
  • 网络Giant Turtle;Giant Tortoise;Toraton;Orlitia borneensis
  1. 他们发现了一只巨龟。

    They found a giant tortoise .

  2. 包括人类在内的所有动物当中,巨龟寿命最长。

    The giant tortoise lives the longest of all animals , including humans .

  3. 梁上有一只巨龟!

    There 's a giant turtle on the beam !

  4. 毛将军低头一看,发现自己站在一只巨龟上!

    General Mao looked down and discovered he was standing on a huge turtle !

  5. 然后,她又将一只万年巨龟的四足斩下,把它们用作擎天柱,支撑住了天地的四方。

    To replace the broken pillars , she cut off the four legs of a huge turtle and used them to support the fallensky .

  6. 巨龟乔纳森从龟壳里探出脑袋,身上积了两百年的污垢已经小心擦除,清理工具是丝瓜瓤、软刷和手术肥皂。

    Jonathan the giant tortoise has come out of his shell after centuries of grime were painstakinglyscrubbed off his back with a loofah , soft brush and surgical soap .

  7. 那是又一只乌龟,一只角质的巨龟,它深绿色的壳上盖着棕色的茂盛的水藓和黑色的脆壳软体动物。

    It was another turtle , a horned turtle of enormous size , its dark green shell mottled with brown and overgrown with water moss and crusty black river molluscs .

  8. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,孤独的乔治在加拉帕戈斯群岛辞世。乔治是它所属加拉帕戈斯象龟的亚种&平塔巨龟的最后一只。

    Lonesome George , believed to be the last of the Pinta giant tortoises , a sub-species of Galapagos tortoise , died in the Galapagos Islands , the Daily Mail reported .

  9. 在最新一项研究中,研究人员为解读乌龟的声音,对南美巴西的一只巨河龟——侧颈龟展开了逾期两年的追踪。

    In the latest attempt to decode turtle talk , researchers tailed giant South American river turtles - Podocnemis expansa - in Brazil , over a two-year span .

  10. 这巨大的动物是巨形革龟。

    This magnificent creature is the giant leatherback turtle .