
zhì lì quē xiàn
  • mental deficiency;amentia
  1. 受到放射性物质污染的母亲可能生下有智力缺陷的孩子。

    Mothers contaminated by radioactive materials may give birth to babies with mental deficiency .

  2. 从医生的观点看来约翰患有智力缺陷。

    John suffered from mental deficiency from the point of view of a doctor .

  3. 目的建立一种非同位素的检测脆性X综合征智力缺陷基因(FMR-1)突变的方法。

    Objective : To establish a method of non-isotope to detect the FMR-1 gene mutation of fragile X syndrome .

  4. Ropers告诉与会者说,诸如地中海贫血等基因疾病和特定类型的智力缺陷被忽视了,它们是“临床遗传学没有解决的最大挑战”。

    Are being ignored and that they are the " biggest unmet challenge in clinical genetics " .

  5. 据新加坡副总理张志贤(TeoCheeHean)说,按照拟议中的新法,法庭将有权酌情对被判毒品犯罪的部分人员处以终身监禁加鞭刑,而不是死刑,不过条件是他们给予当局实质而有效的合作,或者是有智力缺陷。

    The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a " substantive way , " or provided they have a mental disability , said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean .

  6. 智力缺陷遗传病的基因&蛋白质机制与基因治疗

    " Gene-protein " Theory of Intelligence Disable Hereditary Illness and Gene Remedy

  7. 智力缺陷让人放松警惕。

    Mental defectives get tons of slack .

  8. 这项工作,他1919年写道,最终将导致减少有智力缺陷的人口的繁殖。

    This , he wrote in 1919 , will ultimately result in the curtailing of the reproduction of feeble-mindedness .

  9. 安徽某农村地区妇女智力缺陷现况及其生殖健康危害研究

    A Cross-sectional Study on Outcomes of Reproductive Health in Women with Mental Deficiency in a Rural Area of Anhui Province

  10. 因为他们没有任何智力缺陷,这些孩子不是合格的参予特殊奥林匹克。

    These children are not eligible to participate in the Special Olympics because they do not have any mental deficiencies .

  11. 并且还揭示了基因治疗技术在解决智力缺陷遗传病中的基本原理、方法和意义。

    The essay aleo suggests the principle , method , and significance that gene remedy technique solve intelligence disable hereditary illness .

  12. 孤独症是对患有智力缺陷的总称,这种智力缺陷会影响人的社交能力。

    Autism is a general term for a group of brain disorders that limit the development of social and communication skills .

  13. 农村地区智力缺陷妇女绝大多数都未受过正规学校教育,31.3%的智力缺陷妇女无法从事劳动。

    Most of the women with MD hadn 't received the regular schooling . 31.3 % could not take part in the labor .

  14. 某乡镇20~49岁育龄智力缺陷妇女现患及既往不良妊娠史调查

    Survey on the history of ill pregnancy and prevalence of women with mental deficiency a ged 20 ~ 49 in the small town

  15. 你是否有任何影响你谋生或照料自己的生理或智力缺陷?

    Do you have any physical or mental disabilities which may affect your ability to earn a living or take full care of yourself ?

  16. 认定具有精神疾病或智力缺陷,因而财产处于被监护状态的人,不具有产生合同义务的行为能力。

    A person has no capacity to incur contractual duties if his property is under guardianship by reason of adjudication of mental illness or defect .

  17. 克拉克被很多健康的群体所支持,这包括美国精神病协会、国心理协会、国智力缺陷协会。

    Clark is supported by a variety of health groups including the American Psychiatric Association , American Psychological Association and American Association on Mental Retardation .

  18. 结果发现,33例患儿有程度不等的智力缺陷,25例有听力损失,6例有神经系统的改变。

    Results showed that 33 cases had intelligence deficiency at different degree , 25 cases had hearing loss and 6 cases had abnormality in nervous system .

  19. “医生您是否介意告诉我”鲍勃问道“您是怎样发现一个表现完全正常的人有智力缺陷的呢?”

    " Would you mind telling me , Doctor ," Bob asked * " how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal ?"

  20. 在那些缺乏自理能力的人身上,这种异食癖的发病率大约在4%到26%之间,这种病症还可能引起克莱恩莱文综合征、智力缺陷以及精神分裂症等并发症。

    The prevalence of pica varies from 4 to 26 percent among the institutionalized , and the condition can co-occur with Kleine-Levin syndrome , mental retardation and schizophrenia .

  21. 比奈被指派对市内收容所的大量贫苦儿童进行研究,以查明他们究竟是智力缺陷还是仅仅缺乏教育。

    Binet was commissioned to study the large numbers of poor children in the city 's asylums and to find out whether they were mentally incapacitated or simply untaught .

  22. 结果实际接受调查的11856名安徽省某乡镇育龄妇女中智力缺陷妇女92人,检出率为7.8‰。

    Results Among 11 856 women of child-bearing age who were accepted the investigation , 92 women were evaluated as mental deficiency , and the prevelence of women with MD was 7.8 % .

  23. 不同程度智力缺陷学生其智力各方面能力的发展趋势基本相似,以解决数学问题的能力、抽象概括能力及对外界知识摄取的能力相对更差;

    The development trends of various fields of intelligence of the intellectual disabled students was similar basically , relatively weaker in the abilities to solve mathematics problems , to abstract and to incept external knowledge .

  24. 可可轻松一刻157.智力缺陷“医生,你能不能告诉我,”鲍勃问,“对于一个看上去很正常的人,你是怎样判断出他有智力缺陷的呢?”“再没有比这容易的了,”医生回答,

    Keke Funny Moment 157.Mental deficiency " Would you mind telling me , Doctor , " Bob asked ... " how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal ? " " Nothing is easier , " he replied .

  25. 那些视力,听力,智力有缺陷的儿童也可以入学。

    Those children who have impaired eyesight or hearing or are mentally retarded can also go to special school .

  26. 说话不清楚,人们很可能把你看成智力有缺陷:他是在吃糖吗?

    If you have a slurred voice , people are likely to treat you as mentally deficient : Does he take sugar ?

  27. 本文从犯罪学、犯罪心理学的角度,对罪犯的人格障碍、性心理障碍以及智力水平缺陷进行了深刻剖析。

    This article analyzes deeply the personality barrier , sex psychology barrier and deficiency of intellect from the perspective of criminology and criminal psychology .

  28. 亚历克斯智力上有缺陷。

    Alex was mentally handicapped .

  29. 结论LD儿童智力结构存在缺陷,主观生活质量较差。

    Conclusion Children with LD have defect in intelligence structure , and have poor quality of life .

  30. 不同智力水平注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的临床特点及行为特征

    Clinical features and behavior characteristics of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at various intelligence levels