- giant pulse

When there is a strong SBS phenomenon in fiber , the most of the input power will converted to the backward Stokes , producing a giant pulse with high power .
High power tunable alexandrite laser with giant pulse output and its SHG
Dual Wavelength and Dual Pulse Q-switched Frequency Doubling of Tunable Cr : LiSAF Laser
By using a lithium niobate electrooptic switch , we gained giant pulses output of 8 mJ energy .
And laser output pulses of 12 mJ energy and 80 ns duration was obtained by using a prism Q switching .
Generation of Dual Wavelength and Dual Pulse in a Q-switched Cr ∶ LiSAF Laser
So we can control the population which can trigger the Q-switch by controlling the superradiant convert electrical level in the superradiant detector and then the laser output can be stabilized .
In this paper , a flashlamp-pumped Cr ∶ LiSAF laser system with a prism splitter to obtain dual pulse and dual wavelength laser output has been designed .
The laser beam used for micromachining must have high energy density . Q - switching technique is applied . By releasing the pumping energy in about a decade nanoseconds , huge energy density beam can be achieved .
A LiNbO_3 crystal as E-O Q-switched 1.3414 μ m Nd : YAlO_3 pulse laser pumped by a Xe lamp was presented . The 312 mj of E-O Q-switched output energy with 45 ns pulse duration was experimentally obtained .
Some properties of Laser Q switching by self focusing are given , including the changes of the geometric losses of resonator induced by the external self focusing , the parameter of Q switching , the parameter of giant puls and Second threshold etc.
Using a LiF crystal with colour centres as passive Q-switch in ruby laser , a giant pulse laser output of 50 mJ with pulse duration of 30 ns ( FWHM ) is obtained . It is compared with that of using cryptocyanine dye as Q-switch .
Giant-pulse ruby laser Huge tankers are used to transport oil .
The method for producing giant - pulse is discussed .
The relation of laser output behaviors with input energy is studied experimentally .
Dynamic effect of giant pulse , high power laser beam at short distances
Generation of single light beam and Dual Wavelength and Dual Pulse in a Q-switchedCr : LiSAF Laser
This is a question that the giant pulse laserrenewed unceasingly and progressing unceasingly wants to reply .
A new mode-locked laser resonator
The influence of injection-seeding on giant pulse setup time , beam - spot mode , and energy is observed experimentally .
The experimental results have shown that this technique is suitable for obtaining quantitative information from a digitized image in diesel spray field .
A laser huge pulse irradiates on aluminium plates to cause ultrasonic waves . The waveform of the rear surface displacement produced by ultrasounds is detected with optical homodyne .