:00 in the morning .

  5. 网络漫画的风靡已经引起了整个娱乐界的关注,评价很高的一些网络漫画已经被成功改编成了电视剧、电影、网游,甚至音乐剧。

    Their popularity has drawn5 the attention of the wider entertainment industry , and top-rated webtoons have been successfully adapted into TV dramas , films , online games - even musicals .

  6. 每天看英语电影写英语日记玩美国小P孩的网游。

    Seeing English movies , keeping diary written in English , playing the U.S.small P child 's online games .

  7. 游戏简介:《反恐行动》是一款由金山软件自主研发和维护运营的3D主视角射击休闲网游。

    About the game : " anti-terrorist operation " is a software developed by Kingsoft operation and maintenance of the main perspective3D shooting Game leisure .

  8. 您是来自美国哪里的?玩网游的时间有多长了呢?您是怎么了解到RF这个游戏的呢?

    Where do you came from ? How long did you play OnlineGame ? How did you know the RF Online ?

  9. 文章的中心是如何起步开发你自己的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(原文:MassiveMultiplayerOnlineRolePlayingGames)(MMORPG)(译者注:俗称:网络游戏,网游)。

    This article will focus on the first steps in building your own Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games ( MMORPG ) .

  10. 现今主流的网络游戏,按实现架构分类,可分为客户端网游与Web端网游。

    According to the architecture , nowadays mainstream online games can be classified into two types : client games which based on client-server architecture and web games which based on browser-server architecture .

  11. 主流廉价级显卡一般是面向大型多人在线网游(MMO)和休闲3D游戏。

    The mainstream value segment is primarily composed of Massively Multiplayer Online ( MMO ) and casual gamers .

  12. 其主要原因就是GE的代理公司九城没有对当前网游市场以及玩家心理有很好的认识。

    The main cause is the agent of GE Ninth City have not a good recognize the current game-market and the players 's psychology .

  13. 增值服务和PC网游的专业团队组合。具有丰富的手机增值服务经验的产品设计和运营团队,结合多款PC网游运营服务团队。

    Our product design team and operation team have rich experience in mobile value-added service and we also have operation team and service team for several kinds of PC online games .

  14. 简而言之,漫画人才的培养,宜实行漫画基础人才+项目创造引导的模式。网游人才和动画人才的培养则可以采用社会类和院校类两种培养机制。NET的两大核心组件。

    In short , the training of cartoon talents may take the mode of basic cartoon talents pulus project creation guide , the training of net game talents and cartoon talents may adopt the form of society and college education .

  15. 中国网游开发公司大连天神娱乐(DalianZeusEntertainment)赢得今年的年度拍卖,中标者可以带至多8人会晤巴菲特这位具有传奇色彩的投资者。

    This year 's annual auction was won by a Chinese online games development company called Dalian Zeus Entertainment , which can take up to eight people to meet the legendary investor .

  16. 在排名前十的网络游戏中,时间收费型网游占据了4个席位,其中两款是今年才开始商业化运营的新游戏,包括盛大互动娱乐有限公司(ShandaInteractiveEntertainment)的主要新游戏《永恒之塔》(AION)。

    Among the top 10 games , four are subscription-based titles and two were commercially launched this year , including Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. 's ( SNDA ) major new title , AION .

  17. 随着韩国游戏开发商削减网游投资,以尝试专注于手游开发,它们在网游市场上的主导地位受到RiotGames的《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)和暴雪娱乐(BlizzardEntertainment)的《守望先锋》(Overwatch)等海外游戏的冲击。

    As Korean developers have slashedinvestment in online games to try to focus on mobile , their online dominancehas been eroded by overseas-made games such as Riot Games " Leagueof Legends and Blizzard Entertainment 's Overwatch .

  18. 今年迄今为止,腾讯已经收购了网上旅行社艺龙(elong)、杀毒软件公司金山软件(kingsoft)、以及美国网游公司riotgames的部分股权。

    Tencent has bought stakes in elong , an online travel agent , Kingsoft , an antivirus company , and riot games , a US online gaming company , this year so far .

  19. 在网络游戏发展如火如荼的中国市场,免费大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)在各类网游模式中异军突起,引起了业内的注目。

    In the ever-developing market of online game in China , free Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game ( MMORPG ) is becoming an eye-catching model of online games .

  20. 据涉案律师表示,2011年上海仲裁委员会作出了有利于一家网游公司创始人的裁定,从而使这位创始人成功地解除了其VIE和美国上市公司之间的关系。

    In 2011 , the founder of an online computer games company successfully dissolved the relationship between the VIE and the U.S. listed company after a Shanghai arbitration panel found in his favor , according to lawyers involve in the dispute .

  21. 官方研究机构中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)11月24日发布的网游市场年度研究报告显示,在中国大型网络游戏的7000万玩家中,近半数的玩龄已超过3年。

    Almost half of China 's 70m users of large online games have been playing for more than three years , the China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC ), a government research institution , said in its annual survey of the industry last week .

  22. 本周二公布的一项调查显示,英国网民每月平均有两天的时间在网上漫无目的的闲逛,这种行为被授予了一个新名词&“网游”(wilfing)。

    British Internet users spend an average of two days a month surfing the web aimlessly , or " wilfing " as the activity has been dubbed , according to a study released on tuesday .

  23. 韩国文化产业振兴院估计,去年韩国游戏的海外销售额增长约7%(至32亿美元),大大慢于2007年至2012年期间的两位数增速。当时,包括NCSoft以及在东京上市的Nexon在内的韩国公司促进了全球网游市场的发展。

    Kocca estimates that sales of Korean gamesabroad grew about 7 per cent to $ 3.2bn last year , slowing sharply from thedouble-digit pace between 2007-12 when South Korean companiesincluding NCSoft and Tokyo-listed Nexon developed the globalonline game market .

  24. 上述措施不会影响到服务器设在韩国以外的网游。

    The measures will not affect games based outside South Korea .

  25. 但是这个真的能触及到网游的灵魂所在吗?

    But is it necessarily destined to own your MMO soul ?

  26. 韩国是仅次于中国的全球第二大网游市场。

    South Korea is the world'ssecond-largest online games market after China .

  27. 在这方面,国产网游有着太多的案例。

    In this respect , homebred net swims having too much case .

  28. 《王者荣耀》是一款多玩家对战网游。

    King of Glory is a multi-player online battle game .

  29. 一定要尽可能多地听鬼吹灯网游视频专业的英语录音带。

    Listen to English profe ional tapes as much as po ible .

  30. 尽力像录音带上说网游视频话的人一样发音。

    Try to pronounce everything just like the eaker on the tape .