
  • 网络Network interpersonal communication;cmic;Computer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication
  1. 网络人际传播的修辞学分析

    Zero and Deviation : Rhetorical Analysis of Internet Interpersonal Communication

  2. 关于网络人际传播本质的悖论研究

    Study of Paradox about the Essence of Network Interpersonal Communication

  3. 网络人际传播的道德考量

    On Moral Consideration of Internet Interpersonal Communication

  4. 在概括网络人际传播的特点的基础上,着重对网络交流中的传受心理和语言进行了分析:网络人际传播是一种理想化的互动交流;

    This essay outlines and analyses the characteristics of interpersonal communication in network , and focuses on the psychology and language in the communicating networks . Interpersonal communication network is an idealizing interactive intercourse .

  5. 另一方面认为网络人际传播在虚拟的网络环境下,网络的特性以及人们的种种传播心理使传播行为流于形式,真正意义上的传播成为交流的神话。

    Think on the other hand that the network interpersonal communication taking place under the environment of fictitious network , the characteristic of the network and all sorts of people 's propagating psychology enable propagating behavior becoming a mere formality and real spread becomes the mythology .

  6. 社交网络中人际传播、群体传播和口碑传播等多元化的广告传播模式让广告传播的更深、更广。

    The social networks of interpersonal communication , group communication and word of mouth and a wide range of advertising communication model of advertising communication a deeper and broader .

  7. 最后,通过分析网络游戏人际传播对玩家个人生活和社会生活的影响,为网络游戏人际交往朝积极健康的方向发展提出了初步设想。

    Finally , this paper puts forward some elementary thoughts on the development trend of interpersonal communication in the network game by analyzing the effects about the interpersonal communication in network game on realistic social life and relation .

  8. 政策信息的下传,大众媒体、政府组织、互联网络以及人际传播充当了传播载体。然而,由于农村、农民的现实状况,制约了政策信息的下传与上达。

    In the process of policy transmission of information , mass media , government organizations , the Internet , and interpersonal communication acts as a propagation vector . However , due to the reality of rural farmers , which restricts the policy information transfer and up .

  9. 网络学习社区人际传播特征及对NLC的作用

    The Characteristics of Personal Communication in Network-Based Learning Community and It 's Inspiration to NLC Design Application

  10. 网络中的人际传播

    Interpersonal Communication on Internet

  11. 青年DV影像通过解构与颠覆的叙事策略,以互联网络和人际化的传播途径,实现了群体的越轨与自我认同,体现出从边缘开始抗拒的文化精神。

    By means of the narrative policies of destruction and subversion , of the communication channels of the Internet and inter-personalization , DV images of youth have realized group transgression and self-identity , embodying a kind of rebel spirit from cultural edges .

  12. 度假体育参与者的信息来源方式主要以媒体、网络以及亲戚朋友人际传播为主。

    The main mode of obtain information sources of vacation sports participants are to the media , networks , and interpersonal communication-based relatives and friends .

  13. 其次,社区化网络媒介对网络人际传播的延伸和拓展是本研究关注的第二个问题。

    It builds a rounded and effective interpersonal communication process . Secondly , the development of network media leads to extension and expansion of network interpersonal communication ; this is the second question the study concerns .

  14. 网络聊天语言作为网络人际传播的典型文本,是相对日常生活的“零度”人际传播的偏离。

    As a typical text of the internet interpersonal communication , the internet chatting language is a kind of deviation especially comparing with the interpersonal communication of real life , which we named as the " zero " .

  15. 随着互联网络的普及,关于网络人际传播的研究也进入了传播理论研究的视野。

    With the popularization of the internet , the network interpersonal communication has entered the vision of the communication theoretical research .

  16. 作为网络空间中个体生存主要方式的网络人际传播是一种区别于传统人际传播的新型传播方式。

    As a mostly way of life in cyberspace , Internet interpersonal communication is a sort of new one distinguished from traditional interpersonal communication for individual .

  17. 但是由于网络中非即时性的特点,网络人际传播仍然只能维持低等级的交友状态,很难形成很强的社会关系。

    However , due to the instant characteristic of the network , interpersonal communication in SNS merely maintains a low level of dating status , and strong social relationship is difficult to form .

  18. SNS作为新兴的网络服务,正逐渐取代博客等成为最主要的网络人际沟通、信息传播工具。

    As a new network service , SNS is gradually replacing blog and becoming the foremost networks tools for interpersonal communication and information dissemination .