
  1. 你只能在支会公务费用时使用公司信用卡。

    You can use your corporate card for OCS expenses only .

  2. 为加强对公务费用支出的控制,保证费用支出的合理性,根据公司财务总监的指示,特制定本规定。

    We make this regulation according to the order of financial majordomo for controlling the official expense payout , insuring the logical expense payout .

  3. 蓝皮书还显示,公众要求政府应给公务宴请费用更高的透明度。

    The bluebook also found that public opinion demands greater transparency with regard to government expenditure on entertaining guests .

  4. 货币化模式偏重于用货币资金发放替代公款支付公务用车费用,期望通过货币的私人化拥有,达到节省费用的目的,实际效果是一边领导个人变相增加收入,一边公款通过隐蔽渠道继续支付公车费用。

    Monetization models focused on monetary funds issued substitute expense official car cost , expected through currency private owned , save the cost , the actual effect is the side leading individuals in increasing income , while funds through covert channels continue to pay the bus fee .

  5. 公务用车维护费用高、公车私用现象严重、使用效率低下、超编屡禁不止是目前中国公务用车的主要问题。

    High maintenance costs , official cars for private use , rare use , and excessiveness are four major problems in the current official car fleet .

  6. 公司内部网使员工得以在任何时候通过网络接受培训,安排公务旅行及登记费用开支。

    Corporate intranets now allow staff to access training at any time and make travel arrangements and file expenses on-line .

  7. 规定信用贷款的最高限额,并延伸至满足公司员工所有公务旅行相关的费用。

    Line of credit that is extended to a corporation for travel related purposes to meet employee expenses for business travel .

  8. 社会化模式将现有公务用车整建制转为经营性实体,公务用车实行货币化管理,按不同级别发放交通费用,再由个人支付公务用车费用。

    Socialization patterns existing official car whole organizational system to business entities , official car practiced the monetary management , according to the different level of paid traffic expenses , to pay by the individual official car expenses .