
  • 网络huitong county;huitong
  1. 会同县位于湖南省西南边陲。

    Huitong County is located in the south-west of Hunan Province .

  2. 陈聚志的三个姐姐和侄女特意从湖南会同县赶来。

    Chen 's three sisters and his niece came for the ceremony from Huitong county in Hunan province .

  3. 湖南省会同县肖家乡毛竹数量化地位指数表的研究

    A study on qualification site index table of Mao bamboo in Xiaojia town , huitong

  4. 桤木×杉木混交林生物量及分布格局研究会同县马尾松与萌芽杉木混交林现状及对策

    The current situation and countermeasures of mixed stands of Pinus massoniana-sprouted Cunninghamia lanceolata in Huitong County

  5. 山区耕地抛荒困境及其原因解读与对策&以湖南省会同县为例

    Dilemma of Idling Arable Land in Mountainous Areas and Its Causes and Countermeasures & Take Huitong County as an Example

  6. 本文介绍会同县18年生杉木人工林生态系统中氮素的分布、转化、消长和循环方面的初步研究。

    This paper presents recent studies on distribution , growth and decline , transformation and cycling of nitrogen in the Chinese fir plantation ecosystem .

  7. 作为一个生态环境良好的山区林业县,会同县有着十分丰富的林业资源,仅有资源是不够的。

    As a good ecological environment of the mountain forest County , Huitong County has a very rich forestry resources , but the only resources are not enough .

  8. 会同县地处湘西,具备生产优质烟叶得天独厚的自然生态条件,历年来在质量检验和工艺论证中一直受到好评。

    Huitong County is situated at the western of Hunan , has possessed of advantageous natural ecological condition that produce sound tobacco , it has received high praise in quality test and technics argumentation in past years .

  9. 2004年3月,根据国家林业局的部署,湖南省在会同县进行了现有的资源林政执法队伍明确为林业综合行政执法机构试点。

    According to the National Forestry Bureau deployment in March 2004 , the experiment site was based on " The resources forestry administration law enforcement troop is the forestry synthesis administration law enforcement agency " in Huitong County of Hunan .

  10. 本办法由上海市海洋局(以下简称市海洋局)会同金山县人民政府组织实施。

    The present Procedures shall be implemented by the Shanghai Municipal Marine Affairs Bureau ( hereinafter referred to as the SMMAB ) jointly with the People 's Government of Jinshan County .