
pèi diàn shì
  • power distribution room
  1. 本系统可以实现对变电站、开关站、配电室、电缆、竖井、沟道及高压用户等空间位置、图形资料(包括一次接线图、竣工图、断面图)、电缆台帐信息的综合管理;

    And so , the GIS-based Electric cable information management system can administrate transformer substation , switch substation , power distribution room , power cable , silo , canal and high voltage user according to their location , drawings , cable records .

  2. 所以设计一个集测量、显示和通信一体的高效率、低成本、高可靠性的三相供电质量的监测系统,用于配电室中作为监控装置是很有价值的。

    So it is very valuable to design a three-phase power supply quality monitoring system include measure , display , communication and high efficient , low cost , high reliability which is used in power distribution room as monitoring device .

  3. 基于ARM的高压开关配电室SF6监测系统的设计与实现

    Design of SF_6 Monitoring System Based on ARM for High-Tension Switch House

  4. 介绍了高压开关配电室SF6环境监测系统的组成、主要功能、工作原理及设计思想。

    The composition , major function , operating principle and design idea of SF6 environment monitoring system for high-tension switch house were introduced .

  5. 对民用建筑变配电室接地设计的若干思考

    Some Considerations about Grounding Design of Substation Room in Civil Buildings

  6. 配电室计算机实时监测系统

    A computer all time monitoring system in power distribution rooms

  7. 石化工厂变配电室建筑设计探析

    What is " change "? Study of architecture design for petrochemical plant substation

  8. 阐述石化工业配电室建筑设计中,通常容易被忽略和容易出错的地方;

    The paper introduces the important points in the architecture design for petrochemical plant substation .

  9. 宁波宝新公司配电室顶升法纠偏施工技术

    Deviation Rectification Construction Technology of Jack-up method of Switching House in Baoxing Corporation , Ningbo

  10. 我们找到了配电室。

    We found the switching room .

  11. 对配电室进线与电压互感器二次回路的改进探讨

    Probe into the Improvement of the Inlet Wire of Voltage Transformer 's Secondary Circuit in Distribution Room

  12. 在工矿企业低应配电室或车间通常使用补偿电容器,以维持较高的功率因数;

    The low voltage compensation power capacitors is usually used in transformer substations and workshops of industrial and mining enterprises .

  13. 负责全厂的强电系统,配电室,各配电柜配电箱等电设备的技术管理工作。

    Responsible for the technical administration of all power supply system such as substation , power distribution cabinet / box , etc.

  14. 本文主要探讨对医院配电室和特种设备的安全管理,消除安全隐患,间接地为医院创造效益。

    This paper mainly studies the safety management of the distribution room and special equipment in the hospital to remove hidden troubles .

  15. 检查配电室及发电机房消防设备情况并保持完好状态。

    Inspect fire protection equipments for power supply room and emergency generator room and ensure proper operation of all equipments and system .

  16. 为避免眩光,广场内草坪灯以反射式为主,共设灯具120盏,电源来自每个建筑物的配电室。

    To avoid obtrusive light , 120 sets lawn lamp mainly using reflection type , power incoming from distribution room of each building .

  17. 对呼和浩特假日酒店工程建筑物本体防雷接地、低压配电室防雷接地、弱电机房防雷接地的施工技术进行了论述。

    This paper expounds the lightning protection technologies of the building , low-voltage distribution room and weak current distribution room of the engineering of Hohhot Holiday Inn .

  18. 开发商控制着配电室,过去4个月的大部分时间,他们以关停电梯的方式向产权单位施压,导致居民出行只能爬楼梯这些居民都远远超过了退休年龄。

    The developer controls access to the utilities switches and has pressured the owner by switching off the lift for much of the past four months , leaving the residents , all well above retirement age , to climb the stairs .

  19. 介绍在化工装置液体罐区的工艺设计中贮罐和泵的选型、安装布置和配管的方法,并简述控制室、变配电室的布置原则。

    Describes the model selection , erection , arrangement and piping methods of storage tanks and pumps in the process design of liquid tank farm in chemical plants . It also briefs the principles for control and electric substation / distribution arrangement .

  20. 当仪表室、变配电室等布置在防爆区域内时,应设正压送风系统,创造一个空气清新的正压(30~50Pa)环境,以确保仪表及各种设备的正常运行。

    Force draft system should be furnished when instrumentation room , distribution room , etc. are located within the explosive zone , so as to secure a positive pressure ( 30 to 50 Pa ) environment with fresh air and make sure the instruments and equipment will operate normally .

  21. 发电厂配电装置室排烟设计标准探讨

    Discussion on differences of smoke exhaust design in electrical room of power station prescribed in relevant codes or regulations

  22. 城市排水泵站使用潜水泵可以与配电及控制室分离,建在城市道路下的排水渠道上,降低工程造价和环境污染。

    The drainage pumping station built on drainage canal under urban roads can reduce the engineering cost and the environmental pollution .