
  1. 危险货物集装箱检查与管理初探

    Discussion about the inspection and control of dangerous goods containers

  2. 铁路危险货物集装箱运输中的包装问题

    Packaging Problems of Dangerous Goods Container in Railroad Transportation

  3. 本文重点探讨船舶载运危险货物集装箱的监督管理。

    This article discusses the ships to carry the hazardous goods container with emphasis the surveillance management .

  4. 为了促进这一改革的顺利进行,充分发挥危险货物集装箱运输的优越性,对危险货物集装箱运输中可能出现的问题必须进行详尽的研究。

    To take advantage of container reasonably , every kind of problems must be researched in detail , which may occur during the dangerous cargo transport using container .

  5. 随着货物运输的集装箱化,越来越多的危险货物以集装箱的形式交付海运,在便利运输的同时,也为船舶带来了新的安全隐患。

    Along with the goods traffic containerization , the more and more many hazardous goods by the container form payment marine transportation , while facilitate the transportation , also has brought the new security hidden danger for the ships .

  6. 铁路运输危险货物采用集装箱运输,是我国铁路危险货物运输历史上的一次重大改革,是实现我国铁路危险货物运输现代化的重要举措,对推进危险货物运输的发展有重要的意义。

    Using container to transport dangerous cargo in railway transport is a great innovation in Chinese railway dangerous cargo transport history , is an important step to realize the modernization of Chinese railway dangerous cargo transport , and it is significant to the development of dangerous cargo transport .

  7. 危险货物申报员和集装箱检查员的监管是加强集装箱危险货物运输管理的重要环节。

    The system of dangerous goods declarer and container packing inspector form an important part in enhancement of the dangerous goods container control .

  8. 本文分析了包装危险货物的危险性和事故类型,结合危险货物集装箱运输的特点,以及港口运输危险货物数据库,尝试开发港口危险货物集装箱事故应急辅助决策系统。

    In the paper , the danger of dangerous cargo in package and types of accidents are analyzed . Combining with specialties of dangerous cargo containers transportation and dangerous cargo database of port , assistant decision-supporting system for the emergence of dangerous cargo containers in port area is developed .

  9. 为满足社会需求,危险化学品生产经营企业急需从国内外运输散装化工原料和产品,这给危险货物罐式集装箱运输发展创造了良好契机。

    To meet the domestic demand , companies that produce and manage dangerous chemicals need to import petrochemical raw materials urgently . These create good opportunities to the development of the tank containers transport of dangerous goods .

  10. 最后,以江阴港危险货物数据库为基础,利用以上泄漏扩散模型、火灾伤害模型和综合评判模型,开发了江阴港危险货物集装箱事故应急辅助决策系统。

    Finally , based on dangerous cargo database of Jiangyin Port , taking advantage of leakage diffusion models , fire damage models and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation models above , assistant decision-supporting system for the emergence of dangerous cargo containers in Jiangyin Port is developed .