
  • 网络Guatemala City;Ciudad de Guatemala
  1. 法昆多·卡布拉(FacundoCabral)是阿根廷最受尊敬的民谣歌手之一,在乘车前往危地马拉城机场的途中遭遇伏击。

    Facundo Cabral , one of Latin America 's most respected folk singers , was being driven to the airport in Guatemala City when his car was ambushed .

  2. 工人在清理热带风暴阿加莎灰在危地马拉城2010年5月29日从帕卡亚火山。

    Workers clean up ash from the Pacaya volcano during Tropical Storm Agatha in Guatemala City May29,2010 .

  3. 事实上,博尼斯认为把危地马拉城地洞称作天坑并不恰当,因为真正的天坑完全是一种自然现象。

    In fact , Bonis thinks calling the Guatemala City chasm a sinkhole is a misnomer & a true sinkhole is an entirely natural phenomenon .

  4. 目前危地马拉城和墨西哥靠近危地马拉的边境地区尚无人员伤亡报告。危地马拉的大部分人口都集中在危地马拉城。

    There were no reports of casualties in Guatemala City , where most of the population is concentrated , nor on the Mexican side of the border .

  5. 美国美洲航空公司的飞机坐覆盖从帕卡亚火山就在在危地马拉城2010年5月28日国际机场跑道喷发火山灰。

    An American Airlines jet sits covered with ash from the eruption of the Pacaya Volcano on the runway at the International airport in Guatemala City May28,2010 .

  6. 1976年,该国危地马拉城以北发生里氏7.5级地震,造成逾2.3万人死亡,整座整座的镇子被夷为平地。

    In 1976 , a magnitude-7.5 earthquake rocked the country north of Guatemala City , a disaster that claimed more than 23000 lives and leveled entire towns .

  7. 地质专家表示,危地马拉城街道上出现的天坑可能不是自然因素造成的,而是人为活动的结果。

    Human activity , not nature , was the likely cause of the gaping sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City , a geologist says .

  8. 总的来说,危地马拉城的地区规划条例和建筑法规非常薄弱,为数不多的几项规章制度也常常被忽视。

    In general , the zoning regulations and building codes in Guatemala City are poor , Bonis said , and the few regulations that exist are often ignored .

  9. 博尼斯称,但是在危地马拉城新天坑形成的地方并没有石灰石岩床,至少在这个洞穴的深度范围内不存在石灰岩。

    But there is no limestone beneath the section of Guatemala City where the new sinkhole appeared , at least not at the depth at which the hole formed , Bonis said .

  10. 一名男子从他的火山灰显示车辆拆除2010年5月27日在市政府所在地的维拉努埃瓦后,强大的帕卡亚火山喷发,50公里以南的危地马拉城。

    A man displays volcanic ash cleared from his vehicle on May27,2010 in the municipal seat of Villa Nueva , following a powerful eruption of the Pacaya volcano , 50 kilometers south of Guatemala City .

  11. 据估计,危地马拉城天坑宽60英尺(18米),深300英尺(100米),看起来是受到热带风暴阿加莎强降水的影响而形成的。

    The Guatemala City sinkhole , estimated to be 60 feet ( 18 meters ) wide and 300 feet ( 100 meters ) deep , appears to have been triggered by the deluge from tropical storm Agatha .

  12. 危地马拉急救部门表示,在危地马拉城北部主要的高速公路上,多达100人被山体滑坡掩埋。

    Emergency services in Guatemala say up to100 people may have been buried by landslides on the main highway north of Guatemala City .

  13. 危地马拉·加拉瓜、斯达尼加、都拉斯和萨尔瓦多5国总统在危地马拉城签署《中美洲和平协议》。

    The Central American Peace Accord was signed in Guatemala City by presidents from Guatemala , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Honduras and El Salvador .

  14. 危地马拉官员表示,一伙男子驾驶着偷来的汽车在危地马拉城郊区的主干道上开枪扫射了29人。

    Officials in Guatemala say a group of men in a stolen car shot 29 people on the main street of a town outside of Guatemala City .

  15. 据美国地质调查局(U.S.GeologicalSurvey)监测,这场里氏7.4级的地震震中位于危地马拉沿海城镇钱佩里科(Champerico)附近海域,距离该国首都危地马拉城(GuatemalaCity)约150英里(约合240公里)。

    The magnitude-7.4 tremor struck off the coast of Guatemalan coastal town Champerico , about 150 miles from the capital at Guatemala City , according to the U.S. Geological Survey .