
  • 网络FEE;meeting fee
  1. 可以开住宿费。餐费。电话费。会议费。

    The invoice may included the fee of hotel room , meal , communications , and conference expenses .

  2. 除特邀参会人员外,其他参会人员缴纳会议注册费;

    Except specially invited personnel , the other persons participate the meeting shall pay registration fee .

  3. 注:会议注册费包括会议登记、茶点、午餐、建筑游、宴会及会议场刊。

    Notes : The registration fee included registered , tea , lunch , architectural walking tour , farewell dinner and the brochure .

  4. 还有一些电子邮件为所谓由世卫组织主办的会议索要登记费和旅馆预订费,同时也许诺某些益处。

    Other emails ask for registration fees for conferences allegedly sponsored by WHO and for hotel reservations , again with the promise of certain benefits .

  5. 会议不收取会务费,与会者的交通费和住宿费由所在单位报销。

    The attendance of the workshop doesn 't need fees , but the travel expense and the hotel expense could be submitted by the company .