
  • 网络Hazardous Voltage;dangerous voltage;Hazardous Live
  1. 许多电气测试系统或仪器都能够测量或输出危险电压和功率。

    Many electrical test systems or instruments are capable of measuring or sourcing hazardous voltage and power levels .

  2. 这种先进的封装功能,防止意外接触危险电压,使维修服务和更安全的。

    This advanced packaging feature prevents unintentional contact with hazardous voltage , allowing for safer service and maintenance .

  3. 本文讨论TN(接零)系统中,三相四线和三相五线在其末端单相配电系统中,N线在什么条件下会发生危险电压?

    This paper is just to discuss distribution circuit of TN-system in the single-phase , including both three-phase four-wire system and three-phase five-wire system . In what situation does dangerous voltage happen with N-wire ?

  4. 浮地测量,危险电压发生在示波器机箱上。

    A floating measurement in which dangerous voltages occur on the oscilloscope chassis .

  5. 一个良好的安全实践是在测量之前假设所有位置电路上都存在危险电压。

    A good safety practice is to expect that hazardous voltage is present in any unknown circuit before measuring .

  6. 低电压电路(即使它们是低电压)必须和保护地连接,这样危险电压才能被检测出来。

    The low voltage circuit ( even with low voltage on it ) shall also be connected with protective earth , thus the dangerous voltage can be detected .

  7. 发生故障时,确保与设备相关的不带电的金属件没有相对大地的危险电压。

    To ensure that , if a fault occurs , non-current carrying metalwork associated with the equipment does not attain a dangerous potential with respect to general mass of earth .

  8. 接地装置应该有通过最大故障电流的载流容量,且具有足够低的接地电阻以避免此时人员可达到的任何点上出现危险电压。

    The earthing installations must have a current-carrying capacity sufficient to deal with the maximum fault currents , and a grounding resistance low enough to prevent a dangerous voltage appearing between any points which a man could reach simultaneously .

  9. 在电缆连接器插头或测试夹具上可能会出现危险致死电压。

    Lethal voltage may be present on cable connector jacks or test fixtures .

  10. 一种保护计算机系统免受危险的高电压冲击破坏的电路。

    A circuit that protects a computer system from dangerously high voltage surges .

  11. 输电线路的雷害事故不仅会造成危险的雷电过电压,还可能扰乱电力供应。

    The lightning strokes on transmission lines not only cause dangerous overvoltages but also disturb the power supply .