
  • SmartWatch;Smart Watches;iWatch
  1. 例如,Fitbit(一家美国科技公司)在周一发布了其第一款智能手表,其卖点非常明确,那就是改善健康一作为一件“工具而非玩具”兜售。

    Fitbit , for example , released its first smartwatch Monday , selling with a clear purpose -- to improve your fitness -- and promoting it as a " tool , not a toy . "

  2. 例如,只有13%的受调查者表示2016年有兴趣购买一款新的智能手表,虽然高调宣传了一年,但比例也只比去年增加了1%。

    Only 13 percent of respondents said that they were interested in buying a smartwatch in 2016 , for example -- an increase of just one percent from the previous year despite a year of high-profile launches .

  3. 这对于任何一个希望智能手表能够追赶成熟的智能手机和平板电脑市场的企业来说都是坏消息。

    That is bad news for any firm that may hope that smartwatches can make up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets .

  4. 过去一年我们看到了太多的跟风产品。斯沃琪把重点放在电池而不是智能手表上,这很好。

    We have seen so many me-too products over the past year , and it 's good that Swatch is putting a very strong focus on battery power rather than smartwatch .

  5. 旧金山对苹果(Apple)来说,难的那部分已经接近尾声也就是做出一款智能手表。

    SAN FRANCISCO For Apple , the hard part making a smartwatch is nearly over .

  6. 这就是苹果(Apple)推出其智能手表Watch时将会面临的问题。

    That is what Apple is about to do with the launch of its Watch .

  7. 旧金山——对苹果(Apple)来说,难的那部分已经接近尾声——也就是做出一款智能手表。

    SAN FRANCISCO - For Apple , the hard part - making a smartwatch - is nearly over .

  8. Android智能手表的销售数据,目前来看是令人失望的。

    The results so far for Android smartwatches have been disappointing .

  9. 上个月,Glympse为三星GalaxyGear智能手表推出了一款应用。

    Last month , Glympse unveiled an app for Samsung 's Galaxy Gear smartwatch .

  10. 相反,Tizen已经在其他连接设备上应用,其中包括三星智能手表Gear的其中一款。

    Instead , it has been included in other connected devices , including a version of Samsung 's Gear smartwatch .

  11. 中兴开发的智能手表已在国际消费类电子产品展览会(CES)以及世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)等商贸展会上亮过相了。

    The ZTE smartwatch has already been shown off at trade shows such as CES and Mobile World Congress .

  12. 最近谷歌针对智能手表等设备推出了AndroidWear操作平台。

    Google recently unveiled Android Wear , an operating system for ' smartwatches ' and other such devices .

  13. 而且如果传闻无误,就连苹果(Apple)可能也正在研发智能手表。

    And , if the rumors are accurate , even apple ( appl ) may have a Smartwatch on the way .

  14. 而且如果传言属实,苹果(Apple)也或将推出自己的智能手表。

    Even apple ( appl ) may have a Smartwatch of its own coming & if rumors are to be believed .

  15. 三星9月份举行的GalaxyGear发布会标志着智能手表市场的一个重要时刻。

    The September launch of Samsung 's Galaxy Gear marked a significant moment for the smartwatch market .

  16. 据研究机构卡纳利斯公司(Canalys)的数据,2014年AndroidWear智能手表出货量为72万块。

    About 720000 smartwatches with Android Wear were shipped in 2014 , according to Canalys , the research firm .

  17. 三星Gear智能手表也是这样,它售价大约在300美元,但要求和三星手机或平板电脑配合使用。

    Ditto for the Samsung Gear smartwatch , which is about $ 300 and requires that you own a Samsung phone or tablet .

  18. 零售分析师表示,这一宣布的时机恰到好处,上周苹果(Apple)刚发布新款智能手表。

    Retail analysts said that the announcement was well timed , coming a week after Apple 's unveiling of its new smartwatch .

  19. 苹果(Apple)新款智能手表距离上市还有数月时间,但已遭遇诸多“克隆品”的攻击。

    Apple 's new smart watch is still months away from going on sale but it already faces an attack of the clones .

  20. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)的一款智能手表也将于今夏上市。

    A Motorola watch will also go on sale this summer .

  21. AppleWatchSeries7是我们迄今最先进的智能手表,而AppleFitness+带来了众多新内容和功能,

    With Apple Watch Series 7 , the most advanced smart watch ever , and the incredible new content and features in Apple Fitness + ,

  22. 中国华为科技公司周三在英国发布了高端智能手表,向AppleWatch发起直接挑战。

    As a direct challenger to the Apple Watch , Chinese technology company , Huawei , Wednesday launched its high-end smartwatch products in Britain .

  23. 并且,当苹果公司在2015年进军智能手表界的时候,已经决定将其手表命名为“AppleWatch”。

    And by the time in launched its smartwatch , in 2015 , Apple had decided to call its product " Apple Watch . "

  24. 周二,苹果发布了狂热果粉们期盼已久的新iPhone大屏手机和智能手表。

    On Tuesday , Apple unveiled a new bigger iPhone and the smartwatch aficionados have been waiting for .

  25. 这两款智能手表分别是三星的GearLive(售价199美元)和LG的GWatch(售价229美元)。

    Those watches are the Samsung Gear Live , listed at $ 199 , and LG 's G Watch , listed at $ 229 .

  26. 我们可否奢望微软智能手表能和Android设备或iPhone同步?

    Is it asking too much of Microsoft to allow its Smartwatch to sync with Android devices or iPhones ?

  27. 苹果(Apple)和Polar智能手表等个人科技产品甚至会每隔一段时间提醒你“是时候动一动了”。

    Personal tech such as the Apple and Polar smartwatches even remind you " it 's time to move " after a fixed interval .

  28. 一位知情人士周日向《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournalSunday)透露,谷歌(Google)准备与LG电子(LGElectronics)合作推出一款安卓智能手表。

    A person familiar with the situation told The Wall Street Journal Sunday that Google is preparing an Android smartwatch with LG Electronics .

  29. 三星(Samsung)售价299美元的Gear智能手表刚一发布,就收到不少好评,但如果你据此认为这是一部革命性的设备,那不妨往下看看。

    Based on some of the early buzz , you 'd figure the $ 299 Samsung Gear smart watch is a downright revolutionary device .

  30. 根据研究公司NPDGroup的调查,美国有十分之一的成年人拥有健身追踪器,但只有2%的成年人拥有智能手表。

    While one in ten U.S. adults own a fitness tracker , only 2 % of adults have smartwatches according to research firm NPD Group .