
  • 网络news frame;news framing
  1. 新闻框架与国家形象

    News Frame and Nation Image

  2. 首先从横向的角度进行定量分析,考查每一阶段的新闻框架。

    First , uses the method of quantitative analysis to analyze from the perspective of horizontal , examining the news frame of each stage .

  3. 本文运用当代社会建构和新闻框架的理论概念,描述了社会转型期新闻报道与真实建构的互动图景。

    The paper applied the theories of modern constructionism and news framing to describing the mutual interaction of news report and construction of reality .

  4. 第四部分是本文的主体部分,详细分析了六方会谈前后关于朝核问题的新闻框架和框架演变。

    The forth chapter is the body of the paper , illustrating the news frame of the Six-Party Talk and changes of the frame .

  5. 《河南日报》关于黄河报道还具有报道原则的政治性、议程设置的不均衡、新闻框架的模式化、报道思维的官本位等几大特点。

    Reports of Yellow River by Henan Daily has characteristics of reporting political nature , unbalanced agenda-setting , modularity of news reports and so on .

  6. 该报通过精选在奥运会中的体育事件,加以强调,完成新闻框架,建构了国家认同感,成为体育与国家认同之间的接点。

    By elaborately selecting and emphasizing the sport events in Olympic Games , it completed the news framing to construct national identities and became the linkage between sport and national identities .

  7. 第一章文献述评对国家形象概念和新闻框架理论进行了探讨,并提出了新的见解;

    The first part is Literature Review , it bring up some new views with probing into the concept of " Nation Image " and the " News Frame " theory .

  8. 第六部分是结论部分,由三部分构成:总结六方会谈的新闻框架和演变、新闻框架形成的特点及其归因和本文的局限。

    The last chapter is composed of three segments , including the summary of news frame about Six-Party talks , the characteristics and attributions of news frames and the limits of the paper .

  9. 通过对特别栏目的新闻框架分析,本文试图总结出媒体如何设置议题,如何运用宣传技巧来引导舆论。

    By analyzing the news frame of the column shows , the paper is to research how the media can do to set up the questions and use the propaganda techniques to guide the public opinion .

  10. 国家形象被定义为具有共享性的事件和经验的总和,在这个同步传播的时代,国家形象大都来自媒体提供的新闻框架及其塑造的拟态环境。

    The image of the state is defined as " the sum of the sharing of events and experience ", which comes from the " news framework " and " pseudo environment " media providing to us .

  11. 本文在借鉴和分析前人研究的基础上,对新闻文本框架的理论概念和辨识方法进行了一次整合式的探讨。

    Based on former studies , this article makes an integrated discussion on the concepts and identification methods of news text frame .

  12. 本章具体剖析了四大观点的主张和特点,揭示了当前强调构建网络新闻法制框架的重要性和现实意义。

    By specifically analyzing characteristics for four standpoints , this chapter expatiated the importance and the realistic meaning of setting up network news legal system frame .

  13. 在风险事实的采用和消息源的偏向上二者有一定程度的相似性,但在风险调控和风险反思、国家框架和新闻专业框架的选择上又表现出不同。

    Therefore , the two have a certain degree of similarity on the adoption of risk facts and bias of News sources , and exhibit differences on the risk regulation and risk reflection and the selection of News frames .

  14. 从两个方面来解读蚕丝类新闻报道的框架构建。

    Framework of interpretation of silk news reports from two aspects .

  15. 第三章,介绍了分析汶川地震英语新闻的理论框架。

    Chapter Three introduces the theoretical framework , based on Appraisal Theory , for analyzing English news report on Wenchuan earthquake .

  16. 构建网络新闻传播结构框架,是理解网络新闻传播的复杂过程的一种有效途径,也是分析研究网络新闻传播效果的重要手段。

    Construction on the structure of online news communication is not only an effective approach to understand the complicated process of network news distribution but also an important mean to research on and analyze the effect of communication .

  17. 现实社会中,新闻媒介利用框架对社会现实进行选择和重组,即是界限和规则,也是一种结构,具有动词和名字两层含义。

    Real society , the media used to choose the framework of the social reality and restructuring , that is , boundaries and rules , but also a structure , with the verb and the name of two meanings .

  18. 因此,我们或可以说:重大事件在当下已经成为了我国传播中国形象的重要途径,而国际主流媒体也通过我国在重大事件发生时的表现来设置新闻议程,框架中国形象。

    Because of that we maybe can say , mage events have became one important method for communication of China . International mainstream media sets news agenda and fame China by the attitude and behavior of China when face mega events .

  19. 框架突破了传统的新闻视频处理框架仅局限于句法分段以及单媒体特征进行处理的缺陷,通过对视音频特征进行多模态的综合分析来获取新闻视频高层的语义内容。

    The proposed framework overcomes the shortcomings of traditional news video process methods , which are limited to the content-based segmentation and process based on the single media feature . It acquires the semantic content by the analysis of audio-visual features synthetically .

  20. 文章还将战争隐喻置于体育新闻报道的大框架中,对其功能进行考察,并划分出如下几类:修辞功能、文体特征功能、篇章连贯功能以及认知功能。

    The thesis studies the functions of war metaphors by putting them into the big frame of sport news and classifies them into the following types : rhetorical function , stylistic function , coherence function and cognitive function .

  21. 进入新闻传播学领域后,框架理论重点关注的是传播者在组织新闻文本时渗透的一系列准则,以及对新闻文本的框架分析。

    After entering the field of journalism and communication , frame theory focus on communicators ' penetration of a set of guidelines in the organization of news text and textual framework .

  22. 《新闻写作创新智慧》一书跳出了基础写作论著既有的理论框架,开拓了全新的只属于新闻写作的理论框架和基本范畴。

    In Innovations in News Writing , the author breaks the framework of theory of basic writing and find that of news writing .

  23. 笔者试图从中国新闻立法的现状及其现实需要出发,来探讨新闻立法的规律,并构建中国新闻法的现实框架。

    Beginning with the status and the practical need of the law legislation in China , the writer attempts to probe into its regularity and thus to construct its frame .