
jù zhù
  • A masterpiece;great work;monumental work
巨著 [jù zhù]
  • [monumental work] 篇幅长或内容丰富给人深刻印象的著作

  • 一部六卷本巨著

巨著[jù zhù]
  1. 这部史学巨著凝聚着许多学者的智慧。

    This monumental work on history has brought together the wisdom of many scholars .

  2. 作为耗时三十年而独立完成的一部煌煌巨著,该书在我国40年代出版的词典中独具特色,在现代辞书史上具有重要的历史地位。

    As a monumental work , taking thirty years to finish , the dictionary has a very important place in the history of modern lexicographical work in China for its unique style among the dictionaries compiled in the 1940s .

  3. 他仍然有这样的错觉,以为自己撰写了一部巨著。

    He 's still labouring under the impression that he 's written a great book .

  4. 他写信告诉埃利奥特他脑海中正在酝酿的一本“巨著”。

    He wrote to Eliot about a ' big book ' that was germinating in his mind .

  5. 《战争与和平》是列夫·托尔斯泰的长篇巨著。

    ' War and Peace ' is a great novel by Leo Tolstoy .

  6. 这无疑是一部学术巨著。

    This is undoubtedly a magnificent work of scholarship .

  7. 博物馆藏有托尔斯泰的长篇巨著《战争与和平》。

    The museum houses tolstoy 's epic work war and peace .

  8. 这部巨著历时十年始告成。

    This magnum opus took ten years to complete .

  9. 他所写的包括《皇家巴黎面包师》和宏伟的五卷巨著《法国烹饪艺术系列》(1833-1847,在他死后完成)在内的烹任指南首次将很多烹饪的基本原理系统化,并且书中还配有插图和每一步的操作指南。

    His manuals including The Royal Parisian Baker and the massive five-volume Art of French Cooking Series ( 1833-1847 , completed after his death ) first systematized many basic principles of cooking , complete with drawings and step-by-step directions .

  10. 教授写了一部有关拿破仑的巨著。

    The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon .

  11. 这本手册的篇幅堪与乔治·RR·马丁的巨著媲美,因此手册内容不可谓不详实。

    At George R. R. Martin length , the document is thorough to say the least .

  12. 但如果结果是永久性丧失经济产出正如克里斯托弗道(christopherdow)在其巨著《大衰退》(majorrecessions)中所说,那么,这些指导方针将暂时被抛弃。

    But if the alternative is output that would be lost for ever ( as Christopher Dow maintained in his mammoth work major recessions ) then the guidelines should give way for the time being .

  13. 它是一个爱国主义巨著,叙述了Manas,他的后裔以及他的追随者的事迹,他们在九世纪反对维吾尔族入侵,从而捍卫了吉尔吉斯斯坦的独立。

    It is a patriotic work recounting the exploits of Manas and his descendants and followers , who fought against the Uyghurs in the ninth century to preserve Kyrgyz independence .

  14. 2008年在墨西哥度假期间,米兰达开始读罗恩·彻尔努(RonChernow)的传记巨著《亚历山大·汉密尔顿》,这本书在2004年得到美国国家书评奖提名,并获得乔治·华盛顿图书奖。

    While on vacation in Mexico in 2008 , Miranda cracked Ron Chernow 's doorstop biography , " Alexander Hamilton , " " which was nominated in 2004 for the National Book Critics Circle award and won the George Washington Book Prize .

  15. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  16. 我第一次熟悉用上帝的赐予来理解阿加比,这个概念是在读一本巨著的时候,那是Parkerson主教写的,他好像姓尼格伦?

    My first acquaintance about the idea of agape of God 's bestow came to me in a great work by a Parkerson bishop , the bishop of Lane , whose name was Nygren ?

  17. 一部巨著&评《激光测量学》

    A great book-comment on the book : 《 laser surveying 》

  18. 你没有钻劲,无法欣赏这类文学巨著。

    You 're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this .

  19. 你失去重心,你大意失足跄踉跌进那部旷世巨著

    You lose your grip , and then you slip into the masterpiece

  20. 到1980年底,他已完成了他的巨著。

    He had finished his great works by the end of 1980 .

  21. 小小字母构成点滴思想,点滴思想变成宏篇巨著;

    Little letters form a thought , Little thoughts , a book ;

  22. 《呼啸山庄》被认为是英国文学史上的一部巨著。

    Wuthering Heights is considered to be a masterpiece in English literature .

  23. 她最近的巨著是今年到目前为止最畅销的书。

    Her latest blockbuster is the best-selling book so far this year .

  24. 世界上历久不衰的文学巨著乃是小国的杰作;

    The most enduring literature of the world came from little nations ;

  25. 达尔文在他的巨著中曾论述过这种动物。

    Charles Darwin wrote about this animal in his essays .

  26. 奈德阖上梅利恩的巨著,传他进来。

    Ned closed Malleon 's tome and bid him enter .

  27. 作为艺术哲学,黑格尔的《美学》不愧为一部集大成的巨著。

    As art philosophy , Hegel 's is worthy of a great writing .

  28. 就算仅仅是一本关于丑闻的书,也很可能要写成一部洋洋巨著。

    A book about the scandals alone would risk being biblical in scope .

  29. 这位作家用毕生的精力完成了这部巨著。

    It took the writer all his life to finish the great work .

  30. 《圣经》不仅是一部神学经典,亦是一部文学巨著。

    Bible is not only a theology classics but also a literary masterpiece .