
  • 网络jinxiang;Jinxiang County
  1. 金乡县田间节水技术的测试分析

    On Measurement Analysis of the Field Water-Saving Technology in the Jinxiang County

  2. 大蒜的规模化种植促进了金乡县经济的全面、迅速发展。

    Planting garlic on a large scale promoted the economy development in Jinxiang county .

  3. 金乡县农业地质背景与大蒜品质关系初探

    Primary Study on the Relations between Agricultural geological Background and Garlic Quality in Jinxiang County

  4. 食品级磷酸的提制金乡县村级食品生产销售点卫生现状调查

    Survey of current sanitary status in manufacturing and selling shops at village level in Jinxiang County

  5. 蓬勃发展的金乡县人民医院

    Jinxiang County Hospital in vigorous development

  6. 济宁市是大蒜的主要种植区,金乡县生产的大蒜更是远近闻名。

    Jining is main growing areas of garlic , especially in Jinxiang for its garlic is well-known .

  7. 根据地理位置和经济发展水平,在山东省选取胶南市、金乡县和长清区作为研究现场。

    Total 3 counties in Shandong province were selected as study sites according to the geography and economic distribution .

  8. 在金乡县,商业活动致使人们对对现金需求如此强烈,以至于紧随其后的银行和“自动提款机”都出了问题。

    Trading activity has created such intense need in Jinxiang for cash that banks and cash machines are having problems keeping up .

  9. 利用农业产业化的有关理论,从以下几个方面对金乡县大蒜产业化经营进行了研究:研究了大蒜产业化在金乡县社会经济中的地位、对县域经济的影响及外贸出口状况;

    Based on the relating theory of agricultural integration , the paper studies the garlic 's industrial status , export and its influence on the County 's economy development .

  10. 受今年倒春寒天气影响,山东省金乡县的大蒜产量下降已成定局,大蒜减产或将影响今年全球蒜价的形成。

    Hit with a cold spell in an otherwise warm spring , the garlic output in Shandong Province 's Jinxiang County has consequently been affected , which may impact global garlic prices .

  11. 金乡县是我国最主要的大蒜生产地、出口地之一,大蒜的种植生产在当地的农业中处于非常重要的地位,大蒜产业所带来的收入是当地农民收入的主要的来源。

    JinXiang county is the main production , export of garlic , garlic planting production in local agriculture in a very important position , garlic industry is the main source of income for local farmers .

  12. 方法随机抽取金乡县6个乡镇乡村医生421人,进行抗生素应用问卷调查,对抗生素使用数量、使用方法、用药费用等进行统计分析。

    Methods Carrying out the investigation about the application of the antibiotics on 421 rural doctors in 6 small towns at random and it includes statistical analysis of the dose , the using method and the charge of the antibiotics .

  13. 近几年,金乡县开始重视保护传统文化,有重新发展壮大四平调的打算,作为金乡县的一个家人,笔者有责任和义务为家乡的艺术事业贡献一份自己微薄的力量。

    In recent years , Jinxiang has began to attach importance to the protection of traditional culture and planned to redevelop and strengthen siping tune . As a member of Jinxiang family , I have the responsibility and obligation to make my small contribution for the arts of my hometown .