
wēi xiǎn wù
  • Hazardous substances;dangerous goods
  1. GB12268-1990危险货物品名表补养品也是危险物吗?

    List of dangerous goods Do Supplements Pose a Danger ?

  2. 18Takecover寻找庇护隐蔽是指寻找庇护或保护免受危险物的侵害。

    To take cover means to find shelter or protection from something dangerous .

  3. 危险物泄漏扩散过程的重气效应

    Effect of heavy gas of dangerous material in diffusion process

  4. 烃类危险物事故性泄漏过程的实时预测方法

    Real-time forecast approach of hydrocarbon risk source in leaking process

  5. “那你把自己归进危险物里了?”我猜测着。

    " And you put yourself into that category ?" I guessed .

  6. 不过,那台切割机不是他工厂里唯一的危险物。

    The chopping machine wasn 't the only hazard in his business .

  7. 不过,那台切割机不是他厂子里惟一的危险物,他还有一台乙炔炬,用来切割厚钢板和粗钢条。

    He had an acetylene torch for cutting thick steel plates and beams .

  8. 如果方圆十英里内有任何危险物,它都一定会找到你的。

    If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius , it will invariably find you .

  9. 补养品也是危险物吗?

    Do supplements pose a danger ?

  10. 这是一个阳光明媚、晴朗无云的日子,道路上没有任何明显会导致交通堵塞的危险物。

    It is a clear , sunny day and the roads contain no obvious hazards that would cause problems with traffic .

  11. 为有效提取刀、枪危险物的形态特征,需将危险物从背景中分离出来。

    Dangerous objects should be separated from the background in order to extract the morphological characteristics of knives and pistols effectively .

  12. 根据目前国内外相关统计表明,在有记录的严重交通事故中,大部分都与路侧危险物有关。

    The related statistics show that in the record of serious traffic accidents , most of they were involved in the roadside hazards .

  13. 仅仅是读一下这些化学物质的名单就已经够吓人的了,你的汽车听起来就像是危险物的名品堂。

    Just reading a list of the substances is scary enough , and makes your car 's interior sound like a hazmat hall of fame .

  14. 罪犯持有凶器或者其他危险物,正在行凶或者破坏,危及他人生命、财产安全的;

    If any prisoner is committing physical assault or destruction with a lethal weapon or other dangerous articles to endanger the safety of another person 's life or property ;

  15. 如果火车装有危险物或易燃物,谨记逃离时避开这些物品。

    Be aware that if the train you are on is also carrying dangerous or combustible materials , you will need to avoid these as you make your escape .

  16. 但是,当坝体建成运行后,坝体结构也变成了一种潜在的巨大的危险物,其安全性和使用性对社会和经济的影响相当大。

    However , after dams have been constructed and operated , they also have become a kind of potential and huge threaten , and their security and service performance impact greatly the society and economy .

  17. 认为一次化工事故发生的前提是危险物的存在,本质原因是学校教育、社会、历史、身体、精神等基础缺陷。

    It considers that the foundation defect is the essential cause of the primary chemical accident , such as the defect of school education , social , history , physical , mental and so on .

  18. 海上强制责任保险是在海上重大油污事件的推动下建立和发展起来的。目前这一制度已经扩展到海上油污损害、有毒有害危险物损害、沉船打捞和海上旅客运输伤亡等多个领域。

    The development of the regime is on the basis of the compensation of oil pollution damage from ships , which now have extended to the fields of HNS 、 wreck removal and passengers transportation .

  19. 开始任何活动前,及整个工程活动期间,保证工作现场没有危害工人、交通、行人及公众的危险物。

    Before commencing any activities , and for the entire duration of the work activities , ensure that the work site does not present a hazard to the health or safety of workers , traffic , pedestrians , or the general public .

  20. 法庭上,鲍勃证实了那个人是在jim正在试验危险化学物时推搡了Jim才弄伤自己的。

    At the trial , Bob proved that the other man caused his own arm injury by pushing Jim while Jim was working with dangerous chemicals .

  21. 一些人坚称,电子烟会产生同传统香烟类似的危险致癌物。

    Some insists E-cigarettes can produce dangerous carcinogens similar to those from traditional cigarettes .

  22. 手术前贫血是瓣膜置换手术后院内死亡率和发病率的危险标记物吗?

    Is Pre-operative Anaemia a Risk Marker for In-hospital Mortality and Morbidity After Valve Replacement ?

  23. 拆除危险构筑物通知书

    Dangerous Structure Removal Notice

  24. 有鉴于此,该机构已经将使用手机与铅、汽车尾气和氯仿,列为同一类“致癌危险”物。

    As a result , the agency now lists mobile phone use in the same " carcinogenic hazard " category as lead , engine exhaust and chloroform .

  25. 易燃危险可燃物的数量和能量占林分生物量和总潜在能量的比率分别比杉木纯林小8.5%,3.96%。

    The inflammables quantity and energy ratios of the stand biomass and total potential energy in mixed stand are 8.5 % and 3.69 % lower than that in pure stand respectively .

  26. 老年性黄斑变性患者单核细胞活化:脉络膜新生血管的危险生物标志物目的研究终末期肾病(ESRD)炎症反应状态及其与单核细胞活化之间的关系。

    Monocyte activation in patients with age-related macular degeneration : A biomarker of risk for choroidal neovascularization ? Objective To study the association of monocyte activation and the inflammatory status in patients with end-stage renal disease ( ESRD ) .

  27. 介绍了森林大火潜在危险的可燃物干旱度指标研究,以及干旱度指数SDI的计算方法,同时对干旱度指数进行了划分确定,以便在森林大火预报中作参考使用。

    In this paper , a research of large forest fire hazard potential is made and calculation method of fuel drought index , named SDI , is presented . The drought indexes are divided for the purpose of large fire hazard potential forecast .

  28. 该报道称,北京地区的危险细颗粒物浓度降到「国际公认的安全水平」需要16年的时间。这种细颗粒物的直径不足2.5微米,因此被称为PM2.5。

    The article went on to say that it would be 16 years before levels of dangerous fine particulate matter in the Chinese capital would drop to an " internationally recognized safe level . " The fine particulate matter is known as PM 2.5 because its diameter is less than 2.5 microns .

  29. 森林大火潜在危险和可燃物干旱度研究

    The research of large forest fire hazard potential and fuel drought index

  30. 易生危险之扣留物,得毁弃之。

    If the thing seized is dangerous , it may be destroyed .