
  • 网络Fresh graduate;yingjiesheng.com;graduate;IT Intern
  1. 然而,对所有求贤若渴的应届生招聘者来说,这也是个教训——不仅仅是应该仔细审视竟让明显不合适的阿尔科克过关的招聘程序。

    But there is a lesson here , too , for all voracious graduate recruiters - and it is not only that they should take a close look at a process that let the plainly unsuitable Mr Alcock through .

  2. 读大学并有应届生身份的一个最大好处,就是你可以接触到很多志同道合的人。

    One of the biggest benefits of being in college and being a recent graduate is that you have access to a gigantic network of like-minded people .

  3. 应届生参加护士资格证考试的优势、问题及改进

    On the graduation students ' taking part in nurse qualification test

  4. 其中,这也和应届生就业市场疲软有关。

    The weakening job market for all graduates is one reason .

  5. 我是同济大学汽车学院的应届生。

    I am a student from Automotive College of Tongji University .

  6. 感觉不是应届生,工作就好找许多。

    You make a choice , then never look back .

  7. 对于应届生应聘者来说,对这个问题是最易陷入圈套。

    This question is one of the most tricky questions for fresh graduates .

  8. 最近有人就应届生走进职场的事宜向我征求意见。

    I was recently asked for my advice to new graduates entering the workplace .

  9. 职业发展帮助应届生寻找自己的方向,并对未来进行投资。

    Career development helps new graduates find their bearings and invest in their future .

  10. 应届生亦可,最好有学生会工作的经历。

    No working experience limited , experience of serving for student union is a plus .

  11. 眼下,很多应届生希望的事是:能够找到付他们报酬的无论什么东家。

    Right now , many graduates wish they could get anybody to pay them for anything .

  12. 的确,2014年毕业的应届生马上就要加入浩浩荡荡的求职者大军了。

    It 's certainly true that the class of 2014 will step into a rocky job market .

  13. 雇佣者希望聘请那些能将最新的知识带到自己公司来的应届生。

    Hiring managers may welcome a recent grad as a cost-effective way to bring up-to-date knowledge to their businesses .

  14. 平均月薪最高的为IT/互联网/通讯/电子行业,应届生平均薪资水平为5693元;

    The highest average monthly salary for 2016 graduates is 5693 Yuan in IT / Internet / telecommunications / electronics industries ;

  15. 这一趋势还受到紧张的毕业生就业市场的推动,而中国经济放缓加剧了应届生就业市场的紧张状况。

    The trend has also been propelled by a tight labour market for graduates , which has been exacerbated by the slowing Chinese economy .

  16. 大学学历,英语专业;-应届生也可,有相关职位工作经验者优先考虑;-有较好的英语口语能力。

    University degree in english ; - fresh graduates , having relevant experience will be an advantage ; - good English in oral and written .

  17. 在他看来,在应届生子女求职过程中,父母所能发挥的最有价值(同时也是困难)的作用就是既要做到辅助,同时也要帮助他们认清现实。

    By his lights , a valuable ( and difficult ) part of parents ' role is being supportive while still acting as a reality check .

  18. 最后,小公司通常缺少基础设施,这会对那些应届生产生更多的阻碍。

    Last but not least , small companies usually lack an efficient infrastructure and this may create many obstacles for new graduates who are not well experienced .

  19. 一位猎头称,他听花旗一位新入职的应届生说,他被调到纽约市工作1个月后就被裁掉了。

    One search executive said he had heard from a Citi recruit and recent college graduate who was let go one month after relocating to New York City .

  20. 职业的不同,老板需要的员工也不尽相同。但很多公司喜欢以下列原因聘请应届生。

    What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job , but many businesses like hiring recent graduates for one or more of the following reasons .

  21. 在当前这个求职难的市场上,应届生甚至需要接受一段时间的免费工作,从而跨出职业生涯的第一步。

    In this difficult job market , new grads may even have to work for free for a little while , in order to get a foot in the door .

  22. 我们每年约招聘18000人,差不多一半的人是应届生,另一半是有经验的职业人士。而我们每年要从50000份简历和求职申请中挑选出这些人。

    Altogether , we hire about 18,000 people each year , about half new grads and half experienced professionals , and we go through about 500,000 resumes and applications every year to find those 18,000 .

  23. 研究表明,随着新的交际方式出现,以及班级合作的增加,应届生对团队合作更感兴趣,也比以前的应届生更加乐意合作。

    Studies have shown that thanks to things like new communication technology and a focus on in-class teamwork , new college graduates are more interested in working together and prepared to collaborate than previous generations .

  24. 农/林/牧/渔/其他、服务业和文教体育/工艺美术是应届生签约行业中薪资水平较低的行业,月薪分别为3500元、3873元和3900元。

    monthly salaries in agricultural / forest / grassland farming / fishing , and services / educational sports / industrial arts are relatively low among signed graduates , respectively are 3500 Yuan , 3873 Yuan and 3900 Yuan .

  25. 当前我国就业形势严峻,应届生面临巨大的就业压力。一般来说,应届生找工作并不是一个一帆风顺的过程,求职的不顺使他们往往会遭遇到就业挫折。

    The current our country employment situation , graduates born facing huge pressure of employment , generally speaking , graduates born finding a job is not a smooth process , the job that they were met with employment setbacks .

  26. 无论你是应届生还是有了几年工作经验的职场人,你都会在面试中碰到与职业选择有关的问题。

    Whether you 're a new graduate or someone with a few years of experience under your belt , you might come across interview questions about where you 'd like to go in your career during your job search .

  27. 对辽宁师范大学体育教育专业应届生能力综合评判结果,能力很强21%,较强24%,一般25%,较弱15%,很弱15%。

    The result of comprehensive appraisal towards the students who major in PE of Liaoning normal university shows that very capable is 21 % , stronger is 24 % , generally is 25 % , weaker is 15 % , very weak is 15 % .

  28. 应届生的社交网络求职行为与社交网络求职结果有显著的正相关,求职广度、求职时间、求职频率、应试准备、心理调整对于求职结果有显著的正相关。

    There is a significant positive correlation between job search behavior and results of graduates in social networking service . Time to apply for a job , job frequency ; job breadth , job preparation and psychological adjustment all are obvious positively correlated with job results .

  29. 916例应届高考生视力状况调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of 916 high school graduates ' vision

  30. 目的调查应届高考生的视力状况以及对眼卫生保健知识的认识。

    Objective To investigate high school graduates ' vision and their health knowledge about eyes .