
pèi yīn yǎn yuán
  • dubber
配音演员 [pèi yīn yǎn yuán]
  • [person who serves as to dub] 从事配音工作的人

  1. 北京的配音演员过着怎样的生活?

    What is life like for a dubber in Beijing ?

  2. 因为一名出色的配音演员必须竭尽全力去理解他所配角色的情感和感受,所以,每个星期我们都在经历着跌宕起伏的情感波动。

    Because a good dubber must try his best to understand the emotions and feelings of the characters they dub , every week can be a real emotional roller coaster .

  3. 但美国演员工会及电视和广播艺术家联合会称配音演员不会因游戏工作而得到追加酬金。

    But SAG-AFTRA says voice actors don 't receive residuals for their gaming work .

  4. 视频游戏公司的代表律师斯科特·维特林说配音演员“在制作视频游戏的工作中只占不到0。1%的比重。

    Scott Witlin , the lawyer representing the video game companies , says voice actors " represent less than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game . "

  5. 工会谈判委员会成员、配音演员克里斯宾·弗里曼说:“只有极少数游戏会引发这种二次薪酬问题。

    " It 's a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue , " said voice actor Crispin Freeman , who 's a member of the union 's negotiating committee .

  6. 因此,配音演员们有了获得二次补偿的想法——每当一款游戏卖出200万份游戏包或下载量,或者拥有200万订阅时,即获得一笔业绩奖金,上限为800万。

    So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation — a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads , or reaches 2 million subscribers , with a cap at 8 million .

  7. 担任联合会谈判委员会主席的配音演员凯斯·法利说:“我不知道世界上是否还有其他让你不知道自己到底在演谁的表演工作。”

    " I can 't imagine if there 's any other acting job in the world where you don 't know what show you 're in , when you 're hired , " says voice actor Keythe Farley , who chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee .

  8. 其中一篇是关于以《好汉两个半》(TwoandaHalfMen)成名的情景喜剧之王查克•洛尔,另一篇是关于视频游戏配音演员詹尼弗•哈尔。

    ( one is on sitcom-king chuck Lorre of two and a half men fame , the other on video-game voiceover actor Jennifer Hale ) .

  9. 《神偷奶爸》配音演员有史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell),克里斯汀·韦格(KristenWiig),桑德拉·布洛克(SandraBullock),三位都是配音领域的天才。

    Despicable Me features the voice talents of Steve Carell , Kristen Wiig and Sandra Bullock .

  10. 这部剧第三十季的第一集《Bart'sNotDead》由客串配音演员盖尔·加朵、艾米丽·丹斯切尔、乔纳森·格罗夫、达沃·阿特尔和PeteHolmes配音。

    The Season 30 premiere episode " Bart 's Not Dead " features guest voice stars Gal Gadot , Emily Deschanel , Jonathan Groff , Dave Attell and Pete Holmes .

  11. 德国最著名的配音演员也许是克里斯蒂安·布吕克纳(ChristianBrückner),他尽职尽责地在60多部影片中为罗伯特·德·尼罗(RobertDeNiro)配音。

    Perhaps the most famous in Germany is Christian Br ü ckner , who has dutifully dubbed Robert De Niro in more than 60 films .

  12. 从2006年《007:皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale)上映以来,48岁的文德尔一直是詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)的德语配音演员,现在他和这个角色紧密相连,一些不认识的人也经常让他重复邦德一些更为出名的口头禅。

    Since the 2006 release of " Casino Royale , " Mr. Wunder , 48 , has been the German-speaking voice of James Bond , and he is now so closely associated with the role that strangers often ask him to repeat some of Bond 's better-known catchphrases .

  13. 有些配音演员本身也快变成了名人。

    Some voice actors have become something close to celebrities themselves .

  14. 不过这也是一个优秀的配音演员必须做到的事情。

    But these are things all good dubbers have to do .

  15. 与其他配音演员相比,他们两人扮演这两个标志性角色的时间更久。

    Both portrayed their iconic characters longer than any other voice actors .

  16. 如果一部电影很卖座,那低廉的报酬有时会惹恼配音演员。

    The low pay sometimes irks actors when a movie becomes popular .

  17. 一旦绿光闪过,就可以聘请配音演员了。

    Once it 's green-lit , the deals to the actors are made .

  18. 该片明星配音演员颇多,其中包括总是这么可爱的成龙。

    The all-star cast included the ever-loveable Jackie Chan .

  19. 我的邻居是个配音演员

    My nextdoor neighbor is a radio actress .

  20. 你也配称自己是配音演员!

    You call yourself a dubbing actress !

  21. 她嫁给了米奇的配音演员韦恩·艾尔温,而艾尔温于2009年去世了。

    She was married to Wayne Allwine , who voiced Mickey and died in 2009 .

  22. 你还在做配音演员?

    You 're still a dubbing artist ?

  23. 同时还提到了配音演员,有一些可是来自原版系列动画片里的喔。

    He also mentioned the voice actors , some coming from the original animated series .

  24. 约翰逊说,配音演员平均每天挣700美元左右。

    On average , Mr. Johnson said , voice actors make about $ 700 a day .

  25. 最后,能和那些优秀的配音演员合作,我感到由衷的荣幸。

    Finally , I got very lucky and worked with a number of excellent voice actors .

  26. 公司正在和配音演员们进行洽谈,其中包括卡梅伦·迪亚兹和埃迪·墨菲。

    Talks are underway with the actors who voice the characters including Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy .

  27. 这是一个圣诞颂故事的重置,配音演员有迈克尔·冈本和朱莉叶特·斯蒂文森。

    A reworking of the nativity story , the voices include those of Michael Gambon and Juliet Stevenson .

  28. 配音演员们也是功不可没,他们用声音将片中的动画人物演绎得活灵活现。

    The cast should also be given credit for bringing these animated characters to life with their voices .

  29. 很多时候,一个配音演员会成为某个好莱坞演员的指定配音演员。

    In many cases , a voice actor will become the official voice of a specific Hollywood actor .

  30. 星期五米妮鼠加入了米奇,他们的配音演员都去世了。

    On Friday , Minnie Mouse joined Mickey in the place that cartoon voice-over actors go when they die .