
  • 网络Senior Editor;Advanced Editing;advanced edit
  1. 这些插件将C/C++透视图添加到Eclipse工作台(Workbench)中,现在后者可以用许多视图和向导以及高级编辑和调试支持来支持C/C++开发。

    These plug-ins add a C / C + + Perspective to the Eclipse Workbench that can now support C / C + + development with a number of views and wizards , along with advanced editing and debugging support .

  2. 入库后应用高级编辑、拓扑编辑、专业编辑三个方面的功能进一步来进行数据质量控制。

    After storage , it provides three functions like advanced editing , topology editing and professional editing to carry out further data quality control .

  3. 如:“SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。”

    E.g. , " Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 . "

  4. 像我的就写,SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。

    Mine just says , Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 .

  5. JulieDane是People杂志的高级编辑。

    Julie Dane is People 's senior editor .

  6. 然而,汽车网站Edmunds.com高级编辑约翰•奥戴尔(JohnO’Dell)表示,如果能够克服这些挑战,吸引力将很可观。

    But John O'Dell , a senior editor at Edmunds.com , the automotive site , said that , if those challenges could be overcome , the attractions were significant .

  7. 这本杂志的高级编辑迈克尔·C·巴斯克斯(MichaelC.Vazquez)说,那一期被称为“非常短暂而及时的一刻”,“像一部法国电影”,支离破碎,给人以印象派的感觉。

    Called " a rather brief moment in time , " the issue is fractured , impressionistic " like a French film , " said Michael C. Vazquez , a senior editor .

  8. “首先要做的事就是关掉唯一的顶灯。”《蓝图》杂志国内高级编辑RebeccaRobertson说。

    " The first thing you do is turn off the single overhead light ," said Rebecca Robertson , the senior home editor of Blueprint magazine .

  9. 《经济学人》杂志的高级编辑DanielFranklin说,中国的崛起宜早不宜迟:我认为中国很快就会成为世界第一大经济体。

    Daniel Franklin , Executive Editor of The Economist says China 's rise will come sooner rather than later : I think it 's going to be very quickly the world 's number one economy .

  10. NPR的华盛顿高级编辑罗恩·埃尔文说副总统乔·拜登和国会议员保罗·瑞恩将概述面对国内外政策的不同方式。

    NPR 's senior Washington Editor Ron Elving says Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan will outline different approaches to domestic as well as foreign policies .

  11. 雷切尔·亚瑟(RachelArthur)是潮流预测公司WGSN的全球高级编辑。她说,“从大众消费者想要的角度讲,还没有人生产出百分百合适的可穿戴产品。”

    Rachel Arthur , a global senior editor at WGSN , a trend forecasting firm , said , " No one has produced a wearable that is 100 percent bang-on in terms of what mass consumers will want . "

  12. 像我的就写,“SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。”包含你公司网站的短链接是可以接受的,但是避免出现一系列推广你的项目和出版物的链接。4.务必包含结尾。

    Mine just says , " Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 . " A short link to your website is fine but avoid a laundry list of links promoting your projects and publications 。 4 . Do include some kind of sign-off 。

  13. 2010年末,克拉维茨离开PhoneDog跳槽到另一家公司(他现在是科技新闻与评论网站TechnoBuffalo的高级编辑)。

    In late 2010 , Kravitz left phonedog & and , with just a slight change in his twitter handle , took about 17,000 followers out the door with him .

  14. 汽车网站Edmunds.com的高级编辑米歇尔•克瑞布斯认为,微型车这一类别在美国的销量一向很小,所以菲亚特500对消费者的吸引力也十分有限。

    Michelle Krebs , a senior editor for automotive website Edmunds .

  15. 并利用夹点的特殊性来刷新数据、改变属性、进行图形的高级编辑。

    Using grip to refresh data , change attribute and edit drawing ;

  16. 启用了设计模式之后,其他一些高级编辑功能也变得可用。

    With design mode enabled , additional advanced edit features become available .

  17. 本文作者是《旗帜周刊》高级编辑

    The writer is a senior editor at the Weekly Standard

  18. 她被提升为高级编辑使每个人都感到意外。

    Her promotion to Senior Editor took everyone by surprise .

  19. 编辑方面的决定通常由高级编辑作出。

    Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors .

  20. 她被提升为高级编辑。

    She 's been promoted to senior editor .

  21. 他现任法庭电视驻首都华盛顿的高级编辑。

    He is now Court TV 's senior editor , stationed in Washington , D.C.

  22. 系中国作家协会会员、高级编辑。

    He is of the rank of senior editor , a member of China Writers Association .

  23. 下面,我们就来听一听拉维坦亲口向《财富》杂志资深高级编辑亚当•拉辛斯基讲述的内幕。

    Below , Levitan in his own words , as told to fortune senior editor-at-large Adam lashinsky .

  24. 她是癌症研究的高级编辑成员,且不在该研究之列。

    She is a senior editorial board member of Cancer Research and was not involved in the study .

  25. 超过800名员工签署了一封致高级编辑和公司高管的抗议信。

    Over 800 staff members have signed a letter of protest to senior editors and the company 's executives .

  26. 默认情况下,当使用“高级编辑”选项时,签名中会包含所有图片的一个副本。

    By default , when you use the advanced edit option , a copy of any picture is included in the signature .

  27. 很多人都怀疑其作假的早期证据是被那些急于培养“少数民族”记者的高级编辑们忽视了。

    Many people suspect that early evidence of this was ignored by senior editors eager to nurture the careers of " minority " reporters .

  28. 但是世界新闻报一直宣称窃听只是个别的案例,高级编辑并不知道他们两人的该行为。

    But the News of the World had always claimed that instances of hacking were isolated and that the pair acted without the knowledge of senior editors .

  29. 华盛顿邮报电子新闻高级编辑克里海客说对新闻机构而言,这种转变意味着新闻业的大分拆。

    For news organizations , said Cory Haik , senior editor for digital news at The Washington Post , the shift represents the great unbundling of journalism .

  30. 使用高级编辑界面,如果文章地位中的选项被设置为草稿,你的文章会以草稿形式得到保存。

    Using the Advanced Editing screen , if the option in the Post Status is set to Draft , your post will be saved as a Draft .