
  • High IQ;IQ, Intelligence Quotient
  1. 来看看这位小神童有什么过人之处吧!加州的一名幼童成为加入门萨俱乐部年纪最小的美国人。门萨俱乐部是世界上最古老的高智商协会。

    A California toddler is the youngest American to join Mensa -- the oldest IQ society in the world .

  2. 非正常的高智商,从本质上说,通常说明大脑太全面。不堪大用。

    Abnormally high IQ scores , by their nature , often speak of a brain too general to be of much use .

  3. “我可是个货真价实的高智商小伙儿,特雷西。”詹姆斯开玩笑地说道。“哦,别烦我了,”特雷西抱怨道。

    ' I 'm a real intellectual-type guy , Tracy , ' James joked . ' Oh , give me a break , ' Tracy moaned .

  4. 我们非常喜欢我们的高智商,以至于我们认为脑力一定是越高越好。

    We are so fond of our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes to brain power , more must be better .

  5. 高智商的人往往都有很强的幽默感。

    Highly intelligent people tend to have a great sense of humor .

  6. 高智商的人会对别人认为理所当然的事物着迷。

    Intelligent people let themselves become fascinated by things others take for granted .

  7. 这才是我认为的“杀手机器人”(killerrobot),一个在消灭你之前,能与你进行一场高智商谈话的存在。

    That is what I call a killer robot - a being that can hold an intelligent conversation with you before wiping you out .

  8. 历史学家沃斯利并不是英国唯一知名的无子女高智商女性,同样还有BBC主持人凯特·汉博和演员海伦·米伦。

    Worsley isn 't the UK 's only famously clever childless woman , with others including BBC presenter Kate Humble and actress Helen Mirren .

  9. 该片的喜剧效果是在两个主角的书呆子气和高智商与Penny的社交能力和常识之间的对比中达到的。

    The effect of the film 's comedy is achieved in the comparison GetWord (" comparison "); between the bookish of the two main characters and IQ with Penny 's social skills and common sense .

  10. 一位给Alexis做智商测试的医生说,她不能去普通学校上学,因为像她这样的高智商孩子,如果不和同样高智商的孩子在一起就会感到焦虑。

    One of the doctors who tested her said Alexis could never go to a normal school and that children with her level of intelligence often suffer from high anxiety unless they 're around similarly gifted boys and girls .

  11. 英国门萨有限公司总裁约翰斯蒂夫尼奇,称赞这次优秀的测试结果:“国王学校的学生IQ测试结果显示,他们位居全国2%的高智商人群之列,对于学生和学校来说,这都是一个好消息。”

    John Stevenage , Chief Executive of British Mensa Ltd , praised the result as " excellent . " " It is good to see so many pupils from the King 's School have demonstrated an IQ in the top two percent of the population , which is an excellent result for the school . "

  12. 高智商的孩子都是很有想象力的

    Trey Kids with high IQs , they got big imaginations .

  13. 也许偏爱水上活动也是一个鲜为人知的高智商表征。

    Perhaps a tendency towards water sports is another little-known indicator .

  14. 高智商科幻电影通常有两种截然不同的路数。

    High-concept science-fiction movies tend to go in two different directions .

  15. 如果有,那么这可能是高智商的标志!

    If so , it might be a sign of higher intelligence !

  16. 他们虽然具有高智商和名校文凭却在不断作出错误的决定

    All of them with high iqs and great degrees making terrible decisions

  17. 我不是英雄.我是高智商反社会人格.

    I 'm not a hero , I 'm a high-functioning sociopath .

  18. 你知道吗中国人里面拥有超高智商的人…

    Did you know there are more people with genius IQs living in China

  19. 高智商小孩容易成为素食主义者

    Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians

  20. 事实证明,夜猫子可能是高智商的特征。

    It turns out , this may be a trait of higher intelligence .

  21. 我说你是集高智商。

    I would say you 're a highly intelligent .

  22. 是设计构思的高智商思维活动。

    And it is a high intelligence quotient thinking activity of design conceive .

  23. 是的。这里是高智商精子库嘛?

    Leonard : Yes . Um * is this the high-IQ sperm bank ?

  24. 这个女孩在干离经叛道的事方面是高智商。

    The girl has an M.B.A. in deviant behavior .

  25. 何况高智商能思想者人乎?

    How can people the thinker high IQ ?

  26. 灵敏的反应和高智商有关。

    Quick reactions are correlated with high intelligence .

  27. 我们的精子并不能保证将来就能生出高智商的后代。

    There 's no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-IQ offspring .

  28. 不需要高智商你也能成功

    You don 't need a high I. Q. To succeed in what you do

  29. 高智商大众脸的典型代表就是印度裔英国作家萨尔曼-拉什迪。

    The perfect example of an intelligent man with average looks is Salman Rushdie 。

  30. 我也每次都回答你,这是关押高智商罪犯的监狱。

    and every time I tell you , it 's a white collar prison .