
  • 网络Localization Strategy
  1. 第一章通过对FAG公司的企业背景、生产运营模式及市场环境的分析,指出FAG公司实施本地化战略及供应链管理模式的必然性。

    The paper is divided in five chapters : In the first chapter , the author introduces the company 's background , operational model , and marketing environment , points out the certain trends of the supply chain management and localization strategies engaged in FAG business .

  2. 同时,这也是为了响应麦当劳公司一项更大的战略&“本地化战略”,比如:麦当劳在法国推出了“干酪堡”,在中东地区推出“McArabia”圆面皮三明治。

    It also fits into McDonald 's larger corporate practice of catering to local tastes , such as a fondue-style burger in France or a pita-wrapped " McArabia " sandwich in the Middle East .

  3. 跨国公司在华研发本地化战略

    Multinational Corporations ' Research and Development Localization Stratagem in China

  4. 进一步推进实施本地化战略,提高重庆在其全球经营网络中的战略地位;

    They will also implement their ' localization ' strategies further and upgrade their Chongqing business units in their global network .

  5. 近年来,为占领国际市场,降低生产成本,在激烈的国际竞争中培养强有力的国际竞争优势,跨国公司对外实施本地化战略,即包括研发、生产、服务及人才在内的全方位本地化战略。

    In recent years , transnational corporations have taken a localized strategy abroad for occupying international markets , decreasing production cost and developing a strong international competition advantage , which includes research , exploration , production , services and personnel management .

  6. 能否建立和实施本地化的战略决定了壳牌洁净煤业务从目前到2012年的命运。

    Establish and deliver this localized strategy decide the fate of Shell China natural gas business from now to 2012 .