
  • 网络Meeting resolution;conference resolutions
  1. 《古田会议决议》与《谭政报告》关联性分析及其启示

    An Analysis of the Correlation Between Gutian Conference Resolutions and Tan Zheng Report and Its Implications

  2. 刍议古田会议精神与大学生民族精神的培育《古田会议决议》与《谭政报告》关联性分析及其启示

    Spirit of Gutian Meeting and Cultivation of University Students ' Ethos An Analysis of the Correlation Between Gutian Conference Resolutions and Tan Zheng Report and Its Implications

  3. 会议决议仍保密。

    The results of conference are still confidential .

  4. 《古田会议决议》对大学生思政教育方式、方法创新的启示

    Inspirations from Resolution of Gutian Meeting to Innovation of Methods in Ideological Education for College Students

  5. 各委员对该决议得提出协同意见书或不同意见书,并同会议决议一并公布之。

    Other members may present concurring opinions or dissenting opinions , which shall be released along with the resolution .

  6. 特别会议决议以三分之二以上的董事同意方可通过。

    Resolutions at special board meetings shall be passed with the consent of at least two thirds of the directors .

  7. 欧盟已在环境法的许多领域都已开展了立法活动,并有权实施缔约国大会或缔约国会议决议。

    The EC has legislated in most areas of environmental law and is competent to implement most COP / MOP decisions .

  8. 1777年6月14日,大陆会议决议,我们的国旗由13条红白相间的横条组成,

    On June 14 , 1777 , the Continental Congress resolved that our flag shall consist of 13 alternating red and white stripes ,

  9. 这也是有史以来第一次将“严格控制人口增长”纳入了会议决议。

    For the first time ever , " strict control of population growth " was incorporated into the resolutions of such a meeting .

  10. 会议决议重申支持巴勒斯坦人民的正义事业,要求阿拉伯国家继续向巴勒斯坦提供财政援助。

    The meeting 's resolution restated the support for the right cause of the Palestinian people , asking Arab states to go on providing financial aids to Palestine .

  11. 法定人数根据公司章程公司,促使会议决议有效所需的最低权益方数目。

    Quorum The minimum acceptable level of individuals with a vested interest in a company needed to make the proceedings of a meeting valid under the corporate charter .

  12. 债权人会议决议对所有债权人具有约束力,对其决议有异议的债权人有权向法院申诉。

    The resolutions of a creditors ' meeting are bound to all the creditors , those creditors who dissent have the legal right to appeal to the people 's court .

  13. 就在最近,我们又致函联合国,表示我们全面支持哥本哈根会议决议的立场,并且申明中国列入支持《哥本哈根协议》的名单国。

    Not long ago , China once again wrote to the United Nations , expressing that China fully supports the Copenhagen Accord and confirming that China can be included into the list of countries supporting the Copenhagen Accord .

  14. KWS说该机构对气候变化的风险有所知觉,而且已经花了4.2万美元贯彻联合国气候变化会议的决议,以避免气候变化的影响和阻止生物多样性的流失。

    KWS says it is aware of the climate change risks and has spent US $ 42,000 in implementing decisions made at UN conferences on climate change to avert its effects and to stem biodiversity loss .

  15. 我们会议的决议是赞成罢工的。

    The decision of our meeting was for strike .

  16. 一撤销法定会议之决议。

    Revoke resolutions reached at legal meetings .

  17. 债权人会议的决议,对于全体债权人均有约束力。

    Resolutions of the creditors ' meeting shall be binding on all of the creditors .

  18. 居民应当遵守居民会议的决议和居民公约。

    The residents shall observe the decisions of the residents assembly and the joint pledges of the residents .

  19. 会议之决议,应以委员总额过半数之同意行之。

    Any resolution of a commission meeting shall be adopted by consent of a majority of all members .

  20. 蒋介石不愿意遵守政治协商会议的决议和停战令。

    Chiang Kai-shek was not willing to observe the resolutions of the Political Consultative Conference and the cease-fire order .

  21. 塞内加尔和乌干达也支持对穆加贝采取严厉措施,而非盟首脑会议最后决议对穆加贝的态度比较中立。

    Senegal and Uganda also favored strong action against Mr. Mugabe than the relatively neutral position taken in the resolution .

  22. 介绍了ISO/TC67第21届年会组织概况及会议重要决议;

    An introduction is made of the organization of the 21st Annual conference of ISO / TC67 and the important resolutions .

  23. 第一次大陆会议达成决议,英国对任一北美殖民地的攻击将被视为对全体殖民地的攻击。

    The First Continental Congress resol ves that a British attack on any one colony will be regarded as an attack on all of them .

  24. 国民大会只应当按照政治协商会议的决议由各党派共同负责去召集,否则我们将采取坚决反对的态度。

    The National Assembly must be convened jointly by various political parties , in line with the resolutions adopted by the Political Consultative conference ; otherwise we will firmly oppose it .

  25. 前项会议之决议,各以理事、监事过半数之出席,出席人数过半数或较多数之同意行之。

    A resolution of the meeting referred to in the above paragraph needs the attendance of more than one half of the directors or the supervisors and the consent of more than one half or a bigger proportion of the attendees .

  26. 在委员会会议上提出决议案

    Move a resolution at the committee meeting

  27. 总经理执行董事会会议的各项决议,组织领导合营企业的日常经营管理工作。

    The general manager shall carry out the various decisions of the board meeting , and organize and lead the daily management work of the joint venture .

  28. 决议草案敦促联合国遵照今年五月特别会议通过的决议,派遣维和部队到该区去。

    The draft resolution urges the United Nations to send its peacekeeping troops to the region in accordance with the resolution adopted at a special meeting last May .

  29. 任何董事不得以反对董事会会议通过的决议为由拒绝在会议记录上签字。

    No director may refuse to sign the minutes of the minutes of the board meeting on the ground that he objects to any resolution adopted at the board meeting .

  30. 本章程的修改,必须经董事会会议一致通过决议,并报原审批机构批准。

    The amendments to the Articles of Association shall be unanimously agreed and decided by the Board of directors and submitted to the original examination and approval authority for approval .