
  • 网络Product Differentiation Strategy
  1. Bertrand竞争下融资策略与产品差异化策略的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on Financing Strategy and Product Differentiation Strategy in the Frame of Bertrand Competition

  2. 融资策略与产品差异化策略是企业两大重要的决策。

    The financing strategy and product differentiation strategy both are important basic decisions .

  3. 存在多方购买下网络外部性产品差异化策略博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Differentiation Competition of Network Externalities Product with Multihoming

  4. 我国葡萄酒产品差异化策略研究

    Study on Differentiation Tactics of Wine Product in China

  5. 进入壁垒与企业产品差异化策略

    Entry Barriers and Firms ' Product Differentiation Strategy

  6. 双寡头垄断市场的价格竞争与产品差异化策略&一个博弈论模型及其扩展

    Price competition and strategy of product differential location : Game theory and its extension

  7. 产品差异化策略与企业自主创新

    Product Differentiation Strategy and Enterprises Independent Innovation

  8. 对于网络经济当中的厂商而言,产品差异化策略是赢得市场竞争的一项重要策略。

    For the firm in the network economy , product differentiation strategy is one of the important strategies to win the market competition .

  9. 第四章至第七章:从葡萄品种与酒种区域化、葡萄酒质量等级差异化、葡萄酒品牌差异化和葡萄酒包装差异化四个方面论述了葡萄酒产品差异化策略。

    Chapter 4 to 7 give some detailed tactics of wine product differentiation . The four respects are grape varieties and wine types , wine quality level control , product brand and wine packaging .

  10. 为规避反倾销,中国企业必须遵守和利用国际贸易法规,规范企业管理和实施产品差异化策略,并尽快完善我国的反倾销和反规避立法。

    For avoiding the anti dumping , Chinese enterprises must obey with and standardize enterprise management and apply the strategy of the products difference and perfect the legislation of anti-dumping and anti-tergiversation as soon as possible .

  11. 通过对目前市场中价格竞争激烈的状况及对每一个竞争主体进行分析,基于博弈模型(囚徒困境模型及豪泰林模型),提出达到“均衡”的主要对策:并购及产品差异化策略。

    Based on the model of game ( the Prisoners ' Dilemma Model and the Hotelling Model ), the essay advances the chief countermeasures to attain " equilibrium ": the strategy of MA and product dissimilation .

  12. 克服市场过度竞争缺陷的一个重要途径是粮食企业和农户之间建立长期合同关系(即订单),以及农户或粮食企业采用产品差异化策略以获取市场垄断势力。

    An important way to overcome the market over-competition is to establish a long-term contractual relation ( i.e. order ) between farmers and SOE of grain , or gain market monopolistic power by product differentia strategy .

  13. 分析三阶段Bertrand-Stackelberg市场价格竞争与产品差异化选址策略,将之与Bertrand-Nash市场均衡进行静态比较;

    This paper analyses the three-period Bertrand-Stackelberg market price competition and the strategy of product differentiation location , and makes a static contrast with Bertrand-Nash market equilibrium ;

  14. 我国化妆品企业产品差异化的策略研究

    Research on Product Differentiation Strategy of China 's Cosmetics Enterprises

  15. 具有网络外部性的产品纵向差异化策略

    Vertical Differentiation Strategy of Products with Network Externality

  16. 浅析农产品差异化营销策略

    Marketing Strategy of Agricultural Product Differentiation

  17. 答案是英国石油通过收购扩张、国家和产品的差异化策略、再投资以及技术更新获得增长。

    The answer is that BP grew through acquisitions and diversified into different countries and products , reinvesting its cash flow and honing its technical skills .

  18. 移动商务环境下服务产品的差异化竞争策略研究

    Study on Competitive Strategies of Service Products Differentiation under Mobile Commerce

  19. 平台企业为了吸引足够多的双方用户,扩大交易量,常常采取价格倾斜、单边补贴、平台定价共谋、产品差异化等竞争策略。

    In order to attract more multilateral consumers and expand trading volume , the platform enterprises often apply competition strategy like inclined pricing , unilateral subsidies , platform pricing conspiracy and product differentiation .

  20. 对于直销渠道与传统渠道的冲突管理,本文独创性的提出:利用整体渠道系统的产品动态组合与产品差异化相结合的策略,辅以其它手段,来解决双渠道前台整合和冲突协调问题。

    We can use the dynamic product combination tactic and product difference tactic to settle the problem of the two channels integration and harmony .

  21. 横向竞争的主要原因是同层企业所提供的产品和服务具有一定的可替代性,产品差异化策略是降低横向竞争程度的有效手段。

    The dominate reason for horizontal competition is that the products and services provided by the members at a same tier are substitutable . Enterprises usually take QR strategy , improve service level and implement product different measures to compete at market .

  22. 首先,采用品牌拓展的产品策略,创新供应链金融产品品牌,实施产品差异化策略,定制无追索权暗保理和无追索权明保理的应收账款融资产品,以适应供应链企业顾客需求差异。

    Innovate the supply chain financial products brand ; implement product differentiation strategies , custom hiding factoring without recourse and open factoring accounts receivable financing products , so as to adapt nonrecourse to different enterprise customers ' requirements in supply chain .

  23. 文章分别从森林公园旅游产品开发、政府、森林公园运营企业三个角度提出提升森林公园旅游竞争力的策略:(1)旅游产品差异化战策略。

    These advices illustrated from three perspectives , including the Forest Park tourism product development , the Government and the forest park operators to upgrade the Forest Park tourism competitiveness : ( 1 ) the strategy of tourism product differentiation .

  24. 在银行产品差异化行为的研究中,得出了银行产品纵向差异的质量优先和最大横向差异化等原则,据此构造实施银行产品差异化的策略框架。

    In analyzing the product differentiation of banks , such rules as quality first in vertical differentiation and maximizing horizon differentiation are derived , and the product differentiation strategies are designed .