
  • 网络pair trade;pair trading
  1. 首先,配对交易策略相对于基差交易策略更灵敏,可以抓住日内交易机会。

    First of all , matching trading strategy relatively poor trading strategy well-alignment with sensitive , you can seize intra-day trading opportunities .

  2. 配对交易策略在华尔街至少有20多年的历史了,是统计套利的一种工具,目前广泛地被对冲基金以及投资银行使用。

    One popular short-term speculation strategy is known as " pairs trading " . The strategy has at least a20-year history on Wall Street and currently used by hedge funds as well as investment banks .

  3. 强烈的实时价格驱动机制与平行交易的特点,使得配对交易在获取巨额收益率的同时也会出现巨额的亏损,可见对于微观交易策略,保持流动性和风险控制显得尤为重要。

    Strong price-driven mechanism and parallel trading , can give huge return and lost together . This reminds us that keeping an eye on liquidity and risk management is the key to success of trading strategy .

  4. 对一个证券的卖空同时与另一个不同的证券的买入相结合,这种配对的交易无法把股市整体价格压低。

    A short sale of one security is made in conjunction with the purchase of a different security , and the paired transaction cannot drive down prices of the market as a whole .

  5. 电子交易的设施是以电脑组成系统来进行交易指示传递、执行、配对、登记或交易结算。

    Electronic trading facilities are supported by computer-based component systems for the order-routing , execution , matching , registration or clearing of trades .