
  • 网络production cycle;the product cycle
  1. 目前已有的很多办法都是通过合理地安排工序的先后顺序来达到缩短产品生产周期目的的。

    So far , existing many ways to achieve the purpose of shorten production cycle is by reasonable arrangements for the sequence of processes .

  2. 而且,产品生产周期越来越短,用户对产品的多样化和产品交付的准时化要求越来越高。

    Moreover , the production cycle is getting shorter while consumers become increasingly high demanding for the requirements of the diversification and punctual delivery of products .

  3. 可以先利用SAPBO的前端展示工具提供多维数据查询和分析操作得到各工厂的加工情况、产品生产周期、库存消耗量等信息,并将这些指标及维度制作成相应的多维分析报表。

    Firstly , the front-end SAP BO display tool can be used to provide multi-dimension data query and analysis to obtain the production status and material consumption information .

  4. 欧洲汽车厂商由于产品生产周期相对较长,一直没有充分认识到城市型SUV市场的潜力,但现在他们已开始对这一市场给予更多的关注。

    European manufacturers , with their longer product cycles , have been slow to recognize the segment but are giving it more attention .

  5. 将作业成本法(Activity-basedCosting,简称ABC)原则扩展到企业业务流程中去,提出一种改进的企业业务流程,缩短产品生产周期,控制企业成本,提高制造企业的竞争力。

    The principle of activity-based costing was brought into the field of business process , and an improved business process was put forward so as to shorten the producing time of products , control the enterprise cost and boost the competitive ability of manufacturing enterprise .

  6. 即使原产品生产周期很短,但返工的话也会耗费很长时间。

    Thus while the original production time was short , the rework time was long .

  7. 产品生产周期缩短的实证分析

    Empirical analysis of shortening the lead time

  8. 对生产能力或产品生产周期,工厂似乎没有做出足够的计划。

    There appears to not be adequate planning for capacity or for lead time of products .

  9. 该产品生产周期短,反应温和,工艺简单,原料易得。

    This produce is short production period , moderate reaction , simple technology , easy source of other materials .

  10. 实践表明,该系统有利于缩短产品生产周期,提高产品生产的灵活性,增强企业的竞争能力。

    The system is making produced circle short and increasing production flexibility and enhancing the competitive capability of business .

  11. 为了得到更大的市场,公司必须做到以下两点:一是缩短产品生产周期;二是缩短产品开发周期。

    In order to capture a bigger market , a company needs to shorten the product manufacturing cycle and product development lead time .

  12. 磨削淬硬技术将某些工件的表面热处理工艺和磨削加工工艺集成到一起,可以降低生产成本,提高生产效率,缩短产品生产周期,因此磨削淬硬技术具有较大的经济价值和社会效益。

    Grind-hardening integrate surface heat treatment process and grinding into one production line , which can decrease manufacturing cost , improve machining efficiency , and reduce production time .

  13. 而供应链管理中的库存管理作为企业增值活动的一个重要环节,也成为企业面对变化多端的市场需求下不断缩短的产品生产周期所关注的重点之一。

    Inventory management , as an important element of value-added , has drawn the attention of companies in order to meet the variable demand and shorten production lead time .

  14. 由于装配是影响现代制造业尤其是飞机行业产品生产周期的重要环节。因此,装配仿真技术的发展迫在眉睫。

    As the assembly is an important part of the production cycle to modern manufacturing , especially aircraft industry products , therefore , developing the assembly simulation technology is compelling .

  15. 验证结果表明:通过设施规划的方法能够达到降低车间层的在制品库存、缩短产品生产周期和提高单位时间生产量的目的,对企业生产具有指导性的意义。

    The results of simulation show that the improvement plan can achieve the objective of reducing WIP and increasing throughput , and it is important for the enterprise to have a decision support .

  16. 采购供应物流组织得好,可大幅度缩短产品生产周期、降低物流成本、提高供应链的敏捷度和柔性。

    If we organize the material flow of the supply well , it can greatly reduce the circle of the production and costs and Improve agility degree and flexibility which supply the chain .

