
hé huánɡ dɑ
  • bilirubin encephalopathy
  1. 目的探讨慢性期核黄疸所致脑性瘫痪的磁共振成像(MRI)特征。

    Objective To study the characteristic findings on magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) in children with cerebral palsy ( CP ) induced by chronic kernicterus .

  2. 早产儿病死率为20.9%,病死率高的疾病顺位为RDS、HIE、核黄疸、硬肿症、败血症等。

    The premature death rate is 20.9 % , the diseases with high death rate are : RDS , HIE , kernicterus , cold injury syndrome , septicemia .

  3. 20例Crigler-Najjar病患儿高胆红素血症的治疗及核黄疸的预防

    Management of hyperbilirubinemia and prevention of kernicterus in 20 patients with Crigler-Najjar disease

  4. 慢性核黄疸所致脑性瘫痪的磁共振成像特征及临床意义

    MRI Features in Children with Cerebral Palsy Induced by Chronic Kernicterus

  5. 目的:早期监测和治疗高危新生儿黄疸,防止核黄疸的发生。

    Objective : To study the effect of monitoring the early icterus in highly dangerous newborns and prevent the kernicterus .

  6. 结论游泳有助于新生儿的生长发育、减少发生核黄疸的危险和降低新生儿病理性黄疸的发生率。

    Conclusion Neonatal Swimming can accelerate the babies'growth in the early stage , reduce incidence rate of neonatal jaundice and decrease kernicterus .

  7. 目的:探讨减少胆红素对新生儿脑的毒性作用,避免核黄疸。

    Objective To explore how to decrease toxic effect of bilirubin on newborns brain and make the patients avoid the nuclear jaundice .

  8. 结论:高危新生儿黄疸早期监测和治疗,可防止核黄疸的发生,提高高危新生儿的生存质量。

    Conclusions : Early monitoring the icterus in highly dangerous neonatal can prevent the kernicterus and improve the quality of lives in highly dangerous newborns .

  9. 胆红素脑病又称核黄疸,是威胁新生儿的一种严重疾病,但至今其发病机制还不是很明确。

    Bilirubin encephalopathy , which is also called kernicterus , is a severe disease of newborns , but the basic mechanism of it has not been conclusively determined .

  10. 为减少严重胆红素血症及胆红素脑症或核黄疸的发生,避免医疗资源的浪费,2004年8月美国儿科学会制定了新的新生儿黄疸诊疗指南。

    In October 2004 , American ( academic ) of pediatrics produced the latest guideline for newborn jaundice aim to reduce the incidence of acute bilirubin encephalopathy or kernicterus and avoid unnecessary costs or treatment .

  11. 一个原因可能是rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。

    One cause may be an RH incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn .

  12. 与黄疸有关的或患有黄疸的一个原因可能是Rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。

    Relating to or affected with jaundice . One cause may be an Rh incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn .

  13. 一个原因可能是Rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。慢性核黄疸所致脑性瘫痪的磁共振成像特征及临床意义

    One cause may be an Rh incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn . MRI Features in Children with Cerebral Palsy Induced by Chronic Kernicterus

  14. 研究背景:早在1904年,Schmorl对1例因重症黄疸而死亡的新生儿进行尸解发现脑基底核被黄染,并首次命名为核黄疸(kernicterus)。

    Background In 1904 , Schmorl held an autopsy on the remains of one neonate died of severe jaundice and found that the brain basic nuclear was yellow-dyed and named this disease as kernicterus .