
  • 网络technical director;Technical Supervisor;Tech-Lead;CTO
  1. 豪迈的全体职工希望AchimGauss复职,他是豪迈资深技术主管,于5月23日突然宣布“因个人原因”辞职。

    Local staff want Achim Gauss , Homag 's long-standing technical director , who resigned abruptly " for personal reasons " on May 23rd , to be reinstated .

  2. GJ公司按照项目组织的结构成立了PC船体建造项目组织,项目组配置了项目经理、副经理、建造主管、采购主管、技术主管、监造师等。

    GJ company was established in accordance with the project organization structure of the PC boat construction projects of the organization , the project team with project manager , deputy manager , in charge of construction , procurement director , technical director , supervision division .

  3. GrigGheorghiu是RISTechnology的技术主管,这是位于洛杉矶的一家Web主机托管公司。

    Grig Gheorghiu is the Director of Technology for RIS Technology , a Web hosting company based in Los Angeles .

  4. 谷歌(Google)自己的无人驾驶技术主管不久前离职,优步在这样一个时候收购奥托(Otto),会加剧优步在无人驾驶方面与谷歌(Google)的东家Alphabet的竞争。

    The acquisition of Otto will heighten Uber 's driverless competition with Google owner Alphabet , at a time when Google 's own head of driverless technology has recently left .

  5. 我经常对我所在的软件团队(我在其中担任技术主管或架构师)的成员提起,OO语言最大的敌人是复制和粘贴操作。

    I often tell people on the software teams on which I 've been a technical lead or architect that the greatest enemy of OO languages is a copy-and-paste operation .

  6. 美国咨询公司NexantInc.的技术主管爱德华•格拉泽(EdwardGlatzer)说,因为人们在环境和安全方面一直对煤炭心怀疑虑,所以煤炭的名声不怎么好。

    ' There is a stigma about coal because of its historical environmental and safety concerns , 'says Edward Glatzer , director of technology at Nexant Inc. , a San Francisco-based consulting firm .

  7. 认为CIO自20世纪70年代以来先后经历过两次大的角色转变,第一次是从技术主管转向信息主管,第二次是从信息主管转向知识主管。

    The author thinks that the role of CIO has changed twice since 1970s , the first change is from the chief technology officer to the chief information officer , and the second is from the chief information officer to the chief knowledge officer .

  8. 另一方面,每天穿越企业“数据边界”的可穿戴设备明显会成为黑客的目标,在英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)和军情五处(MI5)工作13年后加入网络安全公司Darktrace担任技术主管的戴夫•帕尔马(DavePalmer)表示。

    Meanwhile , wearable devices crossing over corporate " digital perimeters " every day are an obvious target for hackers , says Dave Palmer , who spent 13 years at GCHQ and MI5 before joining cyber security company Darktrace as head of technology .

  9. 埃里克克林(ErikCoelingh)是这家瑞典汽车制造商主管安全的资深技术主管,他说:“在实践中,我们必须确保汽车永远不会陷入必须做出不可能选择的境地。”

    Erik Coelingh , a senior technical leader for safety at the Swedish carmaker , says : " In practice , we have to make sure a car never gets into a situation where it has to make an impossible choice . "

  10. 现在他是一家网页开发公司的技术主管。

    Now he is an Engineering Manager for a web development company .

  11. 但是我们的技术主管非常明智地没有那样做。

    But the tech lead intelligently did not do that .

  12. 技术主管需要评估问题陈述,并尽可能清晰地理解它。

    The technical leader needs to assess and understand the problem statement as clearly as possible .

  13. 项目的技术主管。

    Technical leader of the project .

  14. 在这些场景中,技术主管可能会同时使用应用程序架构师和产品专家。

    In these scenarios , the technical lead may use both an application architect and a product specialist .

  15. 格兰特从他在朴茨茅斯俱乐部技术主管的位置上跳槽来到切尔西。

    Grant has left his role as Portsmouth 's technical director to take up the job at Stamford Bridge .

  16. 技术主管与提案主管合作,以确定客户那里有哪些人员能提供更多信息。

    The technical leader works with the proposal lead to identify those client personnel from whom to obtain more information .

  17. 论文站在信息技术主管部门的角度提出了劳动就业与社会保险管理信息系统建设,首先从湖南劳动保障信息管理现状分析找到我省劳动保障管理信息系统开发中存在的问题;

    From the perspective of information technology manage center , the article puts forward the public demand in employment and insurance .

  18. 根据这些要求制订的年度培训计划由技术主管和质量部门的领导批准。

    An annual training program is developed from these needs and is approved by the Technical Director and the Head of Quality .

  19. 技术主管必须具有丰富的经验,以评估在定义总体解决方案的过程中必需的特定技能集。

    The technical leader must also be experienced enough to assess the specific skill sets that will be required to define the overall solution .

  20. 这样的决定是由技术主管、提案主管以及业务机会所有者共同做出的。

    Such a decision is taken by the technical leader in conjunction with the proposal leader and in concurrence with the business opportunity owner .

  21. Mandiant母公司“火眼”的首席技术主管格雷迪·萨默斯指出,这些发现“令人非常担忧”。

    Grady Summers , the chief technology officer of Mandiant 's parent company , FireEye , said the findings were " very concerning . "

  22. 国务院科学技术主管部门对国家自然科学基金工作依法进行宏观管理、统筹协调。

    The competent authority of science and technology of the State Council shall have the responsibilities of the macro-administration and overall coordination of the work concerning National Natural Science funds .

  23. 包括地区国会议员、地方领导人和技术主管在内的官员抱怨说,烟农们不分青红皂白地将树砍倒,作为烘烤烟草的柴火。

    The officials , who included area MPs , local leaders and technical staff , complained that tobacco farmers were indiscriminately cutting down trees for firewood to cure their harvested tobacco .

  24. 当意识到如果我们不交付版本1那么在版本2中将不会需要这一特性,技术主管决定从项目中分离出所有的国际化代码!

    The tech lead made the decision to rip all the internationalization code out of the project , realizing that we wouldn 't need that feature in version two if we never shipped version one !

  25. 但是,由于技术主管推迟了如此长的时间才做决定,我们现在十分清楚这个应用程序在消息传递方面的需求,因此可以采用最简单的工具来完成该任务。

    But because the tech lead delayed the decision so long , we knew exactly what this application needed in terms of messaging , allowing us to get the simplest tool that did the job .

  26. 曹洪欣,传统中医药国家管理局科学技术主管,她的成功使通过科学和技术发展中医药及使其现代化变得前景一片光明。

    Her success has led to a promising approach to the modernization and development of TCM through science and technology , said Cao Hongxin , the science and technology chief of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  27. 一家西方银行的技术业务主管表示:此外,在一个像美国这样的关键市场中遭遇政治方面的强烈质疑,意味着IPO可能很难吸引投资者。

    In addition , the strong political suspicions the company faces in a market as vital as the US mean this would be a very hard sell to investors , says a technology head of a western bank .

  28. 毕马威业绩与技术业务主管斯科特帕克(ScottParker)表示,市场一直起伏不定,一些经济部门在雇用管理顾问,另一些经济部门则在继续解聘管理顾问。

    Scott Parker , head of performance and technology at KPMG , says the market has been a rollercoaster , with some sectors of the economy hiring management consultants , as others continue to axe them .

  29. 技术部主管校报排版、各类海报和图片后期制作。

    The DesignDepartment designs pages for The Beacon newspaper , makes posters and processes pictures .

  30. 第五条国家科学技术委员会主管全国实验动物工作。

    Article 5 The State Science and Technology Commission shall be in charge of the work throughout China with respect to experimental animals .