
  • 网络loans to financial institutions;financial institution loan
  1. 选取金融机构贷款余额与GDP的比值作为衡量金融中介发展的指标;城镇居民实际可支配收入与农村居民实际纯收入的比值作为衡量城乡收入差距的指标。

    The ratio of the balance of financial institution loan to GDP is set as an index to measure the development of financial intermediations ; meanwhile , the ratio of urban residents ' spendable income to rural residents ' net income is used as the measure of income inequality .

  2. 二是我国的银行体系高度集中,金融机构贷款成本高,缺乏适合为乡镇企业提供贷款服务的中小银行。

    Second , The bank system of our country is too centralized , the financial institution loan is with high costs , lack the medium and small-scale bank that offer the financial service for the township enterprises in our country .

  3. 分析得出,长期内高校资本结构多元化存在多种权益资本与债务资本模式,而短期内我国高校资本结构多元化应主要选择BOT融资模式与金融机构贷款融资模式。

    It is concluded that there are manifold equity capital methods and debt capital methods in the diversification of the academies ' capital structure in a long term ;

  4. 国际金融机构贷款项目后期营运管理制度创新

    Institutional Creating of Regulation for Projects Operating of Loans of International Finance Organizations in Late Period

  5. 我国借贷资本效率不断下降,金融机构贷款和货币供应量大幅度增加。

    Credit capital efficiency has declined continuously and loan of financial institution and money supply has extended greatly in China .

  6. 影响金融机构贷款变动的第一因素是金融机构存款的变化,其次是固定资产投资的变动。

    The first factor affecting financial institution loans is deposits of financial institutions and the second is fixed asset investment ;

  7. 同时也要加强对国际金融机构贷款的监管,资金使用的监管。

    At the same time , the oversight of how the capital at international financial institutions is used should be strengthened .

  8. 这一步与个人从金融机构贷款时的情况类似。

    This step is similar to what happens to an individual seeking to obtain a personal loan from a financial institution .

  9. 增加对商业银行和城乡信用社的再贷款,增强金融机构贷款能力。

    The central bank increased loans to commercial banks and credit cooperatives in the year to enable them to increase credit .

  10. 金融机构贷款对东部地区的新产品销售收入具有显著的正效应,其贡献度为18.378。

    Loans from financial institutions has significant negative interaction with patent applications of eastern region , the rate of contribution is 18.378 .

  11. 最后对金融机构贷款的程序规则进行了介绍和分析。第二部分:以非法占有为目的的认定。

    Finally , introduce and analyze procedure rules of loans of financial institutions . Part ⅱ: Identify the purpose of illegal possession .

  12. 许多高校为了生存和发展,采用向金融机构贷款办学的筹资策略。

    Many colleges and universities in order to survive and develop the use of loans from financial institutions to the school fund-raising strategy .

  13. 自2004年1月1日起,中央银行又决定扩大金融机构贷款利率浮动区间。

    Since January 1st of this year , Central Bank again determined to expand the loan interest rate fluctuation zone of financial institution .

  14. 中国人民银行关于扩大金融机构贷款利率浮动区间有关问题的通知

    Circular of the People 's Bank of China , on Issues of Enlarging the Floating Range of the Lending Rates of Financial Institutes

  15. 1990年以前京郊乡镇企业融资主要呈现出以外源融资和间接融资为主的特征,融资来源以金融机构贷款为主。

    Before 1990 , the feature of finance structure is indirect finance and exterior finance , and the main capital channel is loan from banks .

  16. 第二,土地价格、家庭人均收入、金融机构贷款余额等是影响我国房地产价格的主要因素。

    Second , land prices , capita income per household , loans of other financial institutions that affect the main factor of real estate prices .

  17. 2003年以来我国经济增长保持快速发展趋势,固定资产投资和货币供应量及金融机构贷款增长迅猛。

    From year 2003 , Chinese economic growth is rising rapidly , and fixed assets are increasing sharply as well as money supply and financial loans .

  18. 而美国中小企业的资金来源中,业主资本大约占30%左右,股权融资占到18%,金融机构贷款占到42%。

    But in America , the capital comes from the owner about 30 % , shares about 18 % and loans from finance institutions about 42 % .

  19. 但是泉州绝大多数中小企业都属于劳动密集型,它们进行融资多是依靠间接融资渠道中的金融机构贷款。

    But most of Quanzhou small and medium-sized enterprise belong to labor-intensive , they are relying on indirect financing the financing channels of financial institutions to loans .

  20. 企业到底采用发行股票,还是向金融机构贷款,是发行债券,还是采用其它的方式融资,将对公司的价值产生影响。

    What should the companies choose , stock issuing , loan from financial institution , bond issuance or other financing methods , will influence the value of the corporation .

  21. 农村金融机构贷款的利率浮动幅度,已经达到了基本上对银行的利率选择不构成约束的程度。

    The fluctuation range of interest-rate of loans from rural financial institutions has been to such an extent that it no longer binds the selection of banks for their interest-rates .

  22. 单位诈骗金融机构贷款是否构成犯罪以及构成何罪是一个聚讼较多的问题。

    It is an issue which has aroused quite a number of controversies about whether Danwei 's cheating banking institution for loans constitutes a crime and what crime it would be .

  23. 中国人民银行发表声明表示,取消金融机构贷款利率下限,由金融机构根据商业原则自主确定贷款利率水平。

    A People 's Bank of China statement says the floor limit for lending interest rates will be canceled and the financial institutions can decide their own rates following commercial principles .

  24. 以新产品市场份额衡量,企业资金的创新产出效率最大,政府资金次之,金融机构贷款最小;

    According to new product market share , the corporate capital has the greatest innovative output efficiency , then the governmental capital , and the financial organization 's loan has the least .

  25. 国内外研究生物资源企业融资问题,主要包括:政府专项基金、股权上市融资、债务融资、向金融机构贷款、民间融资等方式。

    Domestic and international corporate finance issues of biological resources , including : government funds , equity market financing , debt financing , loans to financial institutions , private financing , etc. .

  26. 实证结果表明:(1)在1995年1月&1999年10月期间,我国居民储蓄存款和金融机构贷款的利率弹性不是表现在总量变动上而是表现在结构变动上。

    The result of empirical study shows : ( 1 ) The elasticity of interest rate on household deposits and financial institution loans gets involved with deposit structure rather than the total amount ;

  27. 本文对山东省淄博市金融机构贷款利率浮动政策执行情况进行个案研究,分析了目前金融机构执行贷款利率浮动政策对信贷市场主体和市场结构的现实冲击,从微观层面提出相关政策建议。

    This paper studies the case in Zibo City , Shandong Province , to analyze the reaction change of lenders and borrowers and the market structure evolution . Policy suggestions are put forward .

  28. 从而环境绩效差的企业获得金融机构贷款的难度增加,这些企业为获得金融机构贷款不得不增加债务筹资费用。

    Thus poor environmental performance of enterprises to obtain loans from financial institutions to increase the difficulty of these enterprises to obtain loans from financial institutions had to increase the cost of debt financing .

  29. 改革开放以来,为解决经济发展中资金紧张的困难,我国使用了大量的国际金融机构贷款。

    Since reform and opening in China , there are so many loans of international finance organizations used in our country in order to resolve the problem that is short of money for economic developing .

  30. 收支相抵,累计结余149亿元,金融机构贷款逐月加快,贷款结构有所改善。

    Accounting revenue and expenditure , the accumulative surplus was 14.9 billion yuan . The amount of loans granted by financial institutions has increased on a monthly basis , with the loan structure further improved .