
  • 网络marital consortium;right of spouse;consortium
  1. 根据侵害配偶权的侵害方主体来源的不同,侵害配偶权可以分为两种类型:外部侵权型和内部侵权型。

    According to the different infringers of the tort of marital consortium , the tort of marital consortium can distinguish two types : external tort and internal tort .

  2. 论婚姻关系中配偶权的保护

    The protection of the right of spouse in marriage relationship

  3. 因此,必须完善我国配偶权立法。

    Therefore , the legislation of spouses rights should be improved .

  4. 重构侵害配偶权的权利救济制度

    Reconstruction of the right rescue system for the infringed spouse rights

  5. 配偶权是受双重规范调整的民事权利,谨慎对待离婚和婚姻自由。

    Devoice and the rights of marriage freedom are exercised carefully .

  6. 略论夫妻间对配偶权的侵害

    A Slight Discussion on the Couple 's Infringement towards Spouse Right

  7. 配偶权的民法保护及完善

    The Protection of Spouse 's Right Through Civil Law and Its Perfection

  8. 第二部分是关于配偶权效力的论述。

    The second part gives a dissertation about effectiveness of spouse rights .

  9. 第四部分是配偶权制度的立法构想。

    The next part describes an imagination of legislation about spouse rights .

  10. 作为一项身份权利的配偶权应包含哪些权利内容?

    How many terms should be contained in spouse rights ?

  11. 论配偶权侵权民事救济

    On the Civil Remedy to the Tort on Spouse Right

  12. 第三者侵害配偶权的损害赔偿

    The Indemnity fort the Third Party Who Violates the Right of Spouse

  13. 完善配偶权的各项权能和完善我国配偶权的民事救济制度。

    Perfect the empowerment in spouse right and improve civil relief system .

  14. 配偶权与离婚损害赔偿制度探析

    Inquiry into Spouse Right & Divorce Damage Compensate System

  15. 配偶权民法保护研究

    Study on Conjugal Right Protection in the Civil Law

  16. 第二章第三者侵害配偶权责任的确立。

    Chapter Two focuses establishment of third party 's liability infringing the consortium .

  17. 第一章是配偶权的内涵与历史渊源。

    Chapter I introduce the connotation and historical origin of the spouse right .

  18. 我国配偶权之新述

    New Interpretation on Spouse Rights in Our Country

  19. 配偶权是身份权、相对权、兼具支配权与请求权的性质。

    Spouse right is identity right relative right , both domination and claim nature .

  20. 配偶权制度的反思与完善

    Thoughts and Perfection of the Connubial Rights System

  21. 完善我国配偶权立法的法律思考

    Thoughts from the Perspective of Law on Improving China 's Legislation of Spouses Rights

  22. 由于过错侵害配偶权的,应当依法承担法律责任。

    When infringing the consortium with fault , one is subject to the legal obligation .

  23. 配偶权新论

    The New Discussion of Spouse Right

  24. 侵犯配偶权行为的法律规制

    Legal Regulations on Infringement of Consortium

  25. 配偶权探析

    An Analysis of Right of Consortium

  26. 我国现行立法中并未引用配偶权的概念,仅有一些相关权利散见于婚姻法之中。

    China legislation in not invoked Spouse Right concept only some related rights scattered Marriage among .

  27. 配偶权的具体内容探析

    Specific Content of Right of Spous

  28. 配偶权及侵权救济

    Spouse Right and Tort Relief

  29. 侵害配偶权的精神损害赔偿

    Spirit damage compensation in divorce

  30. 简论配偶权

    Discussing The Right of Spouse