
  • 网络original possession right
  1. 本文就占有与占有权、占有与本权、占有与持有以及占有与所有权等相关概念逐一进行了比较,指出占有是民法上不可替代的一项独立制度,具有独立性和多方面的价值。

    Through comparing the concept of occupancy with that of occupancy right , occupancy with original possession right , occupy with ownership , the passage points out that occupancy is an irreplaceable independent system on a civil law , which has an independent character and value in many aspects .

  2. 对所有的无本权占有也予以一样的保护。

    Give the same protection to all without this right of possession .

  3. 占有的权利保护功能表明占有已脱离本权而成为一项独立的权利。

    The protective function of possession indicates that is is an independent right .

  4. 占有的本权既可以是物权,也可以是债权。

    Right in essence of possession can be not only real rights , but also claim .

  5. 法律特别规定保护占有这一事实秩序,可以实现维护社会秩序稳定和保护潜在本权的制度功能。

    Protective possessing should be stipulated in the law to make the society stable and protect potential origin right .

  6. 反在闭于收电企业合做力入行评价时,指本权沉的准确性决议了评价解果的准确性;

    In competitive power evaluation for generation enterprise , the precision of index weight determines the accuracy of the result in evaluation ;

  7. 刑法的谦抑性原则也要求对财产罪的处罚范围加以限制,采取本权说更符合刑法的精神。此外,创造性叛逆是具有历史性的。

    Moreover , the restrictive principle of criminal law also requires limiting the punishment scope of property crime , in this sense , right of essence theory accords with spirits of criminal law .

  8. 本权说主张,财产罪所侵犯的并非事实上的占有而是占有背后的本权。

    The theory on the infringement of the real right argues that the right that the crime against property infringes is not the actual possession right but the property right or the obligation right behind it .

  9. 本文在分析域外本权说和占有说法益理论基础上,对我国关于传统的所有权说提出质疑,并从物权保护角度,提出我国盗窃罪的法益应当是对财物的他人占有本身。

    This paper queries the validity of Chinese traditional proprietorship doctrine on the basis of analyzing the theory of abroad ownership and proprietorship doctrine and puts forward that legal interest of larceny should be possession of property itself in terms of real right protection .

  10. 博伦曾与人合著过一篇研究文章,发表在四月份的《南方传播杂志》(SouthernCommunicationJournal)上。研究显示,同事表现出的怨气通常会让人们放弃本应有权享受的家庭假期。

    Boren is co-author of a study in the April issue of Southern Communication Journal showing that messages of peer resentment often stop people from taking the family-leave time they 're entitled to .

  11. 博伦曾与人合著过一篇研究文章,发表在四月份的《南方传播杂志》(SouthernCommunicationJournal)上。研究显示,“同事表现出的怨气”通常会让人们放弃本应有权享受的家庭假期。

    Boren is co-author of a study in the April issue of Southern Communication Journal showing that " messages of peer resentment " often stop people from taking the family-leave time they 're entitled to .

  12. 本隐私权政策适用于所有由ASSOCION提供的产品、服务和网站。

    This Privacy Policy applies to all of the products , services and websites offered by ASSOCION .

  13. 如果你对本隐私权政策有任何疑问,欢迎随时透过电邮联络我们。

    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy , please feel free to contact us by email .

  14. 一个儿童游乐场和活动空间充足的空间需要的主要挑战,必须在本居留权设计不客气。

    The need of an ample space for children playground and activity spaces are the main challenge that has to be adressed in the design of this abode .

  15. 依照物权法的基本原则,农村村民本应有权自由处分属于自己的财产&农村宅基地上的房屋。

    In accordance with the basic principles of property law , rural villagers should have the right freely to dispose of their own property-the houses on the rural homestead .

  16. 倘审裁处已暂时评定任何物品之类别,则根据第13条呈交或本应有权呈交该物品之人士可

    " Where a Tribunal makes an interim classification in respect of an article any person who submitted , or would have been entitled to submit , the article under section 13 "

  17. 本排污权交易管理系统设计主要从系统平台分析入手,选择合理及先进有效的技术方案(.Net+Mysql+GPRS)。

    This system was designed primarily from the analysis of systematic platform , and selected a rational , effective and advanced technology programs ( . Net + Mysql + GPRS ) . The data flow and transaction scheme of emissions trading program have been designed in detail .

  18. 送交本主机控制权及应用程序给另一台主机。

    Release my jobs to another host due to application missing .

  19. 本会有权更改以上资料并作出通知。

    Above subject to changes with further notice by the HKKA .

  20. 本规程解释权归上海铁人三项运动俱乐部所有。

    Shanghai Triathlon Club reserves all rights on the explanation of this brochure .

  21. 本公司有权随时对本条款内容做适当更改。

    Magic-Shield reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions as necessary .

  22. 本文件解释权归主办单位。

    The organizer is responsible for interpreting this document .

  23. 本校有权取消或接纳学员之入学申请。

    The SCHOOL has the right to refuse or approve the admission of any application .

  24. 本办法解释权在中英学院奖学金评定小组。

    The SBC Scholarship Evaluation Committee reserves the right of final interpretation of the regulation herein .

  25. 同时,本会有权禁止任何不符合展会要求的展品展出。

    Meanwhile , the Fair has the right to prohibit the display of any disapproved exhibits .

  26. 本公司有权于投标有效期内采纳任何投标。

    Company shall have the right to accept any Bid at any time before the expiration date .

  27. 对于全部或部分取消之船位,本公司有权进行再次分配。

    For the beds been cancelled all or parts , our company have the right to arrange again .

  28. 本公司有权取消“宣传易”广告套装,而不作事前通知。

    IEM shall have the right to cancel the " TV Easy " advertisement package without prior notice .

  29. 本公司有权拒绝为非背页表格所填写提供之服务地址服务。

    The Company reserves the right to reject offering service at any other place not mentioned in the form overleaf .

  30. 本公司有权保留鉴定权,以确辩该出现问题的商品是否经使用不当造成损坏。

    The company is entitled to retain the testing rights to determine whether the damage of the item results from misuse .