  17. 缩短了刀具选配时间,加速了产品生产周期,提高了生产效率,并对刀具选配结果的综合成本进行了控制和优化。

    The time of cutting tool choice matching is shortened , and the production cycle is accelerated . The production efficiency is improved , and the cost of cutting tool choosing matching is controlled and optimized .

  18. 组织好入厂物流,就可以大幅度缩短产品生产周期、降低物流成本、提高供应链的敏捷性和柔性,入厂物流是汽车企业增强供应链竞争能力的重要环节。

    Good organizations of inbound logistics could significantly shorten production cycle , reduce cost , and increase the flexibility of the supply chain . So inbound logistics system is one of the important parts in the competitive ability .

  19. 随着科技进步及生产力提高,产品生产周期缩短使得时间成为竞争的焦点,伴随着客户需求的多样化、个性化,多品种小批量的生产方式已成为当今企业组织生产的主流。

    With the technical development and the growth of productivity , production lead-time is shortened , which makes time the focus of competition . Multi-variety and small-lot becomes the main production style due to the diversification and individuation of customer requirement .

  20. 生产物流是企业生产过程的重要构成因素,生产物流不流畅,会导致产品生产周期延长,生产成本增加,企业经济利益受损。

    Because the production logistics is the important component of production process factors in the enterprise , if the Production logistics not fluent , the cycle time of the product will be extended , and the cost of product will be increased too .

  21. 由于农产品生产周期长等原因,非财务绩效评价应用在都市农业企业上更具有现实意义,可以全方位监督企业经营过程,从而发现企业发展过程中的不足并提出恰当的建议。

    Agricultural production cycle length and other reasons , the application of non-financial performance evaluation of practical significance in the urban agricultural enterprises , all-round supervision of business process , which found deficiencies in the process of enterprise development and make appropriate recommendations .

  22. 同时,在信息化、数字化制造趋势的促进下,钣金计算机辅助工艺规划是缩短产品生产周期,提高工艺人员工作效率,增强企业竞争力的有效途径之一。

    Meanwhile , under the promotion of information technology and digital manufacturing trends , sheet metal computer aided process planning ( CAPP ) is one of the useful ways to shorten the production cycle , improve the working efficiency and enhance the competitiveness of enterprise .

  23. 注塑成型CAE技术可以帮助工程师对塑件的注塑成型工艺进行优化,以减少反复试模修模的次数,缩短产品的生产周期。

    Injection molding CAE technology can help engineers to plastics molding process optimization , to reduce repeated the number of mold testing molds , shortened product production cycle .

  24. 并行化工具管理可以有效地缩短产品的生产周期,提高企业的竞争实力。

    CE tool management can shorten production period and raise enterprise 's competition .

  25. 在产品的生产周期中,公司应评估创新的方法以提高产品的质量。

    Throughout the product lifecycle , companies should evaluate opportunities for innovative approaches to improve product quality .

  26. 在削减工厂运营成本的同时,缩短产品的生产周期。

    While cutting down the operation cost of the factory , we shorten the production cycle of the products .

  27. 为了缩短产品的生产周期,提高市场占有份额,越来越多的企业使用计算机来辅助工艺设计。

    More and more enterprises use computer aided process planning to reduce product life cycles and improve market shares .

  28. 高效的车间生产调度能够提高车间生产效率,缩短产品的生产周期,进而对上述目标的实现具有很大的推动作用。

    Efficient workshop manufacturing scheduling can improve the efficiency of the workshop , shorten product production cycle , and then to promote the attainment of the goal .

  29. 有效地控制供应链上各节点的库存将会大大缩短产品的生产周期,降低成本,从而提高整个供应链的竞争能力。

    Efficient control of inventory at nodes of a supply chain reduces product lead time and cost sharply , and promotes the competition edge of the whole supply chain .

  30. 如何缩短产品的生产周期,提高生产效率,在尽可能短时间内满足用户的需求,已成为企业和管理者最为关注的问题之一。

    How to reduce the production period , improve the production efficiency and to meet the customer 's demand in a short time has become the main concern to a company and the manager .