
  • 网络technical
  1. 样章2出自本书的第7章,它更多地侧重于SOA的技术面,及其在SOE中的应用。

    Excerpt two comes from Chapter Seven and deals more more technical aspects of SOA and how the apply to SOE .

  2. LotusDomino/Notes系统的安全控制上具有:功能强大,技术面广、控制层次多,配置管理灵活等特点。

    Lotus Domino / Notes system has many features in security control , such as powerful function , technical extensive and multi-level control , flexible configuration management .

  3. 第三个观点讨论的是SOA治理跨越部门所有者边界和业务面和技术面之间的人为边界的重要性。

    The third theme talks about a vital necessity for SOA Governance to be able to cross the departmental ownership boundaries as well as an artificial boarder between Business and Technology .

  4. 摩根(jpmorgan)全球市场战略主管简洛伊斯(janloeys)说,强劲的业绩和经济数据显示,股市过去两周的反弹涨势,是由基本面(而非技术面)因素推动的。

    Jan loeys , global head of market strategy at JPMorgan , said that strong earnings and economic data showed the recovery rally in equities of the past two weeks was fundamental and not technical .

  5. Hager表示过去几天,主要的指标对于技术面破坏殆尽,所以下周的交易存在进一步下跌的风险。

    Hager said the major gauges have done enough damage on the technical side in the last few days that they are at risk of falling a lot more over the next week .

  6. 我负责房屋的技术面。

    For me , it was the technology side of things .

  7. 要小心:技术面因素预示日元很快将遇到阻力。

    And watch out : technicals argue for a yen setback soon .

  8. 因此,我们的近期技术面支持超跌反弹行情。

    That said , our near-term technical bias favors an oversold relief rally .

  9. 技术面,短期及中期各项技术指标保持多头强势状态。

    In technical side , short and mid-term technical indicators keep on rise .

  10. 但日线技术面还是支持午后延续反弹。

    But Date Line still supports afternoon rebounce .

  11. 技术面,短时各项技术指标仍支持明天早盘延续反弹。

    Technically , short-term technical indicators are still supporting continuation of rebounce tomorrow morning .

  12. 大豆合约下滑也令豆品期货承压,另外豆油期货技术面也不佳。

    The drop in soybeans pressured the products . Additionally , soyoil was struggling technically .

  13. 但是从技术面分析,午盘出现回落的可能性大。

    But from technical side , there will be larger possibility to fall in afternoon market .

  14. 扩大技术面。

    Expand your skill set .

  15. 近期技术面支持指数向移动平均线短期回调。

    Our near-term technical bias on the index favors a short-term pullback toward the trend channel moving average .

  16. 资金流转向需要时间,但当前技术面预示着,2014年新兴市场会有良好表现。

    Flows may take time to turn , but the technical position already bodes well for performance in 2014 .

  17. 这些经济和技术面方面的改革相互作用,改变了市场的估价、波动性、周转速度和流动性。

    The interaction of these economic and technical changes has altered market valuations , volatility , velocity and liquidity .

  18. 基本面更好,技术面更强,新兴市场资产在2013年遭大举技术性抛售之后,估值更具吸引力,这一切都吸引投资者进入。

    Better fundamentals , stronger technicals and attractive valuations after a sharp technical sell-off in 2013 will lure investors .

  19. 之后结合股票市场的实际情况,将异质性投资者分为基本面投资者和技术面投资者,研究了两类投资者在股票价格动态形成过程中的相互作用。

    Considering the actual situation of stock market , the heterogeneity investors are divided into the fundamentals of investors and technical investors .

  20. 从技术面分析,这次监考太严,各种救市措施无法出台。

    From technical area analysis , this invigilate is too severe , all sorts of measure that help city cannot come on stage .

  21. 市场上旺盛的美元需求既是交易员们为防中国外汇政策发生变动而采取的战略举措,也与市场的技术面因素有关。

    The dollar demand reflects both strategic moves by traders in case Beijing 's policy has changed and technical aspects of the market .

  22. 基本面、技术面或情绪面的分析有用吗,交易是随机的掷色子吗?

    Is there any point in fundamental , technical , or sentiment analysis , or is trading like a random roll of the dice ?

  23. 直升机是高度复杂的航空产品,设计难度大,涉及技术面广,综合性强。

    Helicopter is a highly complex aviation product with a wide range of technologies and highly comprehensive , so its development is very difficult .

  24. 技术面分析和基本面分析的区别在于技术面分析只适用于市场的价格,而忽略了基本面因素。

    Technical analysis differs from fundamental analysis in that technical analysis is applied only to the price of the market , ignoring fundamental factors .

  25. 休市时,60分钟技术面掉头向下,日线技术面呈现上攻乏力,午后回调几率很大。

    In closing , 60-minute technical side turns down , date line technical side is weak , which shows big chance to back bounce .

  26. 考虑到相邻的两期合约之间除合约到期日不同之外,其他的基本面和技术面完全相同,可做为恰当的统计套利交易对象。

    In addition to the maturity date , two adjacent futures are identical in other fundamental and technological sides which are suitable for statistical arbitrage trading .

  27. 在考虑技术面取舍时,组织得在经济可行且具有成本效益又认定为适合的情况下,采用现有最佳技术。

    When considering their technological options , an organization may consider the use of best available technology where economically viable , cost effective and judged appropriate .

  28. 事实上,从市场流通来看,有众多美元多头及趋势引导行为,表明反弹是受技术面影响。

    Indeed , market flows throughout the week suggested heavy dollar buying by model and momentum-driven funds , suggesting much of the dollar 's rally is technically induced .

  29. 虽然市场短期看似会进一步下跌,但总体技术面仍然有利,意味着持续进行的回调可能是数周来上攻行情中的又一次机会。

    Although seemingly vulnerable to further short-term weakness , the overall technical backdrop remains positive , suggesting that the ongoing correction could be another blip in the multi-week rally .

  30. 成功的投资,从基本面而言,就是对上市公司进行准确的价值评估;从技术面而言,就是要深刻的理解市场趋势。

    Successful investment , from the fundamentals , it means for an accurate valuation of listed companies ; from technical terms , it means we must thoroughly understand market trends .