
  • 网络birth trauma;Birth injury
  1. 缺氧与产伤为其主要病因。

    The main causes were anoxia and birth injury .

  2. ②新生儿产伤。主要是颅内出血、窒息。

    Newborn birth injury by obstetrician 's instruments .

  3. 结果发现新生儿SAH与窒息缺氧、产伤、围生期保健意识等因素密切相关。

    Results newborn SAH was closed related with hypoxia , birth trauma and perinatal health care .

  4. 结论妊娠期糖代谢异常影响母儿结局,如果所有孕妇能得到GDM的筛查和规范化的管理,有可能预防或减少产伤的发生及其他母儿并发症。

    Conclusion Women with abnormal gestational glucose tolerances effected the complications of maternal and fetal outcomes , Which was decreased by strict diagnosis and regular management .

  5. 3新生儿情况:性别、胎龄、出生体重、患侧、1分钟和5分钟Apgar评分、是否合并其它产伤、有无抢救史。根据临床经验对某些相关因素进行变量统一定义。

    The neonates : sex , gestational age , birth weight , affected limb , Apgar scores of 1 and 5 minutes , other birth trauma and resuscitation of infant .

  6. 结论:臂丛产伤患儿运动神经的CMAP波幅降低比MCV的减慢更为显著。

    Conclusion : The decrease of CMAP amplitude of motor nerve is more obviously than the slowing of MCV in patients with birth injury of branchial plexus .

  7. 结果:12例颅内出血的原因,证实属维生素K缺乏症5例、产伤2例、早产儿2例、窒息2例、脑血管畸形(AVM)1例。

    Results : The causes of intracranial hemorrhage were as follows : vitamin K deficiency in 5 , brain injury in 2 , preterm infant in 2 , asphyxia in 2 , and brain arteriovenous malformation in 1.All underwent operation .

  8. 如果你只有一次低位部腹产伤品,并且你的分娩不是在药物作用下发生的,那么在VBAC过程中伤口破裂的风险非常小。

    The risk that a scar will tear open is very low during VBAC when you have just one low cesarean scar and your labor is not started with medicine .

  9. 产伤致臂丛神经损害的临床和电生理分析

    Clinical and electrophysiological analysis of brachial plexus nerve damage following childbirth

  10. 臂丛神经产伤的肌电图分析

    EMG analysis of 17 patiens with brachial plexus injury by delivery

  11. 膈神经移位治疗产伤性臂丛神经麻痹对呼吸功能的影响

    The Effect on Respiratory Function After Phrenic Nerve Translocation in Obstetric Brachial Paralysis

  12. 目的:探讨改进产伤股骨骨折的治疗方法,以使骨折产生的畸形获得最大限度的矫正。

    Objective : To explore improvement of treatment methods for birth femoral fracture .

  13. 产伤性臂丛神经上干神经瘤的早期治疗

    Early management of obstetrical brachial plexus upper trunk neuroma

  14. 产伤股骨骨折&治疗和结果

    Birth Associated Femoral Fractures : Treatment and Result

  15. 目的探讨产伤所致婴幼儿臂丛神经及其分支损害的临床和电生理表现。

    Objective To investigate the clinical and electrophysiological findings of brachial plexus nerve damage following childbirth .

  16. 新生儿产伤79例分析

    Newborn labour damage in 79 cases

  17. 点穴疗法治疗产伤性痉挛型脑瘫疗效评价

    Evaluation of effect for the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy cause by birth trauma with acupoint therapy

  18. 提高妇幼保健水平,减少产伤,降低出生缺陷发生率。

    In this way , the maternity and child health care can be improved with birth defects reduced .

  19. 结论医源性直肠阴道瘘系因产伤或手术处理不当损伤直肠阴道隔所致。

    Conclusions Iatrogenic rectovaginal fistula is caused by obstetric injury or injury of rectovaginal septum due to surgical mismanagement .

  20. 其中脑室管膜下&脑室内出血66例(76%)。仅一例同时有产伤因素。

    Among them 66 cases were found to have subependymal - intraventricular hemorrhage and only one case caused by obstetrical trauma .

  21. 婴儿死亡的前四位主要死因分别为先天异常、产伤和窒息、早产儿和未成熟儿、肺炎。

    The top 4 causes of infant death were congenital abnormalities , birth injuries and asphyxias , premature infants and pneumonia .

  22. 方法用回顾性分析方法对该院23年间分娩造成的新生儿产伤共79例进行分析。

    Methods : Reviewed the newborn labour damage in 79 cases from delivery in the past 23 years in our hospital .

  23. 结论提示在预防软产道产伤性损伤时除考虑常见原因外,要关注不同民族产妇间的差异。

    Conclusion In preventing of soft canals birth injuries , differences in ethnic factors should be considered as well as the traditional causes .

  24. 其分娩方式和产伤人数与典型病例组无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    The delivery pattern and birth trauma in atypical cases had no differences to those in typical ones ( P > 0.05 ) .

  25. 在手术治疗的病例中,65%成年和75%的产伤性臂丛损伤为根性撕脱伤。

    About 65 % of the adult and 75 % of the obstetrical brachial plexus lesions that have been operated upon suffer from avulsion injuries .

  26. 正常对照组(无缺氧史及严重感染、产伤的新生儿)20例。

    Besides , there is a normal control group ( no history of hypoxia and severe infection , neonatal birth trauma ) - 20 cases .

  27. 新生儿死亡的主要原因是早产和低出生体重、感染、窒息(出生时缺氧)以及产伤。

    The main causes of newborn deaths are prematurity and low-birth-weight , infections , asphyxia ( lack of oxygen at birth ) and birth trauma .

  28. a除早产、低出生体重、产伤和出生窒息外,这一类别还包括围产期出现的其它非感染性病因。

    AThis category also includes other non-infectious causes arising in the perinatal period , apart from prematurity , low birth weight , birth trauma and asphyxia .

  29. 方法以推拿及臂丛神经周围封闭为主,佐以针刺等疗法,对57例小于6个月的产伤性臂丛神经麻痹患儿进行早期干预。

    Method Fifty-seven infants under 6 months with BBP were intervened early by massage , block injection around the brachial plexus , acupuncture and other therapies .

  30. 22例患者有明确的国产期损害、产伤、外伤及脑部感染或高热病史.这些病例的病灶病变也与病史吻合。

    By inquiry there existed difinite history of perinatal damage , trauma , brain infection or high fever in nearly half of the cases ( 22 eases ) .