
  • 网络Crisis Communication;Crisis Dissemination
  1. 危机传播中媒体的放大器效应及其应对策略

    Media 's Amplifier Effect in Crisis Communication and Countermeasures for It

  2. 新语境下公共危机传播中的媒体表现

    The Media 's Behavior in Public Crisis Communication in the New Context

  3. 科学博客圈在危机传播中的信息传播特色分析&以甲型H1N1流感事件为例

    Analysis on the Characters of Information Communication on Crisis Communication & Take Type A H1N1 Influenza for Example

  4. 而汶川地震的危机传播取得了宝贵的经验。

    The Wenchuan earthquake crisis communication has gained valuable experience .

  5. 主流媒体在危机传播中的舆论缓释作用

    Public Opinion Explanation Function of Major Media in Crisis Promulgation

  6. 这部分主要是对当前危机传播理论的梳理。

    Part one analyses the theory of crisis communication .

  7. 这类担保目前正是主要的危机传播器。

    Those guarantees are now the main crisis propagator .

  8. 因此,危机传播中的信息的对称问题是十分重要的。

    Therefore , the information symmetry problem in crisis spreading is very important .

  9. 论电视媒体自性在危机传播中的凸现

    On the Emergence of TV Self-existence during Crisis Communication

  10. 危机传播控制模型的建构

    Construction of the Crisis Spread and Control Model

  11. 金融创新只是危机传播的一个媒介和一种手段。

    Financial innovation , a medium and a means of just the crisis spread .

  12. 媒体危机传播对公众危机感知的影响研究

    An Analysis of the Impact of Media Crisis Communication on Public Perception of Crisis

  13. 网络危机传播研究

    The Study of Crisis Communication on the Net

  14. 组织危机传播的策略应用

    Application of Organization 's Crisis Communication Strategies

  15. 在信息时代中,政府要结合危机传播新特点,走出危机管理新道路。

    In the information age , the government crisis communication management has combined new features .

  16. 基于传媒经济学的媒体在危机传播中的功能及对策研究

    Functional Study of Media in Crisis Communication Based on Media Economics and the Coping Strategy

  17. 矿业企业的危机传播策略成效有限;

    The effects of the crisis communication strategies applied by the mineral enterprises are little ;

  18. 加强在跨国突发事件中的危机传播已成为政府的重要课题。

    It is a key task for government to reinforce crisis communication in transnational incident .

  19. 基于社会网络的品牌危机传播意见领袖研究

    On the Public Opinion Leaders in Brand Crisis Communication in the Context of Social Network

  20. 原本用作纾困的一个机制不经意间变成了一个危机传播器。

    What is intended as a rescue mechanism would then unwittingly become a crisis propagator .

  21. 因此,有必要对危机传播在危机管理中作用进行深入研究。

    Therefore it needs deep research for the function of crisis transmission in the crisis administration .

  22. 公益机构的危机传播与品牌营销:以壹基金为个案

    Crisis Communication and Branding for Nonprofit Organizations in China : The Case Study of One Foundation

  23. 产生这些差别的原因,笔者认为很大一方面是危机传播形态发生了变化。

    The writer believe the differences between them lie in the changing forms of crisis dissemination .

  24. 新媒体危机传播的发展是基于新媒体自身发展之上的。

    The development of crisis communication with new media is based upon self-development of new media .

  25. 新闻发布的专业化趋势与外宣策略创新&危机传播中的新闻发言人制度

    On the Specialization Tendency of News Issuance and the Innovation of the Strategies of External Propaganda

  26. 论政府危机传播中的信息公开问题

    The Study on the Obstacles in the Transmission of the Information Publication in the Government Crisis

  27. 在此基础上,尝试建立起网络媒体环境下的危机传播模式。

    On the basis of the above , trying to establish a new crisis communication model .

  28. 危机传播研究在过去20年中已经成为非常流行的领域。

    In the past 20 years , Crisis communication had been popular in the research area .

  29. 本文从公共关系学和修辞学两种取向,针对国内外近年来的危机传播研究进行了综述。

    From public relations and rhetorical approach , this paper reviews on crisis communication research in recent years .

  30. 另一方面,新兴的社交媒体在危机传播过程中则扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    On the other hand , the emerging social media is playing a more important role than before .