
  • 网络capital cost;capital expenditure;capex
  1. 而污水处理工艺在很大程度上决定了污水处理厂的投资、基建费用、用地和运行管理费用。

    In the most extend , the treatment processes play a very important role on total investment , such as capital cost , land area occupation , operation and management cost .

  2. 在满足出水质量的条件下,建立了以基建费用和若干年运行费用之和为目标函数的最优化设计方案。

    An optimal scheme , in which the total capital cost and certain years operating cost is adopted as a goal function , is put forward when the requirement of effluent quality is met .

  3. 对于等量城市污水,采用一级处理的基建费用和运行费用约为采用二级生化处理的25%和30%,而一级处理对BOD5和SS的去除率分别为20%~40%和50%~60%。

    For same quantity of municipal wastewater , construction cost and operation cost using enhanced primary treatment will be only 25 % and 30 % respectively of that using secondary treatment , and result in BOD5 and SS removal rate of 20-40 % and 50-60 % .

  4. 但因高额的基建费用和运行管理费用,限制了其应用推广。

    However , high infrastructure costs and operational management costs limit its application .

  5. 印度政府呼吁私营企业跟政府共同承担基建费用。

    The government is calling on the private sector to share the task .

  6. 火电机组基建费用的灰色预测与优化决策研究

    Gray Forecasting Optimal Decision-making on the Capital Construction Cost of Thermal Power Generating Units

  7. 其基建费用约1.2万元/(米~3·时),运行费用约0.15~0.20元/米~3。

    The cost of construction is 0.15 ~ 0.20 yuan / m ~ 3 .

  8. 基建费用低,运行费用和传统污水深度处理工艺相差不多。

    For the IMB facility the investment is lower than and the operation expense is similar to the traditional advanced treatment .

  9. 研究、开发和应用占地小、基建费用低、能耗低的污水处理工艺,是目前城市污水处理工艺发展的方向。

    Innovative low cost , energy and space efficient sewage treatment processes are necessary to deal with the sewage treatment issue in China .

  10. 同时废水处理工艺基建费用高,运行费用大而使得很多废水处理技术难以得到推广。

    Simultaneously , because the expenditure of capital construction and runing is costly , a lot of wastewater treatment processes are difficult to be used abroad .

  11. 传统的好氧生物法处理由于能耗高、基建费用高而没有广泛的用于小城镇污水的处理。

    The traditional aerobic biologic technology is not widely used to treat the small town sewage because of its high energy consumption and high capital expenditure .

  12. 税收征收成本是税收征管活动中付出的人员经费、公用经费、基建费用和其它费用等的总称。

    Tax collection cost is a general term which is paid by tax collection activities , staffing and funding , public funds , infrastructure costs and other costs .

  13. 因此,地方政府除承担高额基建费用外,还需承担污水处理厂的运营费用。

    Therefore , the local governments not only had to undertake the high costs of infrastructure , but also should undertake the operating costs of sewage treatment plants .

  14. 人工湿地作为一种处理费用和基建费用低的环境友好型污水处理替代技术受到了重视,它利用植物-土壤-微生物复合系统处理污水。

    Surface flow wetland was a new developing technology using soil-plant-microorganism system to treat wastewater as a little cost technology in both capital investment and operation and environment-friendly .

  15. 由于厌氧生物处理装置可以构筑于地下,节省基建费用,减少了初期投资,并且动力消耗低,可以大大降低废水处理成本。

    Since anaerobic process device can be constructed underground , the procedure can greatly cut down the cost of waste water treatment by reducing the embryonic investment and the power consumption .

  16. 其中蛋型消化池具有基建费用低、能量消耗少、混合效果好等优点。

    Egg shaped anaerobic digester will be used more and more widely in the large scale sludge treatment , because of its lower construction cost , lower energy demand and better mixing properties .

  17. 本文以管道基建费用,液体输送电费和泵站基建费用来建立管道液流的经济流速模型。

    Based on the capital construction cost of pipeline , power cost of liquid transfer and the capital construction cost of pump stations , the article sets up the economic flow velocity model of pipeline fluid .

  18. 污水处理厂的处理规模是影响工艺选择、基建费用和运行管理费用的决定性因素,而地下水的渗入量又是影响处理规模的重要因素。

    Treatment scale is a decisive factor determining the technical process , construction cost and operation expenses of a wastewater treatment plant . The quantity of groundwater infiltration is an important factor affecting the treatment scale .

  19. 通过对两套方案的可行性分析和技术经济分析,选择其中一个处理效果可靠、基建费用低而且运行费用又较省的处理方法,作为最终的选择方案。

    On the basis of analyses on the feasibility and technical economy , a scheme , which has the virtues that its treatment effect is in condition and its investment and operating cost is less , will be adopted .

  20. 随着污水排放标准不断提高,污水厂需改造处理工艺以满足稳定达标排放的要求,同时还需进行工艺优化以降低运行成本、节省基建费用和运行费用。

    With the upgrading of wastewater discharge standard , the treatment process of wastewater treatment plant ( WWTP ) needs to be upgraded to meet the discharge standard and the process optimization also need to reduce the operating cost and capital cost .

  21. 人工湿地污水处理系统作为一种新兴的污水处理技术,由于解决了传统污水处理工艺基建费用和运行费用高的问题而发展迅速,特别是在欧美发达国家,这种技术得到广泛应用。

    Constructed Wetlands Treatment system is a new sewage treatment technology , it has developed rapidly because of solving the problem of high capital and operating costs of conventional sewage treatment process , especially in the western developed countries , and this technology is widely used .

  22. 当采用污泥消化时,它可改进消化器的运行并降低其基建投资费用。

    It improves digester cost operation and reduces capital cost wherever sludge digestion is utilized .

  23. 与其它除氧技术比较,钢屑除氧技术具有设备购置费用低,基建投资费用小,运行费用低的特点。

    Get rid of oxygen technology to compare with other , Have equipment low to purchase expenses , investment cost little capital construction have , operate expenses low characteristic .

  24. 新工艺的基建投资费用低,动力消耗少,劳动效率高,设备运行稳定、可靠。

    Comparison of design options denoted that this new process gave such merits as : low plant investment , low energy consumption , high labor efficiency , and stable and reliable operation of equipment .

  25. SBR法由于其工艺简单、运行灵活、基建和运行费用低、耐高盐负荷冲击能力,它特别适合制革废水的处理。

    SBR process is especially suitable to treat tannery wastewater owing to its simplicity , to its operating flexibility , to low capital expenditure and high salt load .

  26. 设备结构简单、处理能力大,降低了基建与生产费用。

    CFS has simpler structure and higher through - put , so the capital investment and production costs are reduced .

  27. 该处理工艺耐冲击负荷能力强,运行稳定,操作简单,基建和运行费用较低。

    The process has many advantages such as high ability , stability in running , simple in operation and low cost .

  28. 结果表明此工艺针对高藻期滦河水水质特点,这两套工艺均具有良好的水质适应性,处理效果显著,基建及运行费用较少。

    The result shows that the two processes had characters of good applicability for water quality during high algae-laden and good treatment efficiency , low cost as well .

  29. 另外,二沉池的污泥回流依靠动力回流,增加了基建和运行费用。

    And ( iv ) the backflow of sludge and nitrified water from the sedimentation tank relies on dynamic system , which increase the cost of construction and operation .

  30. 人工湿地是近20年来发展起来的一种污水处理技术,与传统的污水处理法相比具有基建、运行费用低,操作与维护简单等优点。

    The technology of constructed wetland has been developed in recent 20 years , compared with conventional treatment systems , constructed wetland technology is cheap , easily operated and maintained .