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  1. 他把这笔勤工俭学所得的钱捐给了山东费县一个叫孙姗姗的贫困小学生。

    He donated a impoverished primary student named Sun Shanshan in Shandong Fei County .

  2. 山东省费县秋冬型恙虫病疫源地宿主动物调查研究

    Studies of Hosts and Isolation of Rickettsiae tsutsugamushi ( Rt ) in Natural Focus of Autumn-Winter Type Scrub Typhus in Fei County , Shandong Province

  3. 目的:搞清山东省费县地区秋冬型恙虫病疫源地宿主动物种类及其携带恙虫病立克次体(Rt)情况。

    In order to find out the hosts of Rt in natural focus of autumn-winter type scrub typhus in Fei county , Shandong province .

  4. 费县地下水资源量的估算与分析

    Estimation & Analysis of Groundwater Resources Yield of Feixian County

  5. 鲁西地区中元古代四堡期辉绿岩基本特征&以蒙阴野店及费县高家围子地区为例

    Basic Characteristics of Diabase in Meso-proterozoic Sibao Period in West of Shandong Province

  6. 2008年费县部分健康人群百日咳、白喉、破伤风抗体水平调查

    Investigation on Antibodies of DTP among Healthy Population in Feixian County in 2008

  7. 费县182名男男性接触者艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为状况调查

    Survey of knowledge , attitude and practice about AIDS among 182 MSM in Feixian

  8. 比如1854年费城的城区就兼并了费县的绝大部分地区。

    In1854 , for example , the city of Philadelphia annexed most of Philadelphia County .

  9. 山东省费县木材加工企业核心竞争力发展研究

    Research of Development of Core Competence of Wood-processing Corporations in Fei City , Shangdong Province

  10. 夷方位于滕县东邻费县境内。

    The Yi tribe was located at Fei county , a east neighbor of the Teng county .

  11. 本文是对山东省费县龙王堂庙会的个案研究。

    The dissertation is a case study of the temple fair for the dragon king in Fei County , Shandong .

  12. 鲁西费县中生代玄武岩形成于119Ma,为碱性玄武岩。

    Mesozoic basalt in Feixian , western Shandong , is composed of alkaline basalt with K-Ar age of 119 Ma .

  13. 山东省费县地处鲁中山地,地质条件复杂,地下水资源比较丰富。

    Feixian County is located in the middle mountainous region of Shandong with complicated geography conditions and rich ground water resources .

  14. 鲁西费县中生代玄武岩及幔源捕掳晶的矿物化学:对岩石圈地幔性质的制约

    Mesozoic Basalt and Mineral Chemistry of the Mantle-Derived Xenocrysts in Feixian , Western Shandong , China : Constraints on Nature of Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle

  15. 山东费县大井头地区第四系中金刚石及其指示矿物分布异常丰富,并且具有较高的集中度;

    Distribution of diamonds and its indictor minerals are very abundant in Quaternary Dajingtou area in Feixian county , Shandong province with a high concentration degree ;

  16. 文章应用我国古代风水理论及其指导之下的风水城市规划设计思想,进行费县城市总体规划,提出了费县山水城市景观再创造的若干对策。

    This paper applies geomancy and " Fengshui City " planning and design theory to the comprehensive planning of Feixian city , and puts forward suggestions for creating mountain-and-waters landscape of Feixian City .

  17. 作为对这种侵蚀的自卫,也为了扩大它们收税的地域范围,城市吞并了工业化的临近地带,比如1854年费城的城区就兼并了费县的绝大部分地区。

    As a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases , the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors . In 1854 , for example , the city of Philadelphia annexed most of Philadelphia County .

  18. [方法]2004年,在临沂市分层整群抽取费县、蒙阴县、平邑县、沂水县、沂南县部分35岁以上人群进行调查。

    [ Methods ] With stratified cluster random sampling method , the residents over 35 in Feixian , Mengyin , Pingyi , Yishui and Yinan counties were investigated in 2004 . [ Results ] 8 086 people were investigated .