
wēi xiǎn dònɡ zuò
  • Dangerous actions;dangerous play;scything tackle
  1. 裁判警告他有危险动作。

    The referee warned him for dangerous play .

  2. 报告列举了一些具体的例子,例如,在英国卡通片《小猪佩奇》的第七集中,动画角色骑在一个直升机吊着的大南瓜上,委员会认为这一镜头属于危险动作,可能误导孩子认为攀爬高处是很安全的。

    The report listed some specific examples such as in the seventh episode of the English cartoon Peppa Pig , characters ride on a giant pumpkin that is being airlifted by a helicopter , which the committee considers dangerous as it may mislead children into thinking it is safe to climb high places .

  3. 美国职业棒球大联盟希望从明年开始取消这样的危险动作。

    Major League Baseball is hoping to make this illegal starting next year .

  4. 请保持坐姿欣赏节目;请勿在座位上跳跃、站立、抛物及做其他危险动作。

    Do not jump in your seat , stand , throw objects or engage in other dangerous actions .

  5. 不能在教室、走廊打闹,跑跳追逐、玩球,或做危险动作。

    Do not run , fight , or play balls or other dangerous games in the classroom or in the hallway .

  6. 近年亚洲邻国多次指控中国舰船或直升机在海上做出危险动作,上述事件是最新一例。

    It is the latest in a string of incidents in which regional neighbours have accused Chinese vessels or helicopters of reckless behaviour at sea .

  7. 演员在表演危险特技动作时使用了替身。

    The actor used a double for the dangerous stunts .

  8. 对粗野或危险的动作,不正当行为,裁判会给予适当处罚。

    For rough or dangerous p = lay , misconduct , the appropriate penalty shall be awarded by the umpire .

  9. 她很危险小心点动作要快

    She 's dangerous . Move quickly and be careful .