- 网络idea of justice

For a long time , justice is a basic conception of sociology , politics and ethics . Now the idea of justice is brought into environment management , the notion of environment justice was posed .
Justice is relative concept refering to moral judgment and value selection .
But superfund 's draconian liability rules offend any common-sense notion of justice .
An Investigation of the Children 's Concepts of Justice : A Comparison with the Piaget Data
To or not to affirm the principle of presumption of innocence reflects different views on judicial justice .
Different from abstract justice concepts , the recognition of individual development opportunity justice in Marxism combines with the spirits of history .
With the developments of the British society , the Trial by Charters gradually evolved into the modern rules of documentary evidence .
On the basis , it may offer some available references for the justice development of the children and the youth all over China .
Pareto Optimality Principle and the justice idea of economics is consistent with the justice enjoyed by and unoffending justice proposed by the criminal reconciliation system .
In the recognition of individual development opportunity , the scientific and just concept must be set up , which will promote the individuals to pursue the developing opportunity .
Using the limit principle in the enforcement can bring great benefits to establish the idea of justice and efficiency , to ex-pound the authority of legal decision and enhance the parties ' precaution of risk .
In the application of the concept of fair play , there must be real flexibility .
The paper analyzes the main problems existing in our legislation of expert testimony and puts forward the values of realizing the impartiality of expert testimony by the independence and neutrality of expert testimony organization and expert witness .
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality ?
So another challenge for our generation is to create global institutions that reflect our ideas of fairness and responsibility , not the ideas that were the basis of the last stage of financial development over these recent years .
Social Order , System Rationality and Justice Ideal & Theories of Justice in Western Ideology and Culture ;
The fourth chapter : the realization of justice in I modern society .
New Concept of Justice Proposed & Impact of Dangerousness in the Judicial Area on the Concept of Traditional Justice