- 名crime against humanity;crime endangering humanity

Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity
An International Criminal Court has been created to deal with genocide , war crimes and crimes against humanity .
No state can abdicate the responsibility to protect its people from crimes against humanity , let alone justify perpetrating such crimes itself .
Iraq on Monday executed Ali Hassan al-Majeed , the Saddam Hussein cousin and henchman widely known as " Chemical Ali ", for crimes against humanity .
While Secretary General Ban has not blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad specifically for the chemical attack , he does say Assad has committed many crimes against humanity .
Genocide , war crime , ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity belong to the situations threatening human security , so international society must provide protection in the framework of UN .
The ICC has jurisdiction over the crime of genocide , crimes against humanity , war crimes and the crime of aggression , whose evolution , definition and debates about the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC are dealt with .
The International Criminal Court has been ratified by enough countries to take effect on July 1 , 2002 . This means a great era to prosecute aggression , war crimes , genocide and crimes against humanity is about to begin . No one will be exempted .