- 名tax payable;tax amount payable

Nevertheless , the amount so deducted may not exceed the tax amount payable for the taxpayer 's incomes from abroad as calculated according to the provisions of this law .
While , the determination of the tax payable relies on two factors : Types of the payable tax and the period of the amount of tax payable .
Tax payable = Composite assessable price * Tax rate
Investment tax credits ( ITCs ) are deducted from the firm 's tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased .
Should ratal is calculated with the rmb .
The final step in determining tax liability is to apply a schedule of rates to taxable income .
Under current law , joint tax liabilities may increase or decrease upon marriage , depending on the couple 's circumstances .
The computation of tax payable for Consumption Tax shall follow either the rate on value or the amount on volume method .
The total amount of tax due is supposed to be roughly independent of whether the income is earned at home or abroad .
If there is any discrepancy between the results concluded through two or more approaches , the highest payable tax amount calculated shall prevail .
If so , then taxes for such a family would go up because its taxable income would rise by more than $ 15,000 .
Notwithstanding the foregoing , the deduction may not exceed the increase in tax due to the inclusion of such property in the gross estate .
Income from author 's remuneration shall be taxed at a flat rate of20 % , the amount of tax payable however shall be reduced by30 % .
If use of one of the aforesaid methods is insufficient to accurately assess the amount of tax payable , two or more methods maybe used concurrently .
The software gathers or analyses the information of production and management of individual tax and the information of economy management . Decided tax by computer automation .
Pre-tax deduction of individual income tax refers to a tax system that levies taxes on the balance after the deduction of the cost and other necessary expenses .
In case of income distribution by distributing the products or by other methods , the amount of taxes due shall be calculated according to relevant tax laws .
The amount of payable tax calculated in accordance with the stipulations of China 's Tax Laws on the income earned from wages and salaries : required liquid capital deficit
Therefore , a correct definition of the amount of tax payable is of vital importance to the correct conviction of crime of evasion of taxed paid and its punishment .
According to the revised Regulations , the amount of consumption tax payable may be calculated ad valorem , at a flat rate or by a combination of the two .
Many small businesses simply have no idea how they are doing until several weeks after a quarter has finished , when they figure out how much they owe the taxman .
Because after the assessment of taxes and large penalties , tax collection officers can civilly seize assets to pay the additional taxes , thus depriving an individual of untaxed profits .
Traditionally , many countries adjust the transfer pricing in the related transactions of multinational companies mainly with the principle of independent transaction and adopt the methods of Comparable Uncontrolled Pricing and Resale Pricing .
US companies are using inversions to shift their addresses to countries with lower tax rates , reducing their US tax bills and putting their non-US earnings beyond the reach of the American authorities .
The tax payable shall be computed in renminbi , the turnover of the taxpayer settled in foreign currencies shall be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rate prevailing in the foreign exchange market .
The system of assessing the amount of tax payable and the obligation to furnish documentary evidences to the tax authorities , which are all different to the rule of burden of proof by the taxpayers .
Enterprise with foreign investment have the right to deduct from the tax payable the foreign income tax already paid abroad in respect of income derived from sources outside China when filing consolidated income tax return .
In particular , since January 1 , 2009 , we have nationwide enforced the consumption-type VAT , and allows businesses to deduct the VAT which is contained in the purchased fixed assets in one time .
For taxable consumer goods sold by taxpayers where the sales amounts are computed in foreign currencies , the taxable amounts shall be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rates prevailing in the foreign exchange market .
The rapid calculation of deducted amount for calculating payable tax amount for the taxable income to which the progressive rates are levied on income in excess of specific amounts , for details see attached Tables 1 , 2 and 3 .