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  • 网络idea of justice
  1. 长期以来公正是社会学、政治学和伦理学中的基本概念,现在逐渐把公正观念纳入环境管理中,提出环境公正的概念。

    For a long time , justice is a basic conception of sociology , politics and ethics . Now the idea of justice is brought into environment management , the notion of environment justice was posed .

  2. 公正观念则是一种涉及道德判断和价值选择的相对观念。

    Justice is relative concept refering to moral judgment and value selection .

  3. 但超巨额基金所规定的严厉措施是同尽人皆知的公正观念相违背的。

    But superfund 's draconian liability rules offend any common-sense notion of justice .

  4. 少年儿童公正观念发展调查

    An Investigation of the Children 's Concepts of Justice : A Comparison with the Piaget Data

  5. 确立无罪推定原则与否反映不同的司法公正观念。

    To or not to affirm the principle of presumption of innocence reflects different views on judicial justice .

  6. 与抽象的公正观念不同,马克思主义对于个人发展机会公正的认识是与历史精神融为一体的。

    Different from abstract justice concepts , the recognition of individual development opportunity justice in Marxism combines with the spirits of history .

  7. 随着社会的发展,“文书审”逐渐演变为现代文书证据规则,而这也体现了司法公正观念的变化。

    With the developments of the British society , the Trial by Charters gradually evolved into the modern rules of documentary evidence .

  8. 希望在此基础上能够为全国各族儿童和青少年的公正观念的发展及其教育提供一些可用的参考。

    On the basis , it may offer some available references for the justice development of the children and the youth all over China .

  9. 帕累托最优原理、经济学的公正观念与刑事和解制度主张的所有人的正义和无害正义相一致。

    Pareto Optimality Principle and the justice idea of economics is consistent with the justice enjoyed by and unoffending justice proposed by the criminal reconciliation system .

  10. 在对个人发展机会的认识上,要树立科学的公正观念,促进个人对发展机会的大胆追求。

    In the recognition of individual development opportunity , the scientific and just concept must be set up , which will promote the individuals to pursue the developing opportunity .

  11. 在执行中贯彻穷尽原则,对重树公正效率观念,诠释法律裁判的权威,提高当事人风险防范意识大有裨益。

    Using the limit principle in the enforcement can bring great benefits to establish the idea of justice and efficiency , to ex-pound the authority of legal decision and enhance the parties ' precaution of risk .

  12. 公正平等的观念,必须加以灵活运用。

    In the application of the concept of fair play , there must be real flexibility .

  13. 对我国目前司法鉴定立法存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出通过司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人的独立和中立实现司法鉴定公正的价值观念。

    The paper analyzes the main problems existing in our legislation of expert testimony and puts forward the values of realizing the impartiality of expert testimony by the independence and neutrality of expert testimony organization and expert witness .

  14. 公正心和平等观念又出了什么问题?

    Whatever happened to the fairness in equality ?

  15. 所以说,面临我们这一代的另一个挑战,就是建立起全球性的机构,来反映我们公正、负责的观念,而不是过往几年金融发展最后阶段不牢靠的地基。

    So another challenge for our generation is to create global institutions that reflect our ideas of fairness and responsibility , not the ideas that were the basis of the last stage of financial development over these recent years .

  16. 社会秩序·制度理性·公正理想&西方思想文化中公正观念之范式沿革(上)

    Social Order , System Rationality and Justice Ideal & Theories of Justice in Western Ideology and Culture ;

  17. 第四章:当代社会发展中公正原则的实现。公正原则还只是观念上的公正和形式上的公正,要想变成事实上的公正,还需要一定的条件、中介。

    The fourth chapter : the realization of justice in I modern society .

  18. 司法公正观新议&人身危险性进入司法领域对传统公正观念的冲击

    New Concept of Justice Proposed & Impact of Dangerousness in the Judicial Area on the Concept of Traditional Justice