
  • 网络Rate;tariff;flat rate;premium rate
  1. 电话每分钟36便士(优惠费率)和48便士(高峰费率)。

    Calls cost 36p ( cheap rate ) and 48p ( peak rate ) per minute

  2. 保险费率信息采用XML文档的形式。

    The insurance rate information comes as an XML document .

  3. 按浮动费率制根据收入高低计算收费。

    Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income .

  4. 很多优惠费率都带有限制条件。

    Many reduced fares are hedged around with restrictions .

  5. 更低的费率意味着各公司更有可能在未来的几个月中大幅获利。

    Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months

  6. 费率也许会提高,但幅度不会太大,时间也不会太长。

    Rates may rise , but it won 't be by much and it won 't be for long

  7. 众议院法案中的提议将不得不与供应方协调费率,而不是像改革派们期望的那样直接使用医疗保险率。

    The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers , rather than using Medicare rates , as many reformers wanted .

  8. ETC系统收费费率折扣优化方法

    Optimization Method of Toll Discount Rate in Electronic Toll Collection Systems

  9. KurtSalmon发现,顾问导向型咨询的费率弹性要更高一些。

    Kurt Salmon finds fee rates to be more resilient in advisory-orientated consulting .

  10. 马氏调制费率下复合Poisson风险模型的Lundberg型不等式

    The Lundberg Inequality in A Compoumd Poisson Risk Model With Markov-Modulated Premium Rates

  11. 计算费率的新方法&改进的NCD系统

    A New Method for Making Premium Rate - Improved NCD System

  12. 况且,中国加入WTO后,市场准入门槛的降低,费率市场化步伐的加快,产品差异化水平的提高等都对原有监管模式提出了严峻挑战。

    After China entered the WTO , it has brought forward severe challenges such as the lowered market doorsill the quickened step of marketing premium and the improved product diversity .

  13. 过去一年,Su一直押注干散货市场会下跌,而油轮费率会上升。

    He has bet for the past year that the dry bulk market would fall while rates for oil tankers would rise .

  14. 计算时间和费用〃帮助您比较将UPS货件发送到全世界各个目的地的保证递送时间和发布的费率。

    Calculate Time and Cost helps you compare guaranteed delivery times and published rates for sending UPS shipments to destinations around the world .

  15. 请参阅可能适用于您所在辖区的《UPS费率和服务指南》或类似指南或费率文件获得详细信息。

    Please see the UPS Rate and Service Guide or similar guides or rate documents as may be applicable in your jurisdiction for details .

  16. 2在满足同样精度情况下,选用RBF神经网络建模,训练速度很快,基本误差小,较好地解决了风险补偿费率的估计问题。

    Compare with other neural networks , the RBF neural network have the features of training quickly and little errors in estimating risk compensation rate .

  17. Google还公布了新的使用类型(UsageTypes):免费、付费应用(PaidApps)、白金账户(PremierAccount),还有针对实例、API和Datastore存储的新使用费率。

    Google also announced new Usage Types – Free , Paid Apps , and Premier Accounts –, and new usage fees for Instances , APIs , and Datastore Storage .

  18. 该系统包括对IP电话卡的支持,固定电话直拨IP电话的支持,以及费率、账单等运营需要的业务的管理等功能。

    That system support prepaid card of VoIP and direct dial to IP with local telephone . The system also has rich kinds of rate policy and many management sub systems on operation support .

  19. 在AIG的第一笔此类交易中,保险费率仅为每年0.02美分/美元。

    In the first such deals with AIG , the fee had been just 0.02 cents for every dollar of risk insured each year .

  20. 竞争对手声称,当tmt押注ffa价格下降时,往往会提供低于市场价格的租船费率。

    Rivals claim that the vessels are often chartered out at lower-than-market rates when TMT is betting on FFA prices to fall .

  21. 本周,健康与公共事业局(HealthandHumanServices)局长凯瑟琳瑟比列斯(KathleenSebelius)给所有州写了封信,鼓励各州调查其他的保险费率提高问题并叫停保险公司在保险系统中钻空子的行为。

    And this week , our Secretary of Health and Human Services , Kathleen Sebelius , wrote a letter to all states urging them to investigate other rate hikes and stop insurance companies from gaming the system .

  22. 尽管如此,旨在支付确定回报的结构性产品以及追踪指数的低费率ETF所吸引到的投资,一直在迅速增长。

    Nonetheless , investments in structured products designed to pay a defined return and shares in cheap exchange-traded funds that track indices , have been rising fast .

  23. 这意味着,不但要向查询传递customerid,还要传递保险费率。

    This means that you have to pass to the query not only the customerid but also the insurance rates .

  24. 早期项目的矿区使用费率为1%,当时西德克萨斯轻质原油(wti)的价格为每桶55美元。

    The royalty starts at 1 per cent for early-stage projects when the West Texas Intermediate price is at $ 55 a barrel .

  25. 广义线性模型(GLMs)从根本上说,属于一种分类费率厘定模型。

    Radically speaking , Generalized Linear Models ( GLMs ) belong to the models of risk classification ratemaking .

  26. 并且分析了国外电子商务物流公司UPS在其网站上所提供的会员注册、直接进行业务办理、包裹跟踪信息、时间与费率查询等功能。

    With UPS as an example , this work also analyses the functions provided by the oversea e-commercial logistics companies on their websites . These functions include membership registration , direct business , package tracking , and time and cost calculation .

  27. 最后,数据存取一般实现纯的CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)a功能,作为对企业服务实现业务有意义的接口,比如费率策略等。

    Finally , data access typically implements pure CRUD ( Create , Read , Update , Delete ) a where as enterprise services implement business meaningful interface , like rate policy , etc.

  28. 本算法同时还考虑了接收信号强度RSS、节点的速度和方向、目标网络的费率以及电量消耗率等诸多因素,各个因素的权重是根据用户喜好的不同、利用AHP算法来确定的。

    The proposed algorithm also considered the RSS , node speed and direction , charge rate of target network , and electricity consumption rate , etc. The weight of each factor was determined by the AHP algorithm based on different user preferences .

  29. 取而代之他们提出只需要银行拿出60亿美元(通过提高存款保险费率),其余资金通过提前关闭问题资产援助项目(TARP)来解决。

    They proposed instead that only $ 6 billion come from banks ( from higher deposit-insurance fees ) and the rest from winding down the Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) early .

  30. 德国经济协调储备金制度之内容与借鉴由Black-Scholes公式的欧式期权定价方法提出了计算银行资产储备金费率的一个新的数学方法,适用于指导中央制定金融储备金费率。

    On the Content and Reference Value of Germanic Economy Coordination Reserve System By Black-Scholes option pricing equation , we put forward a new simple method to estimate capital charge ration asked for the commercial bank in deposit insurance